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NIM : 2173520025


After reading material about the production process, I can conclude that the production process
is the stage required to complete a media product, from an idea to a final result. Which is where
this process can apply to all types of media production including film, video, television and
audio recording.

Film production is one of the early stager of film creation in which this is where the concept
and shape of the film are being formed in order to have a concrete structure.

Before starting to make a film, we had to arrange each shoot carefully. First check framing.
Make sure we don't cut anything important. Second, check the lights. Look at the shot in our
viewfinder or on the screen. Set it manually or use exposure compensation. Third check focus.
Is the shot already sharp. Fourth Check the sound. Keep everyone quiet, then listen for half a
minute. And last but not least check that everyone is ready. Say 'Standby' or just tell people that
we will start making films.

In the video behind the scene, it is shown how a cameraman takes a scene with his techniques.
Starting from the technique of taking scenes riding a motorcycle, shooting scenes using drone
and others. This video also shows how the process of making films that really requires
teamwork. When in the field, all the crew were involved. Before starting to take one scene,
everything is confirmed in detail. Starting from the camera itself, the player, the light, and
ambient sound. Shooting scenes repeatedly becomes one of the challenges in the process of
making films.

In the final result video, at first I saw this short film like a film that advertises something. And
what I like most about the results of this short film is the change of music in each scene. Voiced
is also able to enter into the role of the player. The use of green colored light in this short film
also spoil the eyes, very beautiful look.

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