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International Journal of Project Management Vol. 14, No. 4, pp.

201-204, 1996
Pergamon Copyright © 1996 Elsevier ScienceLtd and IPMA
Printed i.n Great Britain. All rights reserved
0263-7863/96 $15.00 + 0.00


The concept of project complexity

a review

David Baccarini
School of Architecture, Construction and Planning, Curtin University of Technology, GPO Box U 1987,
Perth 6001, Western Australia

Reference to the project dimension of complexity is widespread within project management

literature. However the concept of project complexity has received little detailed attention. This
paper reviews the literature on project complexity relevant to project management, with
emphasis towards the construction industry. The paper proposes that project complexity can be
defined in terms of differentiation and interdependency and that it is managed by integration.
Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd and IPMA
Keywords: project complexity, organizational complexity, technological complexity, differentiation, interdependency,

Introduction the production of products or services of large scale or

complexity is typically undertaken on a project basis 4.
Complexity in construction projects Consequently, project-based management is frequently
Construction projects are invariably complex and since associated with the management of complexity.
World War II have become progressively more so. In fact The importance of complexity to the project management
the construction process may be considered the most complex process is widely acknowledged, for example:
undertaking in any industry'. However, the construction
• Project complexity helps determine planning, co-
industry has displayed great difficulty in coping with the
ordination and control requirements 5-9.
increasing complexity of major construction projects 2.
• Project complexity hinders the clear identification of
Therefore an understanding of project complexity and
goals and objectives of major projects 3.
how it might be managed is of significant importance.
• Complexity is an important criteria in the selection of an
However, the concept of project complexity has received
appropriate project organizational form 1'3.
little detailed attention in project management literature.
• Project complexity influences the selection of project
This paper reviews the literature on project complexity
relevant to project management with emphasis towards the inputs, e.g. the expertise and experience requirements of
management personnel6.
construction industry, and proposes a definition for project
• Complexity is frequently used as a criteria in the selec-
tion of a suitable project procurement arrangement 2''°.
• Complexity affects the project objectives of time, cost
Complexity and project management
and quality. Broadly, the higher the project complexity
Certain project characteristics provide a basis for deter- the greater the time and cost '°-'2.
mining the appropriate managerial actions required to
complete a project successfully. Complexity is one such
critical project dimension'. As Bennett' observes, "practi- Defining complexity
tioners frequently describe their projects as simple or
complex when they are discussing management issues. This Complexity--dictionary definitions
indicates a practical acceptance that complexity makes a Dictionary definitions provide two basic dimensions of
difference to the management of projects". It is not sur- complexity relevant to projects:
prising that complex projects demand an exceptional level
of management and that the application of conventional (i) Consisting of many varied interrelated parts
systems developed for ordinary projects have been found to
be inappropriate for complex projects 3. This meaning is neatly circumscribed so that project com-
HilP states that the most important role of a production plexity can be operationalized in terms of: differentiation -
manager is the management of complexity. Furthermore, the number of varied elements, e.g. tasks, specialists,

The concept of project complexity: D Baccarini

components7; and interdependence or connectivity--the more complex the organization ~7. This differentiation has
degree of interrelatedness between these elements. two dimensions:
Interestingly the above interpretation of complexity mirrors
systems theory in that a complex system is frequently (a) Vertical differentiation
defined in terms of differentiation and connectivity u. As This refers to the depth of organizational hierarchical
projects can be viewed as complex systems, the above structure, i.e. number of levels t7`j8.
meaning for project complexity seems apposite.
(b) Horizontal differentiation
(ii) Complicated, involved, intricate This can be defined in two ways:
This meaning of complexity is open to wide and diverse (i) Organizational units: i.e. the number of formal
interpretation. For example, it can be interpreted to en- organizational units, e.g. departments, groups 5'6.
compass anything characterized by difficulty6. Wozniak 9 (ii) Task structure: this refers to the division of tasks. This
operationalizes project complexity based on nine diverse division can be achieved in two basic wayst8:
'difficulty' factors such as: criticality of project, project (a) Division of labour: tasks are structured so that
visibility and accountability; clarity of scope definition. So non-specialists can perform them, thereby lessening
this meaning of complexity has a subjective connotation the skill requirements in a single job position, e.g.
implying difficulty in understanding and dealing with an assembly-line production.
object. Therefore, this interpretation of complexity is in the (b) Personal specialization: this refers to work by
eyes of the observer 2'~3. Interestingly, a subjective measure specialists such as professionals, i.e. persons
of complexity has been found to be an unreliable basis for performing a wide range of activities, thereby
research analysis ~2~4. So, whereas this definition of com- increasing the task complexity of a single job
plexity cannot be considered invalid, it does not provide a position tT. Therefore, organizational complexity
firm basis for the formulation of a concise and consistent by personal specialization is measured in terms of
standard. Furthermore, in many cases this meaning of the number of different occupational specializations
complexity is better subsumed within the concept of utilized to accomplish the work ~9. Each specializa-
uncertainty. tion represents a distinct area of knowledge typic-
ally founded upon education and/or training and
Project complexity--a proposed definition the use of special tools and techniques ~9.
It is proposed that project complexity be defined as 'con- Personal specialization is prevalent in construc-
sisting of many varied interrelated parts' and can be opera- tion projects as a result of the wide variety of
tionalized in terms of differentiation and interdependency. services required to carry out construction work 17.
This definition can be applied to any project dimension Building projects belong to an 'adhocracy' organiz-
relevant to the project management process, such as or- ational structure, i.e. high horizontal differentiation
ganization, technology, environment, information, decision derived from professional and craft specializa-
making and systems. So when referring to project com- tions u'2°. Complexity by personal specialization
plexity it is important to state clearly the type of complexity can be made more complex by having the specialists
being dealt with. Unfortunately most project management also differentiated by time and territory ~5'~7. That
literature fails to do this. It is worthwhile emphasizing that is, they work at different times during the project
complexity is a distinctly different concept to two other life cycle and/or at geographically separated offices.
project characteristics--size and uncertainty ~'~5'~6 Such differentiation is typical in construction
In order to elaborate upon the concept of project com- projects 22.
plexity as defined above, this paper will now deal with the
two types of project complexity most commonly referred Organizational complexity--by interdependency
to in project management texts. That is, organizational Another attribute of organizational complexity in projects
complexity and technological complexity. is the degree of operational interdependencies and inter-
action between the project organizational elements 5'6'8.
Organizational complexity Thompson 22 defines the level of organizational complexity
in terms of three types of interdependencies between
Introduction organizational units--pooled, sequential and reciprocal.
Reciprocal interdependencies represent the highest level of
The functions of a project organizational structure include: complexity and dominate the construction process 2~.
definition of relationships in terms of communication and
reporting; allocation of responsibility and authority for
decision making; allocation of tasks. Construction projects Technological complexity
are typically characterized by the engagement of several
separate and diverse organizations, such as consultants and The concept of technology
contractors, for a finite period of time. This leads to the Many authors have highlighted the lack of consensus on a
creation of a temporary multiorganizational structure to conceptual definition for technology8'~6'23. In particular the
manage the construction project. concepts of 'task' and 'technology' are frequently used
interchangeably so that technology is commonly defined in
Organizational complexity--by differentiation terms of task performance.
A complex organizational structure is one containing Broadly, technology can be defined as the transforma-
differentiated parts so that the greater the differentiation the tion processes which convert inputs into outputs 24. This

The concept of project complexity: D Baccarini

transformation process involves the utilization of material Summary

means, techniques, knowledge and skills j5'16'24. Technology
can be divided into three facets: operations (equipping Projects have certain critical characteristics that determine
and sequencing of activities); characteristics of materials; the appropriate actions to manage them successfully. It is
characteristics of knowledge 25. The concept of technology submitted that project complexity - organizational, tech-
can be applied to the project production system as a whole nological, informational, etc. - is one such project dimen-
or the tasks performed by individual human beings23; and sion. It is proposed that project complexity be interpreted and
at any level in the project organization, e.g. total organiz- measured in terms of differentiation and interdependencies.
ation, group, individual 26. The corollary to project complexity is integration by
Technology is a multi-dimensional concept and can be coordination, communication and control.
categorized into two types: uncertainty and complexity 2°. It is considered that the concept o f project complexity is
Many authors have operationalized technological complexity worthy of further consideration. The intention of this paper
in terms of the difficulties of task performance 6'~2. This has been to provide a review of the theory on project
opens the definition of technological complexity to wide complexity and to stimulate debate in the topic. As projects
and diverse interpretation so that, for example, it is defined have become more and more complex there will be
in terms of a broad range of attributes such as building type, increasing concern about the concept of project complexity
overlap of design and construction, difficulty of location, and its influence upon the project management process.
and interdependence of operations -'7. Furthermore, it is The next stage is to create an operational concept of
submitted that difficulties of task performance are more project complexity and integration. Then projects can be
often than not more appropriately allocated to the concept analysed in order to ascertain whether there are correlations
of uncertainty. So, it is proposed that technological com- between the level of project complexity and the degree of
plexity is more appropriately and usefully defined in terms integration.
of differentiation and interdependencies.

Technological c o m p l e x i t y - - b y differentiation
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of integration is particularly important for construction 15 Miller, E J 'Technology, territory, and time: the internal differenti-
projects as they are typified by strongly differentiated ation of complex production systems' in Organisational Systems
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but largely interdependent components z2. It is significant 16 Mintzberg, H The Structuring of Organisations Prentice-Hall, New
that integration has been claimed to be the raison d'etre Jersey (1991)
and essential function of project management 22'3°. As 17 Hall, R H Organisations: Structures, Processes and Outcomes
Stuckenbruck 3° observed, "projects are complex . . . tasks; Prentice-Hall, New Jersey (1979)
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The concept o f project complexity: D Baccarini

differentiation: toward a theoretical synthesis' Administrative Science 29 Morris, P W G 'Managing project interfaces - key points for project
Quarterly 23 (1978) 111-136 success' in Project Management Handbook. (Edited by Cleland, D
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23 Mohr, L B 'Organisational technology and organisational structure'
Administrative Science Quarterly 16 (1971) 444-459
24 Kast, F E and Rosenweig, J E Organisation and Management: A David Baccarini gained an MSc in
Systems and Contingency Approach. McGraw-Hill, New York (1979) property development (project man-
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26 Mathew, D J 'The logic of task analysis' in Organisations as sity of Technology. He introduced a
Bargaining and Influence Systems. (Edited by Abel, P) Heinemann, generically-based Master of Project
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27 Ireland, V 'The interpretation of management functions by the use of first in Western Australia.
contingency theory' Proceedings, CIB W-65, Organisation and
Management of Construction Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 1 (1984)
193 -202
28 Lawrence, P R and Lorsch, J W Organisation and Environment.
Harvard University, Boston (1967)


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