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MANagement is…
ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT • Getting things done through people.

• The process of achieving organizational goals by engaging in

the four major functions of planning & decision-making,
organizing & staffing, directing/leading, and controlling.

• Identifying a “force”/group of people whose job is to direct

the effort and activities of other people towards a common
Prepared by: organizational objective.
• The performance of conceiving and achieving desired results
May 6, 2019 by means of group effort consisting of utilizing resources, that
will determine the success and failure of an organization.

Engineering Management is… Productivity, Effectiveness, and Efficiency

• The process of designing and maintaining an
Productivity is an index that measures output (goods
environment in which, individuals, working together
and services) relative to the input (labor, materials,
in groups, efficiently accomplish organizational
energy, and other resources) used to produce them.
Management applies to any kind of organization. Effectiveness means the capability of producing an
It applies to all managers at all organizational levels. effect. (doing the "right" things)
The aim of all managers is the same; to create a
surplus. Efficiency is a measure of how well a certain aspect is
Managing is concerned with productivity, which performing. (doing the things “right”)
implies effectiveness and efficiency.

Functions of Management Functions of Management

• Planning & Decision-Making • Directing/Leading
 Involves selecting goals and objectives, as well as the  Influencing people so that they will contribute to
actions to achieve them; it requires decision-making, that is organizational and group goals.
choosing the “best” from among alternatives.
• Organizing
 Involves establishing an intentional structure of roles for • Controlling
people to fill in an organization.  Measuring and correcting individual and organizational
 The process of allocating and arranging human and non- performance to ensure that events conform to plans
human resources so that plans can be carried out
 Facilitates the accomplishment of plans.
• Staffing
 Involves filling, and keeping filled, the positions in the
organization structure.  The process of regulating organizational activities so that
 Process by which managers select, train, promotes, and actual performance conforms to expected organizational
retires subordinate. standards.


Management Skills Managerial Levels

• The cognitive ability to see the organization as a Strategic Managers who are ultimately responsible
whole and the relationships among its parts.
TOP for the entire organization. Typical titles include
CEO, COO, CFO, “President”, “Executive Vice
President”, “Executive Director”, “Senior Vice
President”, or “Vice President”.

• The ability to work with and through other people Tactical Managers located beneath the top levels
Human Skill and to work effectively as a group member.
MIDDLE of the hierarchy who are directly responsible for
the work of managers at lower levels. Titles
include “Manager”, “Director of”, “Chief”,
“Department Head”, and “Division Head”.

• The understanding of and proficiency in the Operational Managers at the lowest level of
performance of specific tasks.
FIRST-LINE the hierarchy who are directly responsible for
the work of operating (non-managerial)
employees. Often have titles that include the
word “Supervisor”.

Is Management a Science or an Art? The Evolution of Management Theory

• Began in the industrial revolution in the late 19th
century as:
Definitions according to Webster's College
Dictionary: - Managers of organizations began seeking ways to
better satisfy customer needs.

Art – “skill in conducting any human activity” - Large-scale mechanized manufacturing began to adopt
small-scale craft production in which goods were
Science – “any skill or technique that reflects a
precise application of facts or a principle” - Social problems were developed in the large groups of
workers employed under the factory system.

- Managers began to focus on increasing the efficiency

of the worker-task mix.

The Evolution of Management Theory The Evolution of Management Theory

• Adam Smith (18th century economist)

– Observed that firms manufactured pins in one of
two different ways:
• Craft-style - each worker did all steps.
• Production - each worker specialized in one step.
– Realized that job specialization resulted in much
higher efficiency and productivity
• Breaking down the total job allowed for the division of
labor in which workers became very skilled at their
specific tasks.


The Evolution of Management Theory The Evolution of Management Theory

• Frederick Winslow Taylor Taylor’s Four Principles of Scientific Management

– “Father "of Scientific Management (systematic 1. Scientifically study each part of a task and develop the
study of the relationships between people and best method for performing it.
tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work 2. Carefully select workers and train them to perform the
process for higher efficiency”) in the late 1800’s to task using the scientifically developed method.
replace informal rule of thumb knowledge. 3. Cooperate fully with workers to ensure that they use
the proper method.
4. Divide work and responsibility so that management is
– Taylor sought to reduce the time a worker spent
responsible for planning work methods using scientific
on each task by optimizing the way the task was principles and workers are responsible for executing
done. the work accordingly.

The Evolution of Management Theory The Evolution of Management Theory

• Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

– Refined Taylor’s work and made many
improvements to the methodologies of time and • Max Weber
motion studies. –Developed the concept of bureaucracy
– Time and motion studies
as a formal system of organization and
• Breaking up each job action into its components.
• Finding better ways to perform the action. administration designed to ensure
• Reorganizing each job action to be more efficient. efficiency and effectiveness.
– Also studied worker-related fatigue problems
caused by lighting, heating, and the design of
tools and machines.

The Evolution of Management Theory The Evolution of Management Theory

Weber’s Principle of Bureaucracy
Weber’s Five Principles of Bureaucracy
1. Authority is the power to hold people accountable for their
2. Positions in the firm should be held based on performance,
not social contacts.
3. Position duties are clearly identified so that people know
what is expected of them.
4. Lines of authority should be clearly identified such that
workers know who reports to who.
5. Rules, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and norms
guide the firm’s operations.


The Evolution of Management Theory The Evolution of Management Theory

• Henri Fayol Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management

1. Division of work – divide work into specialized tasks
and assign responsibilities to specific individuals.
– Synthesized various tenets or principles of 2. Authority – delegate authority along with
organization and management responsibility.
3. Discipline – make expectations clear and sanction
– He published "The Principles of Scientific 4. Unity of command – each employee should be
Management" in the USA in 1911 assigned only to one supervisor.
5. Unity of direction – employees’ efforts focused on
achieving organizational objectives.

The Evolution of Management Theory The Evolution of Management Theory

6. Subordination of individual interest to the general 11. Equity – managers should be kind and fair to their
interest – the general interest must predominate. subordinates .
7. Remuneration – systematically reward efforts that 12. Stability of tenure – management should provide
supports the organization’s direction. orderly personnel planning and ensure that
8. Centralization – determine the relative importance replacements are available to fill vacancies.
of superior and subordinate roles. 13. Initiative – employees who are allowed to originate
9. Scalar chain – keep communications within the and carry out plans will exert high levels of effort .
chain of command. 14. “Esprit de corps” – promoting team spirit will build
10. Order – order jobs and material so they support harmony and unity within the organization.
the organization’s direction.

Approaches to Management Approaches to Management

1. Empirical or Case Approach 5. Re-engineering Approach
 Studies experience through cases.  Concerned with fundamental re-thinking, process analysis, radical
 Identifies successes and failures. re-design, and dramatic results.
2. Contingency or Situational Approach 6. Systems Approach
 Managerial practice depends on circumstances (i.e., a contingency or a  Systems have boundaries, but they also interact with the external
situation). environment; that means organization are open systems.
 Contingency theory recognizes the influence of given solutions on  Recognizes the importance of studying interrelatedness of planning,
organizational behavior patterns. organizing, and controlling in an organization as well as in the many
3. Mathematical or “Management Science” Approach subsystems.
 Sees managing as mathematical processes, concepts, symbols, and models. 7. Socio-technical Approach
 Looks at management as a purely logical process, expressed in  Technical system has a great effect on the social system (personal
mathematical symbols and relationships.
attitudes, group behavior).
4. Decision Theory Approach
 Focuses on production, office operations, and other areas with close
 Focuses on the making of decisions, persons or groups making decisions, relationships between the technical system and people.
and the decision-making process.
 Some theorists use decision making as a springboard to study all enterprise
activities. The boundaries are no longer clearly defined.


Approaches to Management Approaches to Management

8. Group Behavior Approach 11. McKinsey’s 7-S Framework
 Emphasizes behavior of people in groups.  The seven S’s are (1) strategy, (2) structure, (3) systems, (4) style, (5)
 Based on sociology and social psychology. staff, (6) shared values, and (7) skills.
 Primarily studies group behavior patterns. 12. Total Quality Management Approach
 The study of large groups is often called organizational behavior.  Focuses on providing dependable, satisfying products and services
9. Interpersonal Behavior Approach (Deming) or products or services that are fit for use (Juran), as well
as conforming to its quality requirements (Crosby).
 Focuses on interpersonal behavior, human relations, leadership, and 13. Management Process or Operational Approach
 Based on individual psychology.  Draws together concepts, principles, techniques, and knowledge
from other fields and managerial approaches.
10. Cooperative Social Systems Approach 14. Managerial Roles Approach
 Concerned with both interpersonal and group behavioral aspects  Original study consisted of observations of five chief executives.
leading to a system of cooperation.
 Expanded concept includes any cooperative group with a clear  On the basis of this study, ten managerial roles were identified and
purpose. grouped into interpersonal, informational, and decision roles.

The Managerial Roles Approach: 10 Specific Managerial Roles

Interpersonal Roles
• Managerial Roles
1. Interpersonal Roles – grow directly out of the
authority of a manager’s position and involve
developing and maintaining positive relationships Role Description
with significant others.
Figurehead Performs symbolic duties of a legal
or social nature.
2. Informational Roles – pertain to receiving and
transmitting information so that manager can serve Leader Builds relationships with
subordinates and communicates
as the nerve centers of their organizational units.
with help and information.
Liaison Maintains networks of contacts
3. Decisional Roles – involve making significant decisions outside work unit who provide help
that affect the organization. and information.

10 Specific Managerial Roles 10 Specific Managerial Roles

Informational Roles Decisional Roles

Role Description
Role Description
Acts as initiator, designer, and encourager of
Entrepreneur change and innovation.
Monitor Seeks internal and external
Takes corrective action when organization
informational about issues that can Disturbance Handler faces important, unexpected difficulties.
affect organization.
Distributes resources of all types including
Transmits information internally Resource Allocator
Disseminator time, funding, equipment, and human
that is obtained form either internal
or external sources. Negotiator Represents the organization in major
negotiations affecting the manager’s areas
Spokesperson Transmits information about the of responsibility.
organization to outsiders.


Management Styles Management Styles

• Administrators • Time Servers
 Administrators look to company rules and regulations for  These are generally older mangers who have lost interest in their job
solving all problems. They live by the book and are usually and environment, and are marking time until retirement or moving to
another job.
very good employees. They show total loyalty to the
 They take all necessary action to avoid stress, and maintain a low
organization and have probably been with the company for profile within the company.
many years.  Although these mangers are not generally lazy, their low motivation
 Administrators are usually not very good communicators, means that they do the minimum amount of work needed to hold
using the official company channels for all down a job.
communications, which are often limited to one level  Decisions are avoided since they could lead to mistakes.
upwards and downwards.  Personal status is very important to them.
 They are not good in resolving conflict, looking to company  Time servers usually have good management experience, and if
motivated can become a very valuable asset to the organization.
rules for resolving these. In spite of their rather
mechanistic approach.  They often consider themselves to be “father or mother figures”.
 They understand people and can build an effective team if they try.
 They are generally respected by their staff, and by peers,  They recognize achievements in others and are ready to acknowledge
for their organizational loyalty and knowledge. them.

Management Styles Management Styles

• Climbers • Generals
 These manager are driven by extreme personal ambition  This is usually a younger person who exhibits lots of energy.
and will sacrifice everything, including self and family, to  The general likes to rule and manipulate power, but is
get to the top of the corporate ladder. achievement oriented: power is used to get tasks done.
 They want to achieve and to be seen to have achieved,  Generals work extremely hard, driving themselves and those
especially by those in a superior position. around them.
 Climbers will pursue personal advancement by fair means  Generals are sociable and mix well at all levels. They usually get
or foul. However, they become demotivated if this does their way with peers by overwhelming, although peers can
resent this if it is done too often.
not show quick results, and this can eventually lead to
stress.  Status is important to generals, but for the luxury associated
with it, not as a symbol of seniority.
 Self interests come before those of the organization, and  They are strong-willed individuals, often with the same
peers will be fought in order to gain an advantage and to characteristics as a self-made entrepreneurs.
build an empire.
 Usually they are optimistic about the future, sometimes
 Status is important but only as a sign of seniority. wrongly.

Management Styles Management Styles

• Supporters • Nice Guys
 Supporters maintain a balanced view about the world, the organization,
subordinates, and themselves.  These managers are usually weak-willed and are more
 They are usually experience managers who are knowledgeable in
management techniques and apply them where they can. interested in being liked, by peers and subordinates, than
 Supporters work through people in achieving their aims. in achieving targets.
 They are good at delegation and develop their subordinates by giving them
responsibility.  They do not criticize their subordinates, even when they
 The people working under them are highly motivated. are poor performers, and may in fact support too much, so
 Supporters’ personal technical knowledge is usually lacking, but this
compensated for by the support they themselves receive from the specialists unconsciously retarding their development.
within their department.
 Supporters are good facilitators and are very good in managing change.
 They recognize achievement and reward it.
 They tend to be loners and do not mix well with peers.
 This means that they can often miss out on information from the grapevine, so
that they are not always well-briefed on organizational matters.


• The most fundamental and basic of all management
PLANNING AND • Involves a rational approach in selecting and
DECISION-MAKING achieving goals and objectives and deciding on the
actions to achieve them.
• Strongly implies managerial innovation.
• Bridges the gap from where we are and to where we
want to go.

Close Relationship of Close Relationship of

Planning and Controlling Planning and Controlling
• Planning and Controlling are inseparable.
– They are the Siamese Twins of Management. • Any attempt to control without plans is
New Plans

meaningless, since there is no way for people

Comparing No undesirable to tell whether they are going where they
of plans plans with deviation from
results plans want to go (the result of the task of control)
unless they first know where they want to go
(part of the task of planning).
Figure 1:
Corrective action • Plans thus furnish the standards of control.
Close Relationship of Planning and Controlling

Types of Plans Developing a Vision

1. Visions • Begins with thinking strategically
 A picture of the state of the desired outcome in • About the firm’s future makeup;
the future usually in the long term from current • Forming vision of firm’s future in 5-10 years
time. • Task is to:
 It answers the question “where do we want to • - Inject sense of purpose into firm’s activities;
go?” • - Provide LONG-TERM DIRECTION;
 It is a plan, a goal, an objective. It should be • - Give the firm STRONG IDENTITY;
specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and
• - Decide “WHO we are, WHAT we do, & WHERE we are
time-bound. - headed”


NIKE – vision statement

• "To bring inspiration and innovation to every

VISION STATEMENTS athlete in the world"

AMAZON.COM – vision statement FORD – vision statement

• “To be earth's most customer centric • “To become the world's leading Consumer
company; to build a place where people can Company for automotive products and
come to find and discover anything they services.”
might want to buy online.”

BOEING – vision statement SONY – vision statement

• “Become the dominant player in commercial • To continue to be a leading manufacturer of

aircraft and bring the world into the jet age.” audio, video, communications, and
information technology products for the
consumer and professional markets.


MICROSOFT – vision statement GOOGLE – vision statement

• To create experiences that combine the magic • To develop a perfect search engine.
of software with the power of Internet
services across a world of devices.

MC DONALD’S – vision statement STARBUCKS – vision statement

• “To be the world's best quick service • "To establish as the premier purveyor of the
restaurant. Being the best means providing finest coffee...”
outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and
value, so that we make every customer in
every restaurant smile."

DISNEYLAND – vision statement Types of Plans

2. Purposes and Missions

 Identifies the basic purpose or function or tasks of the

organization or any part of it.

 In every social system, enterprises have a basic function or task

• To be the happiest place on earth. assigned to them by society.

 For example:

 the purpose of a business generally is the production and distribution of goods

and services.

The purpose of the courts is the interpretation of laws and their


The purpose of a university is teaching, research, and providing

services to the community.


COCA-COLA – mission statement NIKE – mission statement

• To refresh the world...

• To inspire moments of optimism and • To lead in corporate citizenship through
happiness... proactive programs that reflect caring for the
• To create value and make a difference. world family of Nike, our teammates, our
consumers, and those who provide services
to Nike"

AMAZON.COM – mission statement MC DONALD’S – mission statement

• To continue to offer quality products and • "be our customers' favorite place and way to
services using the best technology available eat."
and at a reasonable price.

STARBUCKS – mission statement DISNEYLAND – mission statement

• to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one • To make people happy.
person, one cup and one neighborhood at a


Types of Plans TYPES OF OBJECTIVES NEEDED by an Organization:

2. Goals or Objectives • Financial Objectives

 Represent not only the end point of planning, Outcomes that relate to improving
but also the end toward which organizing,
directing/leading, and controlling are aimed.
firm’s financial performance



• Improve returns from each of our existing operating groups.
• Achieve a 20% return on equity.  To achieve return on equity at 20% or above, “real” earnings
• Achieve net sales growth rate of 10% per year. growth averaging 5% or better over time, be a leading
• Maintain an average earnings per share growth rate of 15% marketer of strong consumer brands, and improve the
per year. profitability of low-return businesses or divest them.


• Strategic Objectives • NIKE

 Protect & improve Nike’s position as the number one athletic
brand in America.
Outcomes that will result in greater  Build a strong momentum in growing fitness market.
 Intensify the company’s effort to develop products that
competitiveness & stronger long-term customers need and want.
market position




 To become a low-cost, medium-size gold producer, producing

in excess of 125,000 ounces of gold a year and building gold
 It is defined as the determination of the
reserves of 1,500,000 basic long-term objectives of an
enterprise and the adoption of courses of
action and allocation of resources
necessary to achieve these goals.


Consists of competitive moves &
business approaches to produce successful 1. WHERE ARE WE NOW?

Management’s “game plan” for: 2. WHERE DO WE WANT TO GO?

•Running the business

•Strengthening firm’s competitive position

•Satisfying customers

•Achieving performance targets

Types of Plans Sample - Attendance Policy: No-Fault Point System:

The goal of this attendance policy is to reward good attendance and
eliminate people with poor attendance.
4. Policies It uses a point system, and does not excuse or unexcuse absences.

 General statements or understandings that guide Each absence = 1 point(no multi-day occurrences)
or channel thinking in decision making. Each late in (tardy) or early out = 1/2 point
Each no-show for work = 2 points
 They help decide issues before they become
problems. Each return with no prior call = 1 point
Each absence-free quarter eliminates all points and rewards the
 Make it unnecessary to analyze the same situation employee with a day off with pay.
every time it comes up, and
Each employee starts fresh, with no points, each year.
 Unify other plans, thus permitting other managers Disciplinary Action:
to delegate authority and still maintain control over
what their subordinates do. 7 points = verbal warning
8 points = written warning
9 points = 3 day suspension
10 points = termination


Types of Plans Types of Plans

5. Procedures
6. Rules
 Plans that establish a chronological sequences of required
actions. In handling future activities;  Spell out specific required actions or nonactions.
 Details of the exact manner in which certain activities must be
accomplished.;  Usually the simplest type of plan.

 An example illustrating the relationship between procedures  The essence of rule is that it reflects a managerial
and policies: decision that a certain action must – or must not –
be taken.
 Company policies may grant employees vacations; procedures
established to implement this policy will provide for scheduling  Rules are different from policies in that policies are
vacations to avoid disruptions of work, setting rates of vacation meant to guide decision making by marking off
pay and methods for calculating them, maintaining records to areas in which managers can use their discretion,
ensure each employee of a vacation, and spelling out the means while rules allow no discretion in their application.
for applying for leave.

Types of Plans Types of Plans

8. Budgets
7. Programs
 A statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms.
It may be called a “quantified” plan. In fact, the financial
operating budget is often called a “profit plan”.
 A complex of goal, policies, procedures,
 It may be expressed in financial terms: in terms of labor-hours,
rules, task assignments, steps to be taken, units of product, or machine-hours; or in any other numerically
measurable terms.
resources to be employed, and other
elements necessary to carry out a given  It may deal with operation, it may reflect capital outlays, or it
may show cash flow.
course of action;
 They are also control devices. However, making a budget is
clearly planning. The budget is the fundamental planning
instrument in many companies.
 They are supported by budgets.
 The budget is necessary for control, but it cannot serve as a
sensible standard of control unless it reflects plans.

Steps in Planning Steps in Planning

1. Being Aware of Opportunities 2. Establishing Objectives
• All managers should:  To be done for the long-term as well as for the
 Take at preliminary look at possible future short range.
opportunities and see them clearly and completely.
 Know where their company stands in the light of its  Objective specify the expected results and
strengths and weaknesses. indicate the end points of what is to be done,
 Understand what problems it has to solve and why. where the primary emphasis is to be placed, and
 Know what it can expect to gain. what is to be accomplished.
• Planning requires a realistic diagnosis of the
opportunity situation.  Objectives must be SMART.


Steps in Planning Steps in Planning

3. Developing Premises 4. Determining Alternative Courses
 Establish, circulate, and obtain agreement to  Search for and examine alternative courses of
action, especially those not apparent.
utilize critical planning premises such as  The more common problem is not finding
forecasts, applicable basic policies, and existing alternatives but reducing the number of
company plans. alternatives so that the most promising may be
 Premises are assumptions about the analyzed.
environment in which the plan is to be carried  Even with mathematical techniques and the
computer, there is limit of the number of
out. alternatives that can be thoroughly examined.

Steps in Planning Steps in Planning

5. Evaluating Alternative Courses 6. Selecting a Course
 Evaluate the alternatives by weighing  This is the point at which the plan is adopted –
them in the light of premises and goals. the real point of decision making.

 Occasionally, an analysis and evaluation of

alternative courses will disclose that two or
more are advisable, and the manager may
decide to follow several courses rather than
the one best course.

Steps in Planning Steps in Planning

7. Formulating Derivative Plans 8. Quantifying Plans by Budgeting
 When a decision is made, planning is  Quantify decisions and plan by converting them into
seldom complete, and a seventh step is
 The overall budget of an enterprise represents the
indicated. sum total of income and expenses, with resultant
profit or surplus, and the budgets of major balance
sheet items such as cash and capital expenditures.
 Derivative or action plans are almost  If done well, budgets become a means of adding
invariably required to support the basic various plans and set important standards against
plan. which planning progress can be measured.



Being aware of

Gantt Charts
opportunities Comparing alternatives in

In light of: light of goals
· The market Which alternative will give us
· Competition the best chance of meeting
· What customer want our goals at the lowest cost
· Our strengths and highest profit?

Pert-CPM Chart
· Our weaknesses

Choosing an alternative

Selecting the course of action
Setting objectives or goals we will pursue.
Where we want to be and
what we want to accomplish
and when. • Flow Process Charts
Formulating supporting

Considering planning
Such as plans to:
· Buy equipment
Buy materials
• Cause & Effect Diagrams
· Hire and train workers
In what environment – internal · Develop a new product
or external – will our plans

Quantifying plans by
• Others
making budgets
Developing such budgets as:
· Volume and price of sales
Identifying alternatives · Operating expenses
What are the most promising necessary for plans
alternatives to accomplishing · Expenditures for capital
our objectives? equipment

Figure 2.0
Steps in Planning

Gantt Chart – Work Schedule Gantt Chart – Project Development


New Product

PERT/CPM Chart – PC Card



Cause & Effect Diagram

The TOWS Matrix: A Modern Tool for An Illustration: The Procter & Gamble Company
Analysis of the Situation Profile

• The TOWS Matrix has been introduced for analyzing the The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) boasts boatloads of
competitive situation of the company that leads to the brands. The world's #1 maker of household products courts
development of the four distinct sets of strategic market share and billion-dollar names. It's divided into three
global units: health and well being, beauty, and household
care. The company also makes pet food and water filters and
• The TOWS Matrix has a wider scope and a different produces a soap opera. Some two-dozen of P&G's brands are
emphasis from the business portfolio matrix and SWOT
analysis. billion-dollar sellers, including Fusion, Always/Whisper, Braun,
Bounty, Charmin, Crest, Downy/Lenor, Gillette, Iams, Olay,
Pampers, Pantene, Pringles, Tide, and Wella, among others.
• The TOWS Matrix is a conceptual framework for a
systematic analysis that facilitates matching of the P&G shed its coffee brands in late 2008. Being the acquisitive
external threats and opportunities with the internal type, with Clairol and Wella as notable conquests, P&G's
weaknesses and strengths of the organization. biggest buy in company history was Gillette in late 2005.

Procter & Gamble SWOT Analysis: The TOWS Matrix: A Modern Tool for
STRENGHTS WEAKNESSESS Analysis of the Situation
· New Management · Top Brands Losing Market Share
· Gross Margin 15 Times the Industry Average · Health and Beauty Women Only
· One of the best marketers in the world · Lagging behind in online media presence & leadership
· Diversified brand portfolio: more than 300 brands with more · Missing opportunity: Refuses to manufacture private label Internal strengths (S) Internal weaknesses (W)
than 79 billion in Revenue products for its retail customers Internal e.g., strengths in management, e.g., weaknesses in areas shown
· Tightly integrated with the largest retailers in the US and · Slow Process Heavy Culture operations, finance, marketing, in the “strengths” box.
· Weak brands (Duracell, Iam, Braun, Pringles)
around the world
External research and development,
· Product innovation · Views Product Performance only
· Talented management
· Distribute to 80 Countries
· Distribution channels all over the world
· New Billion Dollar brands
External opportunities (O) SO strategy: Maxi-Maxi WO strategy: Mini-Maxi
(consider risks also) e.g., current Potentially the most successful e.g., development strategy to
and future economic conditions; strategy, utilizing the overcome weaknesses in order to
· Health and Beauty for Men · Substitute brands that have a cheaper price
· Doubling Environmental Goals for 2012 · Private label growth political and social changes; new organization’s strengths to take take advantage of opportunities.
· Adding Value for the Conspiracy · Slowdown in consumer spending in the US & globally products, services, and advantage of opportunities.
· Utilizing online social networks · Key competitors expanding their product portfolios through technology.
· Going Green/Eco Friendly acquisitions
· Capitalizing on online media · Increase in raw material price
External threats (T) ST strategy: Maxi-Mini WT strategy: Mini-Mini
· Continue to divest brands that don't align with the company's · Commodity cost and currency exchange rate placed tremendous e.g., energy shortage, Use of strengths to cope with e.g., retrenchment, liquidation, or
long-term goals (i.e., Folgers) pressure on the business competition, and areas similar to threats or to avoid with threats. joint venture to minimize both
· Emerging markets those shown in the “opportunities” weaknesses and threats.
· New acquisition opportunities
box above.
· Selling directly to consumers
· Design for better product experience


Decision Making
• It is defined as the selection of a course of action
from among alternatives; it is at the core of

• A plan cannot be said to exist unless a decision–a

commitment of resources, direction, or reputation–
has been made.

• Managers sometime see decision making as their

central job because they must constantly choose
what is to be done, who is to do it, and when,
where, and occasionally even how it will be done.

Major Steps in Decision Making Steps in Decision Making

2. Evaluation of Alternatives
1. Identifying Alternatives and the Limiting Factor  This is the point of ultimate decision making, although
 The ability to develop alternatives (by ingenuity, research, and decisions must also be made in the other steps of
common sense), is often as important as being able to select planning—in selecting goals, in choosing critical
correctly among them.
premises, and even in selecting alternatives.
 The manager needs help in this situation, as well as assistance in
choosing the best alternative, is found in the concept of the  Because of complexities in evaluating alternatives,
limiting or strategic factor. newer methodologies and applications and analysis
are needed:
 A limiting factor is something that stands in the way of
accomplishing a desired objective.
 Advantages/ Disadvantages
 The principle of the limiting factor states that, by recognizing and  Strengths/ Weaknesses
overcoming those factors that stand critically in the way of a goal,  Cost-Benefit Analysis (C.B.A.)
the best alternative course of action can be selected.
 Decision Trees

Decision Making under Certainty,

Steps in Decision Making Uncertainty, and Risk
1. Certainty
3. Selecting an Alternative: Three Approaches  In a situation involving certainty, people are reasonably sure about what will
happen when they make a decision. The information is reliable and is
considered to be reliable, and the cause and effect relationships are known.
Bases for selecting from among alternative courses of action

2. Uncertainty
 In a situation of uncertainty, on the other hand, people have only a meager
database, they do not know whether or not the data are reliable, and they very
unsure about whether or not the situation may change.

Reliance on the
How to select from
among Choice made
3. Risk
alternatives?  In a situation with risks, factual information may exist, but it may be
incomplete. To improve decision making, one may estimate the objective
probability of an outcome by using, for example, mathematical models. On the
other hand, subjective probability, based on judgment and experience, may be
Research and

Reference : Management - A Global Perspective by Weihrich and Koontz 11th Edition


Organizing is…
• The identification and classification of required
Organizing and Staffing
• The grouping of similar activities necessary to attain

• The assignment of each group to a manager with the

Source: Management - A Global Perspective authority necessary to supervise it.
by Weihrich and Koontz 11th Edition
• The provision for coordination horizontally (on the
same or a similar organizational level) and vertically
(e.g., between corporate headquarters, division, and
department) in the organization structure.

The Logic of Organizing The Organizing Process

1. Establishing enterprise objectives
2. Formulating supporting objectives, policies, and
plans Feasibility studies and feedback

3. Identifying, analyzing, and classifying the 1. Enterprise


activities necessary to accomplish these 2. Supporting

objectives objectives,
policies, and
3. Identification and
classification of
4. Grouping of
activities in light of
resources and
5. Delegation of
6. Horizontal and
vertical coordination
of authority and
7. Staffing

4. Grouping these activities in light of the human required activities

relationships 8. Leading

and material resources

5. Delegating to the head of each group the 9. Controlling

authority necessary to perform the activities

6. Tying the groups together horizontally and
vertically, though authority relationships and
information flows. Part 2 Part 3 Part 4,5,6
(Planning) (Organizing) (Other Functions)

Organization Formal Organization

• It is a formalized intentional structure of • Formal Organization means the intentional
structure of roles in formally organized
roles or positions. enterprise.
• It includes all the behaviors of all
participants. • A formal organization must be flexible.
• It is the total system of social and • Individual effort in group situation must be
cultural relationships. channeled toward group and organizational


Informal Organization Formal and Informal Organizations

 It is a network of interpersonal relationships that
arise when people associate with each other.

 It can also be described as any joint personal President

activity without conscious joint purpose,

although contributing to joint results. Vice president


 Thus, informal organizations—relationships that Division


do not appear on the organization chart—might Department


include the machine shop group, the sixth floor managers

crowd, the Friday evening bowling gang, and the

morning coffee “regulars”.
Informal organization: Informal organization: Informal organization:
Morning coffee Bowling team Chess group

Organizational Levels and the Span of

Organizational Division: The Department Management*
• While the purpose of organizing is to make human
cooperation effective, the reason for levels of
organization is the limitation of the span of
• One aspect of organizing is the management.
establishment of departments. • In other words, organizational levels exist because
the is a limit to the number of persons a manager
• A department is a distinct area, division, or can supervise effectively, even thought this limit
varies depending on situations.
branch of an organization over which a • A wide span of management is associated with a few
manager has authority for the performance organizational levels; a narrow span, with many
of the specified activities.
* In much of the literature on management, this is referred to as the span of
control. Despite the widespread use of this term, in this lecture span of
management will be used, since the span is one of management and not
merely of control, which is only one function of managing.

Organization Structures with Narrow and Wide

Factors Determining an Effective Span
• The number of subordinates a manager can
effectively manage on the impact of
Organization with narrow spans

underlying factors.
• Aside from such personal capacities as
· Close supervision
· Superiors tend to get too involved in
comprehending quickly, getting along with
Close control
Fast communication between subordinates and
subordinates’ work
Many levels of management
High costs due to many levels
Excessive distance between lowest level and
people, and commanding loyalty and respect,
the most important determinant is a
top level
Organization with wide spans

manager’s ability to reduce the time he or she

spends with subordinates.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
· Superiors are forced to delegate · Tendency of overloaded superiors to become
· Clear policies must be made decision bottlenecks
· Subordinates must be carefully selected · Danger of superior’s loss of control
· Requires exceptional quality of managers


Organization Structure
Organization Structure A functional organization grouping (in a manufacturing company)


1. Departmentation by Enterprise Function Assistant to


Marketing Engineering Production Finance

 It is the grouping of activities according

Market Engineering Production Financial
Research Administration planning planning

Marketing Preliminary Industrial Budgets

Planning Design engineering

to the functions of the enterprise, such Advertising

and Promotion

Sales Mechanical Purchasing Cost

as production, selling, and financing. administration



Statistics and

Packaging General


Advantages: Disadvantages:
· Logical reflection of functions · De-emphasizes overall company objectives
· Maintains power and prestige of major · Overspecializes and narrows viewpoints of
functions key personnel
· Follows principle of occupational · Reduces coordination between functions
specialization · Responsibility for profits is at the top only
· Simplifies training · Slow adaptation to changes in the
· Furnishes means of tight control at the top environment
· Limits development of general managers

Organization Structure Organization Structure

2. Departmentation by Territory or A territorial, or geographic, organization grouping (in a manufacturing company)

Geography Marketing Personnel Purchasing Finance

Western Southwest Central Southeast Eastern

 It is the grouping of activities by area or

region region region region region

territory that is common in enterprises Personnel

operating over wide geographic areas.

Engineering Production Accounting Sales

Advantages: Disadvantages:
· Places responsibility at a lower level · Requires more persons with general manager
· Places emphasis on local markets and problems abilities
· Improves coordination in a region · Tends to make maintenance of economical central
· Takes advantage of economies of local operation services difficult and may require services such as
· Better face-to-face communication with local personnel or purchasing at the regional level
interests · Makes control more difficult for top management
· Furnishes measurable training ground for general

Organization Structure Organization Structure

Customer departmentation (in a large bank)
3. Departmentation by Customer Group President

Corporate Institutional
city banking
banking banking

 It is the grouping of activities that Real estate and


reflects a primary interest in customers. mortgage loans


Advantages: Disadvantages:
· Encourages focus on customer needs · May be difficult to coordinate operations
· Gives customers the feeling that they have an between competing customer demands
understanding supplier (banker) · Requires managers and staff expert in
· Develops expertness in customer area customers’ problems
· Customer groups may not always be clearly
defined (e.g., large corporate firms vs. other
corporate business)


Organization Structure Organization Structure

A product organization grouping (in a manufacturing company)
4. Departmentation by Product President

 It is the grouping of activities according to Marketing Personnel Purchasing Finance

products or product line, especially in multiline,

large enterprises. Instrument

Engineering Accounting Engineering Accounting

Production Sales Production Sales

Advantages: Disadvantages:
· Places attention and effort on product line · Requires more persons with general manager
· Facilitates use of specialized capital, facilities, skills, abilities
and knowledge · Tends to make maintenance of economical central
· Permits growth and diversity of products and services services difficult
· Improves coordination of functional activities · Presents increased problem on top of management
· Places responsibility for profits at the division level control
· Furnishes measurable training ground for general

* Product departmentation is also used in in nonmanufacturing companies.

Organization Structure Organization Structure

5. Matrix Organization Matrix Organization (in engineering)


 It is the combining of functional and

project or product patterns of Chief of

departmentation in the same organization

Design Engineering Engineer Engineer Engineer

structure. Project A

Project B

Project C

Project D

Advantages: Disadvantages:
· Oriented toward end results · Conflict in organizational authority exists
· Professional identification is maintained · Possibility of disunity of command
· Pinpoints product-profit responsibility · Requires a manager effective in human

Line / Staff Authority and Bases of Power

Decentralization 1. Legitimate Power
 It normally arises from and derives from our
Authority and Power cultural system of rights, obligations, and duties
whereby a “position” is accepted by people as
being “legitimate”.
Power is the ability of individuals or groups to 2. Expertness of a person or a group
induce or influence the beliefs or actions of  This is the power of knowledge. Physicians,
other persons or groups. lawyers, and university professors may have
considerable influence on others because they
are respected for their specialized knowledge.
Authority is the right in a position to exercise 3. Referent Power
discretion in making decisions affecting others.  It is an influence that people or groups may
exercise because people believe in them and
their ideas.


Line / Staff Concepts and

Bases of Power Functional Authority
4. Reward Power 1. Scalar principle
 “The clearer the line of authority, the clearer will
 It refers to the power that arises from the be the responsibility for decision making and the
ability of some people to grant rewards. more effective will be organizational
2. Line authority
5. Coercive Power
 The relationship in which a superior exercises
 It is the power to punish, whether by direct supervision over a subordinate.
firing a subordinate or by withholding a 3. Staff relationship
merit pay increase.  It’s nature is advisory.

Decentralization of Authority Delegation of Authority

• Authority is delegated when a superior
Decentralization is the tendency gives a subordinate discretion to make
to disperse decision-making decisions.
authority in an organized • Clearly, supervisors cannot delegate
structure. authority they do not have, whether they
are members, presidents, vice
presidents, or supervisors.

Delegation of Authority The Art of Delegation

The process of delegation involves: Personal Attitudes toward Delegation
1. Determining the results expected from a – Receptiveness
position An underlying attribute of managers who
2. Assigning tasks to the position will delegate authority is a willingness to
3. Delegating authority for accomplishing give other people’s ideas a chance.
these tasks Decision making always involves some
4. Holding the person in that position discretion, and a subordinate’s decision is
responsible for the accomplishment of the not exactly the one a superior would
tasks. have made.


The Art of Delegation The Art of Delegation

• Willingness to let go • Willingness to allow mistakes by subordinates
A manager who will effectively delegate Although no responsible manager would sit idly by
authority must be willing to release them to and let a subordinate make a mistake that would
make decisions to subordinates. endanger the company or the subordinate’s
A major fault of some managers who move position in the company, continual checking on
up the executive ladder—or of the pioneer the subordinate to ensure that no mistakes are
who has built a large business from the ever made will make true delegation impossible.
small beginning of, say, a garage machine Since everyone makes mistakes, a subordinate
shop—is that they want to continue making must be allowed to make some, and their cost
decisions for the positions they have left. must considered an investment in personal

Three (3) Elements of Delegation

The Art of Delegation 1. Responsibility – means that a person is
• Willingness to trust subordinates assigned a task that he or she is supposed to
carry out.
Superiors have no alternative to trusting their
subordinates, for delegation implies a trustful
attitude between them. 2. Authority – means that the person has the
power and the right to give orders, draws upon
resources, and do whatever else is necessary to
• Willingness to establish and use broad controls fulfill the responsibility.
Since superiors cannot delegate responsibility for
performance, they should not delegate authority 3. Accountability – means that the subordinate’s
unless they are willing to find means of getting manager has the right to expect the subordinate
feedback, that is, of assuring themselves that to perform the job and to take corrective action
authority is being used to support enterprise or in the event the subordinate fails to do so.
departmental goals and plans.

Recentralization of Authority and Staffing

Balance as the Key to Decentralization • It is defined as filling, and keeping filled,
positions in the organizational structure.
• Recentralization is centralization of • Work specialization – degree to which the
work necessary to achieve organizational goals
authority that was once decentralized; is broken down into various jobs.
normally not a complete reversal of • Job design – specification of task activities
decentralization, as the authority associated with a particular job (e.g. a job as
an administrative assistant may include typing,
delegated is not wholly withdrawn. filing and photocopying, or it could involve
such activities as coordinating travels and
meetings, investigating trouble spots, and
making decisions about a certain range of


Staffing Job Simplification

Approaches to Job Design
• Job simplification – the process of designing jobs so
that jobholders have only a small number of narrow Job Simplification
activities to perform.
• Job rotation – practice of periodically shifting
workers through a set of jobs in a planned sequence.
Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3
• Job enlargement – the allocation of a wider variety
of similar tasks to a job in order to make it more
• Job enrichment – process of upgrading the job-task
mix in order to increase significantly the potential for
growth, achievement, responsibility, and recognition. Task 1 Task 1 Task 1

Job Rotation Job Enlargement

Job Enlargement
Job Rotation

Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3

Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3

Task 1,2,3 Task 1,2,3 Task 1,2,3

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

Movement of Personnel Movement of Personnel

 RECRUITMENT is the process of encouraging,
inducing, or influencing applicants to apply for a certain • OUTPLACEMENT is the process of helping people who have
vacant position. been dismissed from the company to regain employment
• LAY-OFF is a type of separation, temporary and involuntary,
 SELECTION is the process of getting the most qualified usually traceable to a negative business condition
applicant from among different job seekers. • DISCHARGE is a permanent separation of an employee, at the
will of an employer, if a person is not competent in his job,
 TRAINING is the systematic development of the guilty of breaking rules like delinquency and insubordination,
and other violations
attitude/knowledge/behaviour patterns for the adequate
performance of a given job or task. • RESIGNATION is voluntary and permanent separation of an
employee due to due to low morale, low salary, etc.
• RETIREMENT can either be voluntary or involuntary; if an
 TRANSFER refers to the shifting of an employee from employee retires upon reaching the number of years of
one position to another without increasing his duties, services in a company as provided for by its policies or upon
responsibilities, or pay. reaching the age of 65.
• PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL is the process of defining,
measuring, evaluating, and recording expectations from
 PROMOTION refers to the shifting of an employee to a employee performance.
new position to which both his status and
responsibilities are increased.



It is defined as the process of influencing people so

that they will contribute to organizational and group
Managing requires the creation and maintenance of an
environment in which individuals work together in
groups toward the accomplishment of common

The manager’s job is not to manipulate people but,

rather, to recognize what motivates people.

Human Factors in Managing Multiplicity of Roles

Through the function of leading, managers help  Individuals are much more than a productive factor in
management’s plans.
people see that they can satisfy their own needs
and utilize potential while contributing to the
 They are members of social systems of many organizations;
aims of the enterprise. they are consumers of goods and services, schools, churches,
trade associations, and political parties.
Managers should thus have an understanding
 In these different roles, they establish laws that govern
of the roles assumed by people and the managers, ethics that guide behavior, and a tradition of
individuality and personalities of people. human dignity that is a major characteristic of our society.

No Average Person The Importance of Personal Dignity

 People act in different roles, but they are also
different themselves.
The concept of individual dignity means
 There is no average person. that people must be treated with respect,
no matter what their position is in the
 It is equally important to acknowledge that individuals organization.
are unique—they have different needs, different
ambitions, different attitudes, different desires for
responsibility, different levels of knowledge and skills,
and different potentials.


Consideration of the Whole Person Motivation

 We cannot talk about the nature of people unless we
consider the whole person, not just separate and
distinct characteristics such as knowledge, attitude, A general term applying to the entire
skills, or personality traits.
 A person has them all to different degrees.
class of drives, desires, needs, wishes, and
 The human being is a total person affected by external similar forces.
 People cannot divest themselves of the impact of
these forces when they come to work.
 Managers must recognize these facts and be prepared
to deal with them.

Motivation Models/Theories Motivation Models/Theories

1. Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y Under the assumptions of theory X:

 Two sets of assumptions about the nature of people.
• Employees inherently do not like work and whenever possible,
 Theory X is pessimistic, static, and rigid. Control is
will attempt to avoid it.
primarily external, imposed on the subordinate by the
• Because employees dislike work, they have to be forced,
coerced or threatened with punishment to achieve goals.
 In contrast, Theory Y is optimistic, dynamic, and
• Employees avoid responsibilities and do not work fill formal
flexible, with an emphasis on self-direction and the directions are issued.
integration of individual needs with organizational
• Most workers place a greater importance on security over all
demands. other factors and display little ambition.

Motivation Models/Theories Motivation Models/Theories

In contrast under the assumptions of theory Y: 2. Maslow’s Hierarchy Maslow’s hierarchy of

• Physical and mental effort at work is as natural as rest or play. Needs Theory

• People do exercise self-control and self-direction and if they are

Esteem Needs
committed to those goals.
• Average human beings are willing to take responsibility and  When one set of
exercise imagination, ingenuity and creativity in solving the needs is satisfied, Affiliation or Acceptance Needs

problems of the organization. this kind of need

Security or Safety Needs

• That the way the things are organized, the average human ceases to be a
being’s brainpower is only partly used. motivator. Physiological Needs


Motivation Models/Theories Motivation Models/Theories

4. Frederick Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory
3. Clayton Alderfer’s ERG Theory  Satisfiers are motivators and are related to job content while
 People are motivated by existence needs, relatedness dissatisfiers, also called maintenance, hygiene, or job-
needs, and growth. context factors, are not motivators.
 Existence - concerned mainly with providing basic material  He states that presence of certain factors in the organization
existence. is natural and the presence of the same does not lead to
 Relatedness - individuals need to maintain interpersonal motivation. However, their nonpresence leads to
relationship with other members in the group. demotivation.
 Growth - the intrinsic desire to grow and develop  In similar manner there are certain factors, the absence of
personally. which causes no dissatisfaction, but their presence has
motivational impact.

Motivation Models/Theories Motivation Models/Theories

Comparison of Maslow’s
and Herzberg’s theories of 5. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
Needs Hierarchy
Two-factor theory  People will be motivated to do things to reach a goal
Challenging work
if they believe in the worth of the goal and if they can

Self-actualization Growth in the job
see that what they do will help them in achieving it.
 An employee can be motivated to perform better
Esteem or status Recognition

Affiliation or when there is a belief that the better performance will

lead to good performance appraisal and that this shall
Maintenance factors

Interpersonal relations

Security or safety
Quality of supervision
Company policy and administration result into realization of personal goal in form of some
Job security
Salary reward
Physiological needs

Motivation Models/Theories Motivation Models/Theories

6. The Porter and Lawler Model

Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
– Suggests that levels of motivation are based more
Motivation = Valence x Expectancy on the value that individuals place on the reward.
– The components that effect motivation then, are
called valence (what's important to you) and
expectancy (can you do it).
– Porter and Lawler suggest that perceived
inequality in this model plays a pivotal role in job
satisfaction. Motivation or effort leads to
performance. This performance is followed by
intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. The perceived
equity of those rewards leads to satisfaction.


Motivation Models/Theories Motivation Models/Theories

Porter and Lawler’s
motivation model
7. Equity Theory
Value of
rewards  Motivation is influenced by an individual’s
subjective judgment about the fairness of the
Ability to do a
Perceived reward he or she gets, relative to the inputs,
specified task
rewards compared with the rewards of others.
Performance Inequitable Dissatisfaction
accomplishment reward output
Extrinsic Departure from
Perception of
Balance or Continuation
task required imbalance
at same level
of rewards of output

Perceived effort
and reward
probability More than Harder work
Equitable Reward
reward discounted
Adapted from L. W. Porter and E. E. Lawler, Managerial Attitudes and Performance (Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.,
1968), p. 165.

Motivation Models/Theories Motivation Models/Theories

Equity Theory 8. Goal Setting Theory of Objective setting for

Edwin Locke
• States that when the
goals to be achieved are Planning

set at a higher standard,

employees are
motivated to perform
better and put in and

maximum effort.

Motivation Models/Theories Motivation Models/Theories

9. Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory

 Individuals can be motivated by proper design of 10. David McClelland’s Needs Theory
their work environment and by praise for their  a theory on three types of motivating needs which
performance, while punishment for poor are
performance produces negative results. oNeed for Power
 Hence, the only way to motivate is to keep on oNeed for Affiliation
making positive changes in the external
oNeed for Achievement
environment of the organization.


Motivation Models/Theories Motivation Models/Theories

• People for high need for power are inclined
• People who are social in nature try to affiliate
towards influence and control, like to be at
themselves with individuals and groups, are
the center and are good orators, demanding
driven by love and faith, and like to build a
in nature, forceful in manners and ambitious
friendly environment around themselves.
in life.

• Social recognition and affiliation with others

• They can be motivated to perform if they are
provides them motivation.
given key positions or power positions.

Motivation Models/Theories
Special Motivational Techniques
• People with the need of achievement are
driven by the challenge of success and the fear
1. Intrinsic Motivation
of failure.
 Refers to motivation that is driven by an interest
• They set for themselves moderately difficult or enjoyment in the task itself, and exists within
the individual rather than relying on any external
tasks, are analytical in nature and take pressure
calculated risks.  It may include a feeling of accomplishment and

• Such people are motivated to perform when

they see at least some chances of success.

Special Motivational Techniques Leadership

2. Extrinsic Motivation
Leadership is the art or process of influencing
 Comes from outside of the individual. Common people so that they will strive willingly and
extrinsic motivations are rewards like money and
grades, coercion (the practice of forcing another party enthusiastically
to behave in an involuntary manner by use of threats, toward the
or rewards intimidation, or some other form of
pressure or force), and threat of punishment. achievement of
 Include benefits, recognition, status symbols, and group goals.
money. Competition is in general extrinsic because it
encourages the performer to win and beat others, not
to enjoy the intrinsic rewards of the activity.


Leadership Ingredients of Leadership

1. Power
Good leaders are made not born. If you have the
2. A fundamental understanding of people
desire and willpower, you can become an effective
leader. Good leaders develop through a never 3. The ability to inspire followers to apply their
ending process of self-study, education, training, full capabilities
and experience.
4. The leader’s style
- Jago, 1982
5. The development of a conducive
organizational climate

Approaches to Leadership (1) Trait Approaches to Leadership

Ralph M. Stogdill found that various researchers had
(1) Trait Approach identified specific traits related to leadership ability
(2) Transformational and Transactional Leadership such as:
 5 physical traits (such as energy, appearance, and
(3) Charismatic Leadership height)
(4) Fiedler’s Contingency Approach  4 intelligence and ability traits
(5) Path-Goal Approach 16 personality traits (such as adaptability,
aggressiveness, enthusiasm, and self-confidence), 6
task-related characteristics (such as achievement drive,
persistence, and initiative)
9 social characteristics (such as cooperativeness,
interpersonal skills, and administrative ability)

(2) Transformational and Transactional

(2) Transformational and Transactional Leadership Approaches
Leadership Approaches
 Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
The transformational leadership style occur when one is a great example of a
or more persons engage in such a way that leaders and transformational leader
followers raise one another to higher levels of because he satisfied the needs
of his followers. Instead of
motivation and morality. This is almost like a synergy
riding those needs to power, he
that might exist, whereby everyone gets raised to a remained sensitive to a higher
higher level of performance. purpose.
His vision of leadership went beyond himself. He believed in
satisfying the needs of all that followed him.


(2) Transformational and Transactional (3) Charismatic Leadership Approach

Leadership Approaches
 Charismatic leadership is based on the leader's ability to
• The transactional leadership theory, developed by communicate and behave in ways that reach followers on a
Weber and Bass, is based on the hypothesis that basic, emotional way, to inspire and motivate.
followers are motivated through a system of rewards  According to Robert J. House, charismatic leaders may have
and punishment. certain characteristics, such as:
– being self-confident
– having strong convictions
• The transactional leader's view of the leader - follower – articulating a vision
relationship is one of quid pro quo - or this for that. If – being able to initiate change
the follower does something good, then they will be – communicating high expectations
– having a need to influence followers and supporting them
rewarded. If the follower does something wrong, then – demonstrating enthusiasm and excitement
they will be punished. – being in touch with reality

(5 ) Path-goal Approach to Leadership

(4) Fiedler’s Contingency Approach to Leadership
• This was developed to describe the way that
People become leaders not only because of their leaders encourage and support their followers in
personality attributes but also because of various achieving the goals they have been set by making
situational factors and the interactions between the path that they should take clear and easy.
leaders and group members.
• In particular, leaders:
Based on leadership style --- task-motivated and – Clarify the path so subordinates know which way to go.
relationship-motivated and situation --- leader-member – Remove roadblocks that are stopping them going there.
relations, task structure, and position power. – Increasing the rewards along the route.

(5 ) Path-goal Approach to Leadership Leadership Styles Based on Use of Authority

1. Autocratic Leader
 He commands and expects compliance, is dogmatic and
positive, and leads by the ability to withhold or give
rewards and punishment.
2. Democratic or Participative Leader
 He consults with subordinates and encourages their
3. Free-rein Leader
 He uses power very little, if at all, giving subordinates a
high degree of independence.


Leadership Styles Based on Use of Authority The Managerial Grid

The flow of influence with three leadership
• A well-known approach to defining leadership styles is
Leader the managerial grid, developed decades ago by Robert
Blake and Jane Mouton.
Follower Follower Follower

• The managerial grid has two dimensions: concern for

Democratic or

people and concern for production.

Follower Follower Follower

• Blake and Mouton recognizes five style: 1.1 style, 9.9
style, 5.5 style, 1.9 style, and 9.1 style.
Follower Follower Follower

The Managerial Grid The Managerial Grid

The five resulting leadership styles are as follows:
• Impoverished Management (1, 1)
– Managers with this approach are low on both dimensions and
exercise minimum effort to get the work done from
– The leader has low concern for employee satisfaction and work
deadlines and as a result, disharmony and disorganization
prevail within the organization.
– The leaders are termed ineffective wherein their action is
merely aimed at preserving job and seniority.

The Managerial Grid The Managerial Grid

• Task management (9, 1)
– Leaders are more concerned about production and have less
• Middle-of-the-Road (5, 5)
concern for people.
– Basically a compromising style wherein the leader tries to
– The style is based on theory X of McGregor. The employees’
maintain a balance between goals of company and the needs of
needs are not taken care of and they are simply a means to an
– The leader does not push the boundaries of achievement
– The leader believes that efficiency can result only through
resulting in average performance for organization.
proper organization of work systems and through elimination of
people wherever possible. Such a style can definitely increase – Here neither employee nor production needs are fully met.
the output of organization in short run but due to the strict
policies and procedures, high labor turnover is inevitable.


The Managerial Grid The Managerial Grid

• Country Club (1, 9)

– This is a collegial style characterized by low task and high • Team Management (9, 9)
people orientation where the leader gives thoughtful attention – Characterized by high people and task focus, the style is based
to the needs of people thus providing them with a friendly and on the theory Y of McGregor and has been termed as most
comfortable environment. effective style according to Blake and Mouton.
– The leader feels that such a treatment with employees will lead – The leader feels that empowerment, commitment, trust, and
to self-motivation and will find people working hard on their respect are the key elements in creating a team atmosphere
own. which will automatically result in high employee satisfaction
– However, a low focus on tasks can hamper production and lead and production.
to questionable results.

Communication The Communication Process

A Communication Process Model

• The transfer of information from a sender
to a receiver, with the information being Feedback

understood by the receiver.

Transmission Understandin
Thought Encoding Reception Decoding
of message g

Sender Receiver


The Purpose of Communication The Communication Process

1. To establish and disseminate the goals of an The Purpose and Function of Communication
enterprise. Planning Organizing Staffing Leading Controlling

2. To develop plans for their achievement.

3. To organize human and other resources in the most
effective and efficient way. Communications

4. To select, develop, and appraise members of an

5. To lead, direct, motivate, and create a climate in External environment:
· Customers
· Suppliers
which people want to contribute. · Stockholders
· Governments
· Community
6. To control performance. · Others

The Management Process


Communication in an Organization Communication in an Organization

1. Downward Communication
 It flow from people at higher levels to those at lower levels
in the organizational hierarchy. Information Flow in an
2. Upward Communication
 Travels from subordinates to superiors and continues up
the organizational hierarchy.
3. Crosswise Communication Upward
 It includes the horizontal flow of information (among Downward

people on the same or similar organizational levels) and

the diagonal flow of information (among people at
different levels who have no direct reporting relationships
with one another).

Forms of Communication Forms of Communication

1. Written Communication 2. Oral or verbal Communication

 Primarily refers to spoken verbal communication
 Includes discussion, speeches, presentations,
 Communication in written form
interpersonal communication and many other
 Includes pictograms or visuals, letters, varieties.
memorandums, reports, text messages,  The body language and voice tonality plays a
electronic messages (e-mail). significant role and may have a greater impact on
the listener than the intended content of the
spoken words.

Forms of Communication Communication Methods

3. Nonverbal Communication
 Describes the process of conveying meaning in the
form of non-word messages through e.g. gestures, • Primitive or conventional method
body language, or posture; facial expression and – regular mail (“snail mail”), morse code
eye contact, object communication such as clothing,
hairstyles, architectures, symbols, and infographics, • Use of information technology
as well as through an aggregate of the above. – wired and wireless telephone, fax machine, voice
 Non-verbal communication is also called silent mail, internet (for e-mail, chatting, etc),
language and plays a key role in human day to day teleconference , and videoconference


Tips for Improving Written Communication Tips for Improving Oral Communication
• Use simple words and phrases. • Communicate with a large audience as you would do in a one-to-one
• Use short and familiar words. • Tell a story, an anecdote, and give examples.

• Use personal pronouns (such as “you”) whenever appropriate. • Pause—do not rush. In a discussion, a pause shows that you are listening.

• Give illustrations and examples; use charts. • Use visual aids such as diagrams, charts, overhead slides, and computer
graphic presentations.
• Use short sentences and paragraphs.
• Communicate confidence and create trust. This can be done by strong and
• Use active verbs, such as “The manager plans…” clear voice, good posture, and a smile.

• Use a colorful, specific language and show through your body language
• Avoid unnecessary words. that you are confident and are in command of the situation.
Jonathan S. Bio 2010

• The process of measuring progress
Controlling toward planned performance and, if
necessary, applying corrective
measures to ensure that
Source: Management - A Global Perspective performance is on the line with
by Weihrich and Koontz 11th Edition manager’s objectives.

Controlling Process Controlling Process

1. Setting performance standards The Controlling Process

2. Measuring actual performance Set performance Measure actual Determine

standards performance deviation

3. Comparing performance with the

standard vs. actual, and Standards Within limits

determining deviations
4. Remedying unfavorable deviation by Take corrective
No Yes

taking corrective action Continue work



Measurement of
Establishment of Standards
• Standards are simply criteria of • If standards are clearly & objectively
performance. established and made known to the
performer of a job, then measurement of
• They are selected points in an entire
performance becomes easy.
planning program, at which measures of
performance are made so that managers • The most common means of
can receive signals about how things are measurement are: personal observations,
going and thus, do not have to watch use of statistical data and reports, both
every step in the execution of plans. oral and written.

Correction of Deviations Types of Critical Point Standards

• Managers may correct deviations by:
1. Physical Standards
 Nonmonetary measurements and are
1. Redrawing their plans or modifying their goals;
common at the operating level, where
2. Exercising their organizing function through
reassignment or clarification of duties; materials are used, labor is employed,
3. Additional staffing; services are rendered, and goods are
4. Better selection and training of subordinates; produced.
5. Ultimate re-staffing measure—firing;  May reflect quantities, or qualities; such as
6. Better leading—fuller explanation of the job or labor-hours per unit of output and fastness
more effective leadership techniques. of a color, respectively.

Types of Critical Point Standards Types of Critical Point

2. Cost Standards Standards
 Monetary values & measurements and, like 3. Capital Standards
physical standards, are common at the  Application of monetary measurements to
operating level. physical items.

 Illustrative of cost standards widely used are:  Have to do with the capital invested in the
direct and indirect costs per unit produced firm rather than with operating costs, and
and labor cost per unit or per hour. ( $5/#; are therefore primarily related to the
Php380/day; etc…) balance sheet rather than to the income


Types of Critical Point Types of Critical Point

Standards Standards
5. Program Standards
4. Revenue Standards A manager may be assigned to install a variable
 Arise from attaching monetary values budget program, a program for formally
from sales. following the development of new products,
or a program improving the quality of a
sales force.
 May include such standards as revenue  Although some subjective judgment may
per bus passenger-mile, average sales per have to be applied in appraising program
customer, and sales per capita in a given performance, timing and other factors can
market area. be used as objective standards.

Types of Control Types of Control

1. Preliminary Control (sometimes called feed 2. Concurrent Control – takes place while
forward control) – takes place before plans are being carried out.
operations begin and includes policies, Ex. directing, monitoring
procedures, and rules designed to ensure that
planned activities are carried out properly. 3. Feedback Control – focuses on the use of
information about results to correct
deviations from the acceptable standard
Ex. Inspection of raw materials, proper selection
and training of employees after they arise.
4. Multiple Approaches Control

Management Audits Types of Audits

1. External Audits – occurs when one
• They are means for evaluating the organization evaluates another organization;
used in feedback control in the discovery and
effectiveness and efficiency of various investigation of the savings and loan scandals.
systems within the organization, from 2. Internal Audits – improve the planning process
social responsibility to accounting control. and the organization’s internal control systems;
essential functions include periodic
assessment of a company’s own planning,
organizing, leading, and controlling.


Budgeting Types of Budget

• Budgeting (or budgetary control) – 1. Sales Budget
 Usually data for the sales budget that are prepared
the process of finding out what’s by month, sale area, and product.
being done and comparing the 2. Production Budget
results with corresponding budget  Commonly expressed in physical units, required
information include types and capacities of
data to verify accomplishments or to machines, economic quantities to produce, and
remedy differences. availability of materials.
3. Cost Production Budget
 Information is sometimes included in production
budgets, comparing production cost with sales price
shows whether or not profit margins are adequate.

Types of Budget Comparative Balance Sheets

• It shows the financial picture of a
4. Cash Budget company at a given time. Itemizes 3
 Prepared after all other budget estimates are elements:
completed, shows the anticipated receipts and 1. Assets – values of the various items the corporation
expenditures, the amount of working capital owns.
available, the extent to which outside financing 2. Liabilities – amounts the corporation owes to various
may be required, and the periods and amounts of creditors.
cash available. 3. Stockholder’s Equity – amount accruing to the
corporation’s owners.
5. Master Budget
 Includes all major activities of the business, brings
• Balance Sheet Equation:
together and coordinates all the activities of the  Assets = Liabilities + Stockholder’s Equity
other budgets and can be thought of as a “budget • Profit and Loss Statement
of budgets”.  An itemized financial statement of the income and
expenses of the company’s operations during the
accounting period.

Characteristics of an
Effective Control System
1. Valid Performance Standards
 Standards should be expressed in quantitative
terms, should be objective rather than subjective. DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION
2. Adequate Information to Employees
 Information should be accessible as possible,
particularly when people must make decisions
quickly and frequently.
3. Acceptability to Employees
 Control systems should emphasize positive
behavior rather than trying to control negative
behavior alone.


1) Management is 4) When engineer enters management, what is the most

a) an art c) both an art and science likely problem he finds difficult to acquire?
b) a science d) neither art nor science a) Learning to trust others
b) Learning how to work through others
2) Engineers can become good managers only through c) Learning how to take satisfaction in the work of others
___________. d) All of the above
a) experience
b) taking master degree in management 5) What management functions refers to the process of
c) trainings anticipating problems, analyzing them, estimating their
d) effective career planning likely impact and determining actions that will lead to the
desired outcomes and goals?
3) If you are an engineer waiting to become a manager, a) Planning c) Controlling
what will you do? b) Leading d) Organizing
a) Develop new talents c) Broaden your point of view
b) Acquire new values d) All of the choices

6) What refers to the establishing interrelationships 8) Middle management level undertakes what planning
between people and things in such a way that human and activity?
materials resources are effectively focused toward a) Intermediate planning c) Operational planning
achieving the goal of the company? b) Strategic planning d) Direct planning
a) Planning c) Controlling
b) Leading d) Organizing 9) Strategic planning is undertaken in which management
7) What refers to the management function which is to a) Lower management level
encourage others to follow the example set for them, b) Middle management level
with great commitment and conviction? c) Top management level
a) Staffing c) Controlling d) Lowest management level
b) Motivating d) Leading

10) If you are appointed as a division manager, your first 12) What refers to a description of whether the
task is most likely to objectives are accomplished?
a) set goals a) Efficiency
b) determine the resources needed b) Effectiveness
c) set a standard c) Ability to manage
d) Develop strategies and tactics d) Decision-making ability

11) What is the disadvantage of free-rein style of 13) The process of partitioning an organization into
leadership? subunits to improve efficiency is known as _________.
a) Little managerial control and high degree of risk a) division of labor
b) Time consuming and cost ineffective b) segmentation
c) Little ideas from subordinates in decision-making c) departmentalization
d) All of the choices d) territorialization


14) When structuring an organization, the engineer 1) Management is

manager must be concerned with the determining the a) an art c) both an art and science
scope of work and how it is combined in a job. This b) a science d) neither art nor science
refers to _____________.
a) division of labor 2) Engineers can become good managers only through
b) delegation of authority ___________.
c) departmentalization a) experience
d) span of control b) taking master degree in management
c) trainings
15) What refers to a process of influencing and d) effective career planning
supporting others to work enthusiastically toward
achieving objectives? 3) If you are an engineer waiting to become a manager,
a) Power c) Leadership what will you do?
b) Teamwork d) Charisms a) Develop new talents c) Broaden your point of view
b) Acquire new values d) All of the choices

4) When engineer enters management, what is the most 6) What refers to the establishing interrelationships
likely problem he finds difficult to acquire? between people and things in such a way that human and
a) Learning to trust others materials resources are effectively focused toward
b) Learning how to work through others achieving the goal of the company?
c) Learning how to take satisfaction in the work of others a) Planning c) Controlling
d) All of the above b) Leading d) Organizing

5) What management functions refers to the process of 7) What refers to the management function which is to
anticipating problems, analyzing them, estimating their encourage others to follow the example set for them,
likely impact and determining actions that will lead to the with great commitment and conviction?
desired outcomes and goals? a) Staffing c) Controlling
a) Planning c) Controlling b) Motivating d) Leading
b) Leading d) Organizing

8) Middle management level undertakes what planning 10) If you are appointed as a division manager, your first
activity? task is most likely to
a) Intermediate planning c) Operational planning a) set goals
b) Strategic planning d) Direct planning b) determine the resources needed
c) set a standard
9) Strategic planning is undertaken in which management d) Develop strategies and tactics
a) Lower management level 11) What is the disadvantage of free-rein style of
b) Middle management level leadership?
c) Top management level a) Little managerial control and high degree of risk
d) Lowest management level b) Time consuming and cost ineffective
c) Little ideas from subordinates in decision-making
d) All of the choices


12) What refers to a description of whether the 14) When structuring an organization, the engineer
objectives are accomplished? manager must be concerned with the determining the
a) Efficiency scope of work and how it is combined in a job. This
b) Effectiveness refers to _____________.
c) Ability to manage a) division of labor
d) Decision-making ability b) delegation of authority
c) departmentalization
13) The process of partitioning an organization into d) span of control
subunits to improve efficiency is known as _________.
a) division of labor 15) What refers to a process of influencing and
b) segmentation supporting others to work enthusiastically toward
c) departmentalization achieving objectives?
d) territorialization a) Power c) Leadership
b) Teamwork d) Charisms


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