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Nama Mahasiswa : Pirman Pasaeno

Stambuk : 1512001
Pembimbing 1 : Yonal Supit, S.Kom., M.Eng.
Pembimbing 2 : Andi Patombongi, S.Si., M.Kom.


Indonesia has a growth in vehicles, two wheels and four-wheeled vehicles

that are increasing year by year, With the high growth rates of two-wheeled and
four-wheeled vehicles, accidents involving motorized vehicles are also high, one
of the causes of traffic accidents is that motorists drive at high speed, Therefore to
reduce traffic accidents caused by motorists driving at high speed the government
issued a regulation through the Minister of Transportation Number 111 of 2015
concerning procedures for setting speed limits. To support the rules that have been
made by the government through the Minister of Transportation, a tool that is able
to read the speed of passing vehicles is needed, In this study using Arduino Uno
as the main controller, sensor Hb 100 as a reader for the speed of passing vehicles.
The results of this study indicate that the system design can read passing vehicles
with the difference in reading between the Hb 100 sensor and the speedometer for
1 to 4 km / h on two-wheeled vehicles, while the difference in reading between
the sensor and speedometer is 1 to 2 km /h on four-wheeled vehicles.

Keywords: Arduino Uno,Lcd, HB100 sensor.

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