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Name: __Anais Loyola______________

Class: 10º ____

Worksheet Nº1
Unit I: Global warming
I. Translate the following words into Spanish

1. Global Warming: Calentamiento Global 3. Gamble: Juegos 5. Switching off: Apagado 7. Argue: Argumentar
2. World leader: Líderes Mundiales 4. Blaming: Culpar 6. Childish: Infantil 8. Government: Gobierno

I II. Listen and complete the following text with the words in the chart.

Global Warming
Global warming is the biggest problem in the world today. Everyone know about it but not everyone is trying to stop
it. Many 1. ____World leader ______ are more interested in 2 . _____Blaming_____ other countries for the crisis.
Countries like China, India and Russia say they will not act unless America takes more action. America says it will not
act until other countries take more action. It seems a little 3. ____Childish_____ that leaders are acting in this way.
The future of our world is at risk and 4 . ____Goberment______ can only 5. ____Gamble____ with each other. Many
presidents and prime ministers tell us that technology is the answer. They say future scientists will find solutions to
save the planet. This is a big 6. ___Argue____. I hope they are right. I don’t believe them, so I’ll continue 7.
____Switching off______ lights and recycling.
III. True or False:

1. _ False____ World leaders are acting against the Global Warming

2. _ True____ Switching off the light is a solution to save the planet
3. __False___ Technology is the solution to stop the global warming
4. __True__ Scientist will not find solutions
5. __False___ The writer believes in world leaders.

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