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Jack Ma’s story behind his success

Jack Ma was one of the most inspiring entrepreneurs around the world. He is the
richest man in China, having an estimated net worth of 25 billion dollars. He is the
founder of a successful business group called Alibaba. But before his success
Jack Ma went on a long hard journey of patience and hard work. Jack Ma was
born in Hangzhou, located in the south-eastern part of China. He’s parents were
a musician-storyteller and their family weren’t even considered as a middle class
back then. Jack Ma grabbed the opportunity when the U.S visited their homeland
to improve their tourist attractions; he spent his early morning giving English tours
for foreigners for free. He then met a foreign girl who gave him the nickname
“Jack”. Jack Ma was known for a lot of failures, most of them are rejections from
school and failing the entrance examinations in a university. He even tried to
apply for a job in KFC, there were 24 people who went for the job and 23 got in,
and he was the only one who didn’t make it to the cut. Jack graduated with the
degree of “Bachelor of Arts in English. He then became an English teacher in a
university in Hangzhou with a pay of $12 a month. He treats his rejections as an
opportunity to learn and grow from his mistakes.

After all of these trials, Jack Ma visited the U.S for a project and that is the time
when Jack Ma made the idea that made him a multi-billionaire. He persuades 17
of his friends to invest and join him to his e-commerce startup “Alibaba”. The
company began from his apartment; they didn’t even have a single investment
from outside, so basically their group started from zero. Many years later their
company became one of the biggest e-commerce networks in the world. Their
company went on a rapid grow going all across the world. Jack ma believed on
his self, his persistency and dedication lead him to what he is today. Jack Ma
even quoted “Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day
after that will be sunshine.” That was just one of his famous quotes. Jack Ma’s
story touches and inspired not just me, but the people around the world. That
failure is just steps that will teach us not stop, but to move on and challenge
ourselves to be better one day.
His story was so motivating that even you will be surprised.

Jack Ma was born

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