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If you're about to open a home bakery, watch

this video for three things you need to do

before you start.

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The first tip is to specialize in one thing.

When I started, I baked anything and everything

that my clients asked me, even things that

I didn't even know how to make.

I allowed them to dictate my business and

that was not a good way to start.

I realized later on that I loved making something

called pavlovas and no one else in my area

was making them.

So I became known as the only baker in the

area that made these pavlovas.

I perfected this recipe and advertised myself

as someone who specialized in this item.

So if you're someone who's thinking I want

to make cakes and cookies and pies.

I would start with one thing first and make

it amazing.

It's better to have one thing on your menu

that is mind-blowing and amazing and you can't

get it anywhere else than having five or 10

mediocre items.

Once you really perfect that one recipe or

you're known for that one particular item,

then you can start branching out and trying

new things, but start out small and start

off with one incredible dessert.

Tip number two is to track your time and your


You need to understand exactly how much time

and money you're spending on everything that

goes into your business.

So you need to take into account the time
it takes to and from the grocery store, the

prep, the baking, the packaging, the delivering,

everything takes time and your time is valuable

and costs money.

By really tracking your time and money, you

can see which task you're going to be more

efficient in or maybe you are spending way

too much on a specific type of ingredient

where you can get the same ingredient at another


Tracking your time and money can also help

you figure out your pricing and by taking

everything into account, you can come up with

a price that is going to give you more of

a profit and help you run a sustainable business.

All right, tip number three is probably my

favorite, that it is to change your mindset.

The way you think about yourself and even

talk to yourself is so important.

You have to protect your mind from all the

negative self-talk.

Stop comparing your work to others and especially

stop comparing your journey to someone else's.

Remember that you are called to do this.

You have a unique gift and no one else can

do what you do.

By having a more positive mindset this can

also help you treat your business as an actual

business and not a hobby.

Mindset really matters when it comes to charging

what you're worth.

If you're feeling really small inside and

that you're just a hobby baker or they could

get this somewhere else or you just feel guilty

charging for your work, you're going to stay

as a hobby and not a business that grows and

is profitable.
Everyone works through their mindset blocks

So here are a couple of ways that have helped


Podcasts, books, going to conferences, investing

in courses, even therapy.

You can even form an accountability group

with your friends, or if you know anyone else

who is starting their own business, this really

helps keep everyone in check and it's just

nice to know that you're not alone.

So there you have it.

Three simple tips on what to do before you

start your business.

Let me know in the comments below which one

of these tips was your favorite.

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