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Faculty of Computing (FCS)

Riphah International University

Final Term Examinations, Spring 2020 Semester
BSCS (1st, 2nd (A) & 2nd (B) )

CMS : ___________ Name: Subject Name: Discrete Structures

Total Marks : 20 Time Allowed : 3 Hours Instructor: M. Umar Nasir

 You have to submit all answers in word or pdf format on molliem in due time.
 Each question carries 5 marks.
Q.No.1: Draw 2 non-isomorphic graphs five vertex and five edges simple graph with each
vertex carry same degree sequence.
Q.No.2: Use mathematical induction to prove an = nfn where fn is the nth number in the
Fibonacci sequence 0,1,1,2,3,5,8, ……
Q.No.3: Solve the following recursion to find an:
a0 = 2, a1 = 3; 6an = 5an-1 – an-2
Q.No.4: Which pair of the given graphs are isomorphic and non-isomorphic. Explain with a
valid reason.

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