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Safe Handling of Compressed Gases

in Laboratory and Plant

Before we are allowed to drive a car, most states require proof of our ability to drive. To become a proficient and safe
driver, one must have skill, judgment, and driver education. We do not always consider that we are performing a hazard-
ous operation by driving a car, yet the fact remains that many people are killed or hurt every day as a result of carelessness
in handling this machine. Although the safety record of the compressed gas industry is excellent, the questions raised by
the users of gas products, and the accidents that these same users are involved in, show that many of them have neither
learned nor applied the safety measures which would earn them their "compressed gas handler's license".

When handled by people who are properly trained and aware of the potential hazards, compressed gases are as safe
to work with as most of the ordinary chemical liquids and .solids normally handled on a routine basis in any laboratory.

Cylinder safety is ensured by the supplier through his adherence to regulations set forth by the Interstate Commerce
Commission, and by his supplying cylinders with specific valves, labels and/or markings in accordance with recognized
standards. It is mandatory for the supplier to ship cylinders manufactured in conformance with I.C.C. regulations and
to follow I.C.C. regulations in the testing and inspection of cylinders, the proper filling of these cylinders, and the use of
safety devices which are approved by the Bureau of Exp1osives.l

:.. .
Hydrostatic pressure tests are performed on cylinders for
most'gases every five years to determine their fitness for
under this pressure. The expansion of the cylinder and the
value of permanent expansion after the pressure is released
are recorded. Tolerances on these values must be met in
further use. During the hydrostatic test, a cylinder is pres- order to permit further use of the cylinder. These values
. surized with water to a value determined by the cylinder also allow the wall thickness of the cylinder and the degree
specification and service pressure. The cylinder expands of corrosion affecting the walls to be estimated.'. "
CYLINDER FILLING state transportation. Some states require these labels for
Non-liquefied gases may be filled to the service pressure intrastate shipments also. These labels have a minimum of
marked on a cylinder. These markings will appear on the precautionary handling information and will classify the
shoulder of the cylinder, i.e., I.C.C.3A-2000, indicating cylinder contents as flamma-
the cylinder has been manufactured in accordance with ble, non-flammable, poison, I !
or acid. unfortunately, there
I.C.C. specification 3A, and the cylinder filling pressure is
is as yet no uniformity in the
2000 at 70°F. At present, I.C.C. regulations on non-lique-
identification of cylinder con-
fied, non-flammable gases permit a 10% overfilling of cyl-
tents, although a standard for
inders. Liquefied gases, on the other hand, must be filled to
marking compressed gases is
a filling density.' This filling density represents the maximum
available.' Some suppliers
weight of the material permitted in the cylinder, as a per-
provide adequate stencilling
centage of the water capacity of the cylinder. or labels with as much infor-
Since compressed gas cylinders are handled by a number mation on them as possible,
of different types of plant personnel, it might be well to con- warning against possible haz- Fig. 1
sider the precautions in handling to be taken from the time ards with the cyl- Cylinder Valves Must Be Protected
it is delivered until the time it is emptied and ready for inder contents. On the other hand, cylinders may be re-
return. ceived with no identification other than a color code. Under
CYLINDER RECEIPT AND no circumstances should such cylinders be accepted. Color
CONTENT IDENTIFICATION codes are of value only in helping the supplier to segregate
When a cylinder is delivered to the receiving department, large numbers of cylinders into various gas services.
it should have: (1) content identification by stencilling or
labels, (2) an I.C.C. label, and ( 3 ) a valve protection cap. CYLINDER STORAGE "."'sR

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should the means of After cylinders are received, they are usually placed in
identification be removed'from the cylinder. The valve pro- storage either in a special gas storage area or in the labora-
tory itself. Some plants have elaborate gas storage areas
tection cap (Fig. 1 ) should also remain in place until the provided in a separate building or in part of the laboratory.
user has secured the cylinder and is ready to withdraw the Storage buildings or areas should be ( a ) fire resistant, ( b )
contents. I.C.C. labels are required for cylinders in inter- well-ventilated, (c) located away from sources of ignition

or excessive heat, and ( d ) dry. Indoor storage areas should Storage in a laboratory should be confined to only thosc
not be located near boilers, stearn or hot water pipes and cylinders in use. In all cases, storage areas should compl!
with local, state, and municipal requirements.
1. Never drop cylinders or permit them to strike each other
violently. (Fig. 4)
2. Cylinders may be stored in the open but, in such cases,
should be protected against extremes of weather and, to
prevent rusting, froin the dampness of the ground. During
the summer cylinders stored in the open should be shaded
any sources of ignition. Outdoor storage areas should have against the continuous direct rays of the sun.
proper drainage, and should be protected from direct rays
of sun. in localities where high temperatures prevail. (Fig. 2)
Areas that are not under
surveillance twenty - four
hours a day should not have
any open flames or sparking
equipment in any locations to
which leaking gas could dif-
fuse and become ignited or
explode. Sub-surface storage
locutions should be avoided.
Cylinders should be protected
against tampering by unau-
thorized personnel. Cylinders Fig. 4 Don't Drop
should be chained in place or
put in partitioned cells to pre- 3. The valve protection cap should be left on each cylinder
vent then1 from falling over. until it has been secured against a wall or bench, or placed
Fin. 3 Stabilize Cylinders (Fig. 3)' in a cylirider stand, and is readv to be used.
4. Avoid dragging, rolling, or 8. Do not place cylinders where they may become part of
sliding cylinders, even for a an electric circuit. When electric arc welding, precautions
short distance. They should must be taken to prevent striking an arc against a cylinder.
be moved by using a suitable
hand truck. (Fig. 5) INTRA-PLANT TRANSPORTATION #a
5. Never tamper with safety When moving cylinders from a storage area into the&. .'
devices in valves or cylinders. plant or laboratory, make sure the valve protection cap is
(Fig, 6) in place. The cylinder should then be transported by means
6. Do not store full and empty of a suitable hand truck such as that shown in Figure 5.
cylinders together. Serious Such a hand truck should be provided with a chain or belt
suck back can occur when an for securing the cylinder so that it cannot fall if the hand
empty cylinder is attached to truck happens to pass over a bump. If a large number of
a pressurized system. cylinders must be moved from one area to another, a power
w device such as shown in Figure 7 can be used.
7. No part of a cylinder should
be subjected to a temperature Fig. 5 Transport Correctly
higher than 125°F. A flame
should never be permitted to come in contact with any part
of a compressed gas cylinder.

A number of different devices have been developed for

Fig. 6 Never Tamper with Safety Devices in Cylinders or Valves transprting groups of cylinders. All incorporate some

means of securing cylinders to prevent them from falling regulator equipment between gases which are not compati-
over (for example, an adjustable chain or special saddle, de- ble. These standards have also been adopted by the Ameri-
signed to cradle cylinders) .' When the cylinder is brought
to its place of use in the laboratory or plant, it should be
secured to a wall, a bench, or some other firm support. A
',: plain chain or a bench clamp and belt (Matheson model 508
cylinder holder) should be used. In all cases make sure that
the chain or belt is located high enough on the cylinder body
so that the cylinder cannot
possibly tumble out of it.
(Fig. 8) Figure 8 shows one
cylinder being supported by
a special Matheson model 501 Fig. 9
stand. This stand is adaptable
to a number of different size can Standards A~sociation.~ The use of adapters defeats the
cylinders by means of thumb intent of varying outlet designs, and adapters should be
screws which can be turned in used with care only on gases definitely known to be com-
until they tighten around the patible. Equipment for certain gases such as Oxygen should
cylinder and hold it in place. never be interchanged for use on other compressed gases.
Although a stand is not as ef- Gases which are oil-pumped can cause an oil film to coat
fective as securing a cylinder the internal parts of regulators and associated equipment
to a wall or bench, it improves and, if this equipment is then used with Oxygen, a fire or
cylinder stability in situations explosion is liable to occur.
Fig. 8 Secure Cylinder Before Use where other types of support
are impractical. Once the cylinder is secured, the cap may
be removed, exposing the valve. CYLINDER SAFETY DEVICES
Safety devices are incorporated into all I.C.C.approved
compressed gas containers, except those in poison or toxic
: CYLINDER VALVES gas service, where the danger of exposure to fumes is con-
Figure 9 shows four basic types of cylinder valves. They sidered more hazardous than that of a potential cylinder
each differ in outlet type and safety device. The Com- failure. Gases for which safety devices are not permitted
pressed Gas Association has standardized various outlets usually require cylinders having a higher safety factor than
for different families of gases to prevent interchange of do other compressed gases.
Safety devices are incorporated in the cylinder valve, in fail to function properly if an intense flame impinging on
plugs in the cylinder itself, or both. In certain types of gas the side wall of a cylinder weakens the metal to the point of
service, and in cylinders over a particular length, two safety failurebeforeheat or pressure can cause the safety device to
devices may be required, one at each end of the cylinder. function properly.
The safety devices used in I.C.C. approved cylinders are
approved by the Bureau of Explosives.10 These safety de- KNOW THE GAS YOU WILL BE HANDLING .
vices are of four basic types as follows: (1) Safety relief, It is of the utmost importance that those properties of a
used mostly for low pressure, liquefied, flammable gases, compressed gas that represent hazards (such as flamma-
(2) frangible disc, used mostly for high pressure cylinders, bility, toxicity, chemical activity and corrosive effects) be
(3) frangible disc backed up by a fusible metal, used in well known to the gas user. Every attempt should be made
high pressure cylinders, and (4) fusible metal. The safety to learn these various properties before the gas is put to use.
relief type consists of a spring-loaded seat which opens to It is sometimes difficult to determine the major hazard of
relieve excessively high pressures and then closes when the any one gas, since this factor is influenced a great deal by
pressure returns to a safe value. The frangible disc will burst how the gas is used. In a laboratory hood in the presence of
considerably above the service pressure but below or 'at the an open flame, the flammability of Carbon Monoxide might
hydrostatic test pressure of a cylinder, and will release the well be the major hazard, whereas in a pilot plant run using
entire cylinder contents. The frangible disc backed up by a Carbon Monoxide as a reactant, leakage, and therefore
fusible metal will function only if the temperature is hot toxicity, may represent the major hazard.
enough to melt the fusible metal, after which excessive
pressures will burst the disc, causing the entire cylinder It is interesting to note in Figure 10 the flammability
contents to be released. The fusible metal device melts ranges of various gases." Although the flammability ranges
away at excessive temperatures, allowing the entire cylinder of the liquefied petroleum gases such as Butane and Pro-
contents to escape. Any of these safety devices will prevent pane are relatively short, only very small concentrations are
a cylinder from bursting due to excessively high tempera- necessary to create flammable mixtures. The flammability
lures. However, numbers 3 and 4 may not prevent a cylin- ranges of Acetylene, Carbon Monoxide, Ethylene Oxide,
der from bursting in cases where an overfilled cylinder is Hydrogen Sulfide, and Hydrogen are extremely long, indi-
exposed to a temperature which is excessive but not high cating that they can form explosive mixtures with Air un-
enough to melt the safety devices. Since the proper func- der a wide variety of conditions.
tion of cylinder safety devices depends to a large extent on Along with the properties of different gases, it is impor-
the proper filling of the cylinder, such filling should never tant to know what materials of construction must be used
be attempted by the user unless express permission has with many of them to prevent failure of equipment due to
been obtained from the gas supplier. Safety devices may also corrosion. Another important factor in the choice of ma-

FLAMMABLE GASES terials of construction concerns the possible formation of

hazardous compounds, such as Acetylides formed by the
reaction of copper with Acetylene or gases containing Acet-
ylene as an impurity1*, or the possible formation of ful-
ACETYLENE minates when Mercury is used in the presence of Ammonia.
: AMMONIA The hazards of toxic, flammable, and corrosive gases
can be minimized by working in well-ventilated areas.
BUTANE Where possible, work should be done in a hood, employing

cylinder sizes that will assure use of all the gas within a rea-
sonable amount of time (Fig. 11). Leaks should not be





HYDROGEN Fig. 11 Keep Gas Out of Breathing Air

HYDROGEN SULFIDE 7 allowed to go unchecked. Advise the supplier immediately
of cylinder leaks that cannot be stopped by simple adjust-
METHANE = ments, such as tightening a packing nut.
METHYL CHLORIOE When using toxic gases, it is advisable that some device
or indicator be used to give warning of the presence of toxic
- concentrations. For example, strips of lead acetate paper
0 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 X ) 6 0 7 0 ~ 9 0 10 can be hung in an area where Hydrogen Sulfide is being
GAS % IN AIR GAS MIXTURE used. Although this gas has a disagreeable odor, it soon
deadens the sense of smell, rendering the user incapable of
When corrosive gases are accessible in case an area becomes contaminated. The
being used, the cylinder valve proper type of gas mask should be used and those involved
stei should be worked fre- in the handling of compressed gases should familiarize
quently to prevent freezing. themselves with the proper application and limitations of
The cylinder valve should be the various types of masks and respiration aids available.
closed when the cylinder is To prevent eye damage due to equipment failure safetyp
not in use. Regulators and glasses should always be worn when working with com-'
valves should be flushed with pressed gases.
Dry Air or Nitrogen after use Eye baths and safety showers should be located nearby,
in corrosive gas service. Such but out of the immediate area, which is likely to become
control devices should not be contaminated in the event of a large release of gas.
lefton a cylinder, except when
the cylinder is in frequent Fig. 12 Prevent Contamination
Fire extinguishers, preferably of the dry chemical type,
use. When corrosive gases are should be kept close by, and should be checked periodically
to be discharged into a liquid, a trap, check valve, or to insure their proper operation.
vacuum break device should always be employed to prevent
dangerous suck-back (Fig. 12). PROPER DISCHARGE OF CYLINDER CONTENTS
LIQUEFIED GASES - For controlled removal of the
liquid phase of a liquefied gas, a manual valve is used (Fig.
"PREVENTATIVE PREPAREDNESS" 13). Specialliquid flow regulators are also available. It must
IN THE PLANT OR LABORATORY be remembered that with-
The user of compressed gases should familiarize himself drawal of liquid must neces-
with the first-aid methods to be employed in cases of over- sarily be done at the vapor
exposure or burns caused by a gas. A plant doctor should pressure of the material. Any
be familiar with whatever further treatments may be nec- attempt to reduce the pressure
essary. Unnecessary delay in the treatment of a patient over- will result in flashing of all or
come by a toxic gas or burned by a corrosive gas could part of the liquid to the gas
cause the patient permanent damage, and might even result phase.
in death. Authorized personnel should administer first aid; Rapid removal of the gas
however, they should not take it upon themselves to ad- phase from a liquefiedgas may
minister medical treatments. A physician should be con- cause the liquid to cool too Fig. 13 Manual Needle Valve
tacted immediately. rapidly causing the pressure
Gas masks should be kept on hand in a location which is and flow to drop below the required level. In such cases,

cylinders may be heated in a water bath with temperature the fitting. A poor fit may in-
controlled to no higher than 125O F . Rapid gas removal can dicate that the regulator is not
also be effected by transferring the liquid to a heat ex- intended for use on the gas
changer, where the liquid is vaporized to a gas. This method chosen.
. imposes no temperature limitations on the material; how-
p e r , care should be taken to prevent blockage of the gas The following procedure
. line downstream of the heat exchanger as this may cause should be used to obtain the
.excessive pressure to build up in both the heat exchanger required delivery pressure.
and the cylinder. Safety relief devices should be instalIed in (1) After the regulator has
all liquid transfer lines to relieve sudden, dangerous hydro- been attached to the cylinder
static or vapor pressure build ups. vaIve outlet, turn the delivery
Fig. 15 pressure adjusting screw
Return in Condition Received counter-clockwise until it
NON-LIQUEFIED GASES- The most common device turns freely. (2) Open the cyl-
used to reduce pressure to a inder valve slowly until the tank gauge on the regulator reg-
safe value for gas removal is isters the cylinder pressure. At this'point, the cylinder pres-
an automatic pressure regula- sure should be checked to see if it is at the expected value.
tor. This device is shown in A large error may indicate that the cylinder valve is leaking.
Figure 14. It consists of a ( 3 ) With the flow control valve at the regulator outlet
spring (or gas) laaded dia- closed, turn the delivery pressure adjusting screw clockwise
phragm which controls the until the required delivery pressure is reached. Control of
throttling of an orifice. Deliv- flow can be regulated by means of a valve supplied in the
ery pressure will exactly bal- regulator outlet or by a supplementary valve put in a pipe-
ance the delivery pressure line downstream from the regulator. The regulator itself
spring to give a relatively con- should not be used as a flow control by adjusting the pres-
stant delivery pressure. sure to obtain different flow rates, This defeats the purpose
Fir. 14 of the pressure regulator, and in some cases where higher
Automatic ~ressureRegulator flows are obtained in this manner, the pressure setting may
be in excess of the design pressure of the system.
A regulator should be attached to a cylinder without TYPES OF AUTOMATIC REGULATORS
forcing the threads. If the inlet of a regulator does not fit The proper choice of regulator depends on the delivery
the cylinder outlet, no effort should be made to try to force pressure range required, the degree of accuracy of delivery
pressure to be maintained, and the flow rate required. There SAFETY DEVICES
are two basic types of automatic pressure regulators, (1) It is necessary to provide further supplementary safety
single stage and (2) double, or two stage. The single stage devices to prevent overpressurizing of lines, and to prevent
type will show a slight variation in delivery pressure as the suck back of materials into cylinder controls, and possibly
cylinder pressure drops. It will also show a greater drop in the cylinder itself. Aside from the possibility of causingn
delivery pressure than a two stage regulator at the flow rate rapid corrosion, the reaction of a gas with material that ha$
is increased as well as a higher "lock-up" pressure (pres- been sucked back may be violent enough to cause extensive
sure increase above delivery set point necessary to stop equipment and cylinder damage. The danger of suck back
flow) than the two stage regulator. In general, the two stage can be eliminated by providing a trap (Fig. 12) which will
regulator will deliver a more constant pressure under more hold all material that can possibly be sucked back, or by
stringent operating conditions than will the single stage using a check valve or suitable vacuum break. Pressure in-
regulator. creases due to uncontrolled reactions or unexpected surges
of pressure can be relieved by means of a safety relief de-
MANUAL FLOW CONTROLS vice installed in the gas line. For experiments conducted in
Where intermittent flow control is needed and an oper- glassware, such a pressure relief device can be improvised
ator will be present at all times, a manual type of flow con- by using a U-tube filled with mercury or other inert liquid,
trol may be used. This type of control (illustrated in Figure with one end attached by means of a "T"to the gas line, and
13) is simply a valve which is operated manually to deliver with the other end free to exhaust into an open flask which
the proper amount of gas. Fine flow control can be ob- will contain the mercury in case of overpressure. For sys-
tained but it must be remembered that dangerous pressures tems under higher pressure, devices such as spring-loaded
can build up in a closed system or in one that becomes relief valves or frangible discs are recommended.
plugged, since no means are provided for automatic preven-
tion of excessive pressures. DETERMINATION OF CYLINDER CONTENT
Aside from the type of control required, the proper ma- der of non-liquefied gas is discharged, the cylinder pressure
terial of construction must be considered. For example, in- decreases by an amount proportional to the amount with-
tergranular attack of brass will occur in Ammonia or drawn. The cylinder should be considered empty while--1
Methylamine service. In such cases, steel or aluminum are positive pressure (25 p.s.i.g. or greater) still remains ir, ?
used as materials of construction for regulators or valves. order to prevent suck back and contamination. Failure to
The proper materials of construction must be carried close the valve on an empty cylinder will allow air and mois-
through for all pipe lines, valves, and other accessories ture to be drawn into the cylinder as it "Breathes" during
being used in the gas system. temperature changes; an explosive mixture may build up if

the gas is flammable; and an extremely corrosive condition HANDLING OF EMPTY CYLINDERS
will be created in cylinders which contain Chlorine, Hydro- When are empty, the valves should
gen Chloride, or other acid forming or corrosive gases. be closed. Valve protection caps, outlet dust caps, and other
LIQUEFIED GASES-A~ a liquefied gas is withdrawn accessories shipped with the cylinder should be attached to
'from a cylinder, the cylinder pressure or vapor pressure will
' the cylinder as received. The cylinder should be marked or
iemainconstant as long as any liquid is present. hi^ con- labeled "EMPTY". Cylinders should then be placed in a
&ion holds true if the temperature does not vary. If, how- proper storage area, segregated from full cylinders, to await
ever, the material is withdrawn from the cylinder at a rapid pick-~p return to the (Fig. 15).
rate, the material itself will supply the heat for vaporization Carelessness in the handling of an empty cylinder could
and upon subsequent cooling, the vapor pressure will be result in its being mistaken for a full cylinder. The connect-
lowered. It is, therefore, impossible to determine the con- ing of an empty cylinder to a high pnssure system could
tent of a cylinder containing a liquefied gas, except by cause foreign materials to back up into the cylinder, result-
weighing. Cylinders containing liquefied gases are stamped ing in all the attendant hazards of suck-back, and possible
or tagged with the tare weight in order to allow the content violent reaction within the cylinder.
to be determined.
An indication of cylinder content depletion for some high NEVER TAKE CHANCES
pressure liquefied gases such ascarbon Dioxide,Ethane and
Nitrous Oxide can be obtained by noting the cylinder 1, any emergency, or conditions creating problems not
readily solved, always contact the gas supplier for instruc-
sure. ~ f t e depletion
r of the liquid phase, the cylinder Pres- tions, or information; do not attempt to handle the situation
sure will decrease below the normal vapor pressure, as long without further aid.
as the contents have not been withdrawn rapidly before the
cylinder pressure is noted. A cylinder cokai6ng Carbon
Dioxide will have approximately 20% of its original content DATA SHEETS
remaining after depletion of the liquid phase. Data sheets on all gases are available from Matheson,
and should do much to clarify the specific handling prob-
As with cylinders of non-liquefied gases, cylinders con- lems to be encountered for specific gases. They should be
taining liquefied gases should never be completely emptied, consulted before attempting to handle gases with which the
In order to prevent suck-back and contamination of the user is unfamiliar.
.llnterstate Commerce Commission Regulations, Agent T . C. George's Tariff NO. 13, issued by
T.C. George, Agent, 30 Vesey Street, .'
New York 7, New York.
ZMethods for Hydrostatic Testing of Compressed Gas Cylinders, Pamphlet C-1. Compressed Gas Association, Inc., New York, New York.
3Cylinder Service LifeLSeumless, High-pressrrre Cylinders, Pamphlet C-5, Compressed Gas Association. Inc., New York. New York.
4American Standard Method of Marking Portable Compressed Gas Containers to Identify the Material Contained, ASA, 248.1-154,
CGA Pamphlet C-4, Compressed Gas Association, Inc., New York. New York.
sSafe Handling of Compressed Gases, Pamphlet P-1, Compressed Gas Association, New York, New York.
Crowe, J. J., Ind. Eng. Chem. 48, 231, (1956).
TReinhard, H. F., and Fetherston, F. R., Ind. Eng. Chem. 49, 1751-4, (1957).
8Compressed Gases, Safe Practices Pamphlet No. 95, National Safety Council, Chicago, Illinois.
9American Standard Compressed Gas Cylinder Valve Outlet und Inlet Connections, ASA B57.1-1957. CGA Pamphlet V-1, Compressed
Gas Association, New York, New York.
loSafety Relief Device Standards, Part I-Cylinders for Compressed Gases, Pamphlet S-I, part I, Compressed Gas Association, New York,
New York.
IICoward, H. F., and Jones, G. W., Limits of Flammability of Gases and Vapors, Bulletin 503, Bureau of Mines, Government Printing
Office, Washington 25, D. C.
IzBrarneld, et al., J. Soc. Chem. Ind. (London) 66, 346-353, ( 1946).


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