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Problem / Solution Essays 2:

The Language of Cause and Effect

1-8. In the video, we studied a lot of verbs to describe cause and effect. Match the verb to the
correct preposition.
(1) cause (smb) for
(2) result to
(3) stem about
(4) bring in
(5) give rise to
(6) play a part from
(7) lead in
(8) are responsible to

9-11. Some verbs mean more than just “cause”. Match the 3 verbs with their correct
(9) to trigger a. to change
(10) to affect b. to be one of many causes
(11) to contribute to c. to cause an immediate effect

12-16. Join or rewrite the cause and effect sentences so that they include the word in
brackets. You may need to change the grammar of the sentence/s.
(12) There are more people moving to cities. House prices are higher. (resulted in)

The increase ________________________________________________________________________________________

(13) The availability of cheap unhealthy food is largely responsible for the obesity crisis in
developed countries. (stem from)

The ________________________________________________________________________________________________
(14) One reason why younger people are obsessed with celebrity culture is the popularity of
reality TV. (play a part in)
Reality TV ___________________________________________________________________
(15) Advertising is responsible for the rise in sales. (cause to + infinitive)
Advertising ___________________________________________________________________
(16) The increase in online bullying occurred immediately after the introduction of social media
sites like Twitter and Snapchat. (trigger)
The introduction _______________________________________________________________


17-22. Students often confuse the verb “affect” with the noun “effect”. Complete each
sentences affect or effect. You may need to change the form of the verb.
(17) Doctors have discovered that what you are listening to when you eat can _____________
the taste of food.
(18) It’s difficult to know the eventual _____________ that social media will have on society.
(19) I find that a person’s clothes rarely _____________ my opinion of them.
(20) One of the most beneficial _____________ of studying abroad is that it often gives you
employment opportunities after you return home.
(21) Drinking caffeine really has a negative _____________ on the way I sleep.
(22) I have never been _____________ by my colour blindness.

23-30. Read the modal essay which answers this question and complete the spaces with one
of the word/s from the box

The gap between the rich and poor is growing.

Why is this the case?

What can be done to resolve the situation?

Economic inequality is becoming more and more of a problem in almost every society.
This trend is mainly (23) ___________ a lack of educational opportunities and unfair tax
laws. However, there are a number of measures that could be implemented to address
the wealth gap.

One factor that has a major (24) ___________ on a person’s income is education.
affects People with a higher education usually earn twice as much over a lifetime as those with
only a high school certificate. However, in recent year, the cost of tertiary education has
risen so much that it has become unthinkable for those from low-income families to gain a
due to higher education. Even worse, as these students know that they won’t be able to attend
university, they lack motivation, which (25) ___________ their performance at school
level. To resolve this issue, the government must provide more students from low-income
gives rise families with grants to cover their educational costs. If they did this, more people would be
able to make the jump from lower to middle class.

The major cause of wealth inequality, however, is the current tax system, which
results in
undoubtedly favours the rich. First of all, the difference in tax rate between the bottom and
top of society is relatively small considering the difference in their income. (26) ___________,
the poor end up spending a much higher percentage of their salary on tax than the rich.
as a result
Worse still, (27) ___________ the tax system is full of legal loopholes, the rich are able
to employ accountants to invest their money in financial schemes that (28) ___________
influence them paying far less tax than they should or not tax at all. The only way to address this
problem is for the government to introduce new stricter tax legislation. If the rich are made
to contribute more, wealth will be more evenly distributed and, (29) _____________,
hence inequality will be minimalized.

In conclusion, a lack of access to education and a tax system that favours the wealthy
both (30) _____________ to the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Only
when governments provide grants to students from low-income families, and reform tax
laws will the situation by remedied.


1. cause smb to 5. give rise to

2. result in 6. play a part in
3. stem from 7. lead to
4. bring about 8. are responsible

9. to trigger to cause an immediate effect

10. to affect to create a change
11. to contribute to to be one of many causes

12. The increase of people moving to cities has resulted/results in higher house prices.
13. The obesity crisis in developed countries stems from the availability of cheap unhealthy food.
14. The popularity of reality TV plays a part in young people’s obsession with celebrity culture.
15. Advertising caused sales to rise.
16. The introduction of Twitter and Snapchat triggered online bullying.

17. affect 19. affect 21. effect

18. effect 20. effects 22. affected
If you have trouble remembering which is the verb and which is the noun, remember
RAVEN (which is a type of bird). R A = Verb, E = Noun
23-30. Economic inequality is becoming more and more of a problem in almost every society. This trend is mainly (23) due
to a lack of educational opportunities and unfair tax laws. However, there are a number of measures that could be
implemented to address the wealth gap.
One factor that has a major (24) influence on a person’s income is education. People with a higher education
usually earn twice as much over a lifetime as those with only a high school certificate. However, in recent year, the
cost of tertiary education has risen so much that it has become unthinkable for those from low-income families to gain
a higher education. Even worse, as these students know that they won’t be able to attend university, they lack
motivation, which (25) affects their performance at school level. To resolve this issue, the government must provide
more students from low-income families with grants to cover their educational costs. If they did this, more people
would be able to make the jump from lower to middle class.
The major cause of wealth inequality, however, is the current tax system, which undoubtedly favours the rich. First of
all, the difference in tax rate between the bottom and top of society is relatively small considering the difference in
their income. (26) Hence, the poor end up spending a much higher percentage of their salary on tax than the rich.
Worse still, (27) because the tax system is full of legal loopholes, the rich are able to employ accountants to invest
their money in financial schemes that (28) results in them paying far less tax than they should or not tax at all. The
only way to address this problem is for the government to introduce new stricter tax legislation. If the rich are made to
contribute more, wealth will be more evenly distributed and, (29) as a result, inequality will be minimalized.
In conclusion, a lack of access to education and a tax system that favours the wealthy both (30) give rise to the
widening gap between the rich and the poor. Only when governments provide grants to students from low-income
families, and reform tax laws will the situation by remedied.
You can use EITHER “As a result” OR “Hence” in (26). However, it is better to use “as
a result” in (29) because it is in the middle of a sentence.



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