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SERTIFIKAT PROFESI Certificate Of Profession Nomor : 0410111490120190067 Number of Certificate : 0410111490120190067 Diberikan Kepada : This is to Certify that Nama Lengkap KETHLEEN RIUPASSA Full Name ‘Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : MASOHI MALUKU TENGAH, 20 November 199 Place, Date of Birth Nomor Induk Mahasiswa 04101114901 1853064 ‘Student ID Number Nama Perguruan Tinggi : Universitas Advent Indonesia ‘Name of Institution Jenis dan No, Keputusan Pendirian Perguruan Tinggi : Universitas Advent Indonesia dan 0338/0/1982 Under the law of Profession Program in Higher Education 0338/0/1982 Program Studi Major Dinyatakan telah LULUS UJI KOMPETENSI PROFES! NERS Has passed the Competency Test of Nursing Profession. Berdasarkan Keputusan Panitia Nasional Uji Kompetensi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Keperawatan dan Pendidikan Kebidanan Nomor 680/PUK-Nas/IX/2019 Based on the decision of the National Examination Committe for Nursing and Midwifery ‘Students, Number 680/PUK-Nas/IX/2019 Diterbitkan di Bandung, 03 September 2019 Issue in Bandung, 03 (ee) 09 (oul) 2019 ear) Peoguras Past Peretuan Pera Naioal Indes Pinpaan Perguuas Tiags Indonerin Nationa Nurses Associaton = Central Board (tod of igh Education Ietion) Kena Uwe ‘President Harif Fadhillah AREA KOMPETENSI LULUSAN PENDIDIKAN PROFESI NERS ~~ RANAH/DOMAIN [NERS (Profesi) 1 _| Praktik profesioal,etis, legal dan peka budaya Ethical and professional practice, legal, culture ‘awareness 1 Praktk profesional, etis, legal dan peka budaya Ethical and professional practice, legal, and culture awareness 2 | Manajemen pelayanan dan asuhan keperawatan Service management and nursing care 2 Komunikasi terapeutik dan hubungan Interpersonal dalam pemberian pelayanan dan asuhan keperawatan Theurapeutical communication and interpersonal | relation in service and nursing care 22. Pemberian asuhan dan manajemen asuhan keperawatan pada berbagai area keperawatan: Keperawatan Medikal Bedah, Keperawatan Anak, Keperawatan Maternitas, Keperawatan wa, Keperawatan Komunitas, Keperawatan Keluarga, Keperawatan Gerontik dan Keperawatan Gawat Darurat Delivering the care and the management ofnursing care in diversed area of nursing: ‘medical surgery, children, maternity, mental health, family, gerontik, community, and emergency 23. Penerapan pendekatan proses keperawatan dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan yang ‘meliputi: pengkajian keperawatan, perumusan ddiagnosa keperawatan, penyusunan rencana Intervensi, melaksanakan tindakan keperawatan sesual rencana dan mengevaluas! asuhan tindakan keperawatan Applying an approach to the nursing process in conducting the nursing care that includes nursing assessment, nursing diagnosis formulation, the Interfering plan arrangement, planned nursing behaviour and nursing care evaluation 2A. Kepemimpinan dan manajemen dalam pengelolaan pelayanan keperawatan Leadership ‘and management in the nursing care service and maintenance 25. ‘Melaksanakan berbagal upaya kesehatan yang rmeliput: promotif, preventf, kuratif, rehabiltati Conducting many healthy solution such as romotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative 3 | Pengembangan profesional keperawatan Professional development of nursing Melakukan pengembangan kualitas personal dan profesional Personal and professional quality development Masa Berlaku Sertifikat ini berlaku untuk :5 (ima) Tahun sejak diterbitkan This certificate is valid for: 5 (five) Years after the publication date

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