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Zoom for Breonna Taylor 

July 6, 2020 
Contacts and Scripts  
These scripts are only meant to be a guide. Please add or change anything to reflect your own thoughts. 
Please be aware that inboxes may be full or may not be accepting calls. Several methods of contact are 
listed for most entities.  
Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron​: ​866-524-3672,​ C ​ ontact Form Link​ , 
Hi, my name is ________, and I am contacting you to demand justice for Breonna Taylor. I am 
outraged at the slow pace of the Attorney General’s investigation into the Louisville Police 
Department. I’m calling on Attorney General Cameron and the special prosecutor to act with urgency 
in holding Breonna Taylor’s killers accountable.   
It is an incredible miscarriage of justice that two of the three officers responsible for Breonna’s murder 
have not been fired, and that none of the officers has been charged with murder. I am joining 
Breonna’s family in demanding that ​Jonathan Mattingly and Myles Cosgrove be immediately fired 
from the Louisville Metro Police Department and have ​their pensions revoked. I also demand that 
they, ​along with ​Brett Hankison,​ be arrested, charged, and convicted of murder.  
What happened to Breonna was a complete violation of her constitutional rights, and threatens the 
rights of all American citizens. Attorney General Cameron’s immediate action is necessary. Despite 
almost 4 months of inaction, Breonna’s life matters and I want justice for her.   
Thank you.  
Louisville Metro Police Department: 5​02-574-7111, R
Hi, my name is ________, and I am contacting you to demand justice for Breonna Taylor.  
I am outraged that two of the three officers responsible for Breonna’s murder have not been fired, and 
that none of the officers has been charged with murder. I am joining Breonna’s family in demanding 
that ​Jonathan Mattingly and Myles Cosgrove be immediately fired from the Louisville Metro Police 
Department and have t​ heir pensions revoked. I also demand that​ they, a​ long with ​Brett Hankison,​ be 
arrested, charged, and convicted of murder.  
What happened to Breonna was a complete violation of her constitutional rights, and threatens the 
rights of all American citizens. The Louisville Metro Police Department’s immediate action is 
necessary. Despite almost 4 months of inaction, Breonna’s life matters and I want justice for her.   
Thank you.  
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer​: (502) 574-2003​,​ C ​ ontact Form​, ​Facebook Link ​, ​Twitter Link 
Hi, my name is ________, and I am contacting you to demand justice for Breonna Taylor.  
It is an incredible miscarriage of justice that two of the three officers in your police department who 
are responsible for Breonna’s murder have not been fired, and that none of the officers has been 
charged with murder. I am calling on Mayor Fischer to finally take action in firing ​Jonathan Mattingly 
and Myles Cosgrove from the Louisville Metro Police Department.  
What happened to Breonna was a complete violation of her constitutional rights, and threatens the 
rights of all American citizens. Mayor Fischer’s immediate action is necessary. Despite almost 4 
months of inaction, Breonna’s life matters and I want justice for her.   
Thank you.  
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear: ​502-564-2611, c​ ontact form 
Hi, my name is ________, and I am contacting you to demand justice for Breonna Taylor. I am 
outraged at the slow pace of the Attorney General’s investigation into the Louisville Police 
Department. I’m calling on the governor’s office to urge Attorney General Cameron and the special 
prosecutor to act with urgency in holding Breonna Taylor’s killers accountable.   
It is an incredible miscarriage of justice that two of the three officers responsible for Breonna’s murder 
have not been fired, and that none of the officers has been charged with murder. I am joining 
Breonna’s family in demanding that ​Jonathan Mattingly and Myles Cosgrove be immediately fired 
from the Louisville Metro Police Department and have ​their pensions revoked. I also demand that 
they, ​along with ​Brett Hankison,​ be arrested, charged, and convicted of murder.  
What happened to Breonna was a complete violation of her constitutional rights, and threatens the 
rights of all American citizens. As the leader of Kentucky, it is Governor Beshear’s responsibility to see 
that justice is carried out swiftly in this case.  
Thank you.  

Kentucky United States Senator and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: C ​ ontact Form 
Hi, my name is ________, and I am contacting you to demand justice for Breonna Taylor and 
structural changes to policing in America. 
I am outraged at the slow pace of the Kentucky Attorney General’s investigation into the Louisville 
Police Department. I’m calling on Senator McConnell to publically urge Attorney General Cameron 
and the special prosecutor to act with urgency in holding Breonna Taylor’s killers accountable.   
I am also calling on Senator McConnell to support the Justice in Policing Act and bring it to a floor 
vote. This bill would eliminate legal protections that shield police officers from lawsuits, make it easier 
to hold officers accountable for misconduct, impose a new set of restrictions on the use of deadly 
force, and effectively ban the use of chokeholds. The Republicans' Justice Act is an unacceptably weak 
and toothless bill. Now is not the time for political games and meaningless gestures.  
What happened to Breonna in your state was a complete violation of her constitutional rights, and 
threatens the rights of all American citizens. Your immediate action is necessary. Senator McConnell 
must do whatever is in his power to achieve justice for Breonna Taylor and enact common sense 
policing reforms.  
Thank you.  
Kentucky United States Senator Rand Paul: ​(202) 224-4343,​ ​contact form 
Hi, my name is ________, and I am contacting you to demand justice for Breonna Taylor and 
structural changes to policing in America. 
I am outraged at the slow pace of the Kentucky Attorney General’s investigation into the Louisville 
Police Department. I’m calling on Senator McConnell to publically urge Attorney General Cameron 
and the special prosecutor to act with urgency in holding Breonna Taylor’s killers accountable.   
I am also calling on Senator McConnell to support the Justice in Policing Act and bring it to a floor 
vote. This bill would eliminate legal protections that shield police officers from lawsuits, make it easier 
to hold officers accountable for misconduct, impose a new set of restrictions on the use of deadly 
force, and effectively ban the use of chokeholds. The Republicans' Justice Act is an unacceptably weak 
and toothless bill. Now is not the time for political games and meaningless gestures.  
What happened to Breonna in your state was a complete violation of her constitutional rights, and 
threatens the rights of all American citizens. Your immediate action is necessary. Senator McConnell 
must do whatever is in his power to achieve justice for Breonna Taylor and enact common sense 
policing reforms.  
Thank you.  

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