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How did the story of the moth and the flame shaped Rizal’s social and political ideas?

Of all the persons who had the greatest influence on Rizal’s development as a
person was his mother Teodora Alonso.  It was she who opened his eyes and heart to
the world around him with all its soul and poetry. His mother was his first teacher, and
from her he learned to read, and consequently to value reading as a means for learning
and spending one’s time meaningfully. As his mother Teodora Alonzo told to his son
Jose Rizal the story of the moth and flame, he realized something that changed his
perspective in different aspects of discipline and how the story signifies the social issues
that was happening in that era.

The moth in the story was tempted to go near the flame because it is appealing,
but in the end, the moth got burned. It should be remembered that the moth was already
told of the possible consequences of its actions, but the moth did not listen to his elders.
At the same time, the story talks about how important it is to always do your best in
everything that you do because the rewards will be achieved later on. Painful times
happen because they are meant to make anyone stronger. At the same time, people
are recommended to not tell a lie in life.

Because of this story Jose Rizal chose to fight for the freedom that taken from us
by the Spaniards. He continued to strive hard in order to save our country to the cruel
governance of Spaniards. He studied medicine and different courses in order to help his
fellow citizen to claim their rights in the hands of the tyrant colonizers.

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