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Idioms &

 A man of parts = prudence person
 A man of letters = meritorious person
 A man of word = Intelligent person
 A rainy day = bad times
 A slow coach = very lazy
 All the year round = all the time.
 Apart from = except
 At the eleventh hour = at the last
 Black & Blue = physically
 Black & white = written
 Bring to light = disclose
 Come to light = disclose
 Bring to book = provoke
 By hook or by crook = at the cost
 Cock & bull story = don’t believe in
 Come of = birth
 Come off = marriage comes off
 By leaps & bounds = increasing day by
 Crying need = very essential
 Cut off = cuts off relation
 In lieu of = I do in lieu of coming his
 In no time = quickly
 Nip in the bud = demolish at the
 Now & again =sometimes
 Null & avoid = banned
 Off & on = sometimes
 Out of sorts = ill
 Well of = capable of maintaining a
 By turns = weal & woe comes by turns

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