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Learning difficulties in quarantine can be overcome

When I heard about the closing of schools due to the coronavirus, I felt stressed,
because I would be more difficult to learn.

The government opted for online learning. Since then, it has been difficult adapting
to a new routine. Difficulties arose because the lessons aren’t as they used to be in
class. But I overcame them by applying study strategies.

I decided take responsibility for my learning. So I set myself the goal of apply my
skills and looking solutions.

Identify my difficulties in this new methodology, for example, my difficulty in

understanding some instructions in some areas, for example in English, literature
and biology on the classroom platform. So evaluate what you could do. Therefore, I
now take advantage of the fact that everything is available online and access
platforms to inform and understand the topic of the class and I practice English.

Then I realized that I was having trouble completing and uploading some math
homework, because when in doubt I couldn't ask the teacher after class how I used
to do it at COAR. I explained my situation to him, now he carries out consultancies.

Likewise, I recognized that I had the difficulty of not having time to practice topics
of my interest due to the agglomeration of activities. Given this, I organized a
schedule that suited me to study.

Now I’m still looking for learning strategies, I’m taking responsibility for my own
learning. Overcoming my learning difficulties in this quarantine has given me the
opportunity to organize and cover the program at my own pace.

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