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Social dimensions of communication; communicational

dimensions of social processes. Some propositions on
research lines and problematic
ABSTRACT There is no science of discourse considered in itself
or by itself: formal proprieties of works reveal their
This paper has the purpose to present theoretical pro- meaning only when referred to social conditions
positions as well as possible research topics and pro- of its production – that is, the positions occupied
blems over the relations between social practices and by their authors in the field of production – or, by
communicative practices. Two fundamental hypothesis the other hand, to the market for which they where
are sustained: a) the construction of theory and research produced (which is no other than the own field
over communication processes are consolidated the of production) and eventually to the successive
more they are associated with effective propositions markets of reception of those works (Bourdieu, 1996,
over social processes. B) The second hypothesis sus- p. 129).
tains that it is possible to construct certain analytical
categories that can be common and applicable both to Communication: the construction of life worlds?
social processes as well as specifically communicative, According to the first hypothesis, the field of
discursive and mediatic ones communication will develop more solidly the more
it associates problematic of social action, to the
KEY WORDS formation of meaning. We can assume the proposition
categories of analysis of L. Braga (2004) about the fecundity of investigating
sociocommunicational concepts problems that rise in the interphases with problems
life world presented by other disciplinary fields or by the own
communicational filed in relation to other ones. If this
is so - and that is what I pretend to demonstrate –,
RESUMO the first hypothesis over the necessity of developing
Este artigo tem o propósito de apresentar proposições teóri- theoretical and methodological strategies of analysis
cas, bem como temas de investigação possível e problemas that associate firmly the research of social processes
sobre as relações entre práticas sociais e práticas comu- jointly with communicational ones will be strongly
nicativas. Duas hipóteses são sustentadas fundamentais: corroborated.
a) a construção de teoria e pesquisa sobre os processos de I propose certain innovative propositions related
comunicação são consolidados, mais elas estão associadas to the theory of “social construction of reality”, as
a proposições efetivo sobre os processos sociais. B) A se- a founding process through which human beings
gunda hipótese sustenta que é possível a construção de phenomenological perceive, categorize, organize,
determinadas categorias de análise que pode ser comum inscribe and adjudicate meanings and values (Vizer,
e aplicável tanto aos processos sociais, bem como especi- 2003, 2006) to their perceptions, their actions and
ficamente comunicativa, discursiva e midiática queridos. experiences in social life.
The hypothesis over communication as social
PALAVRAS-CHAVE construction of reality, tends to be, accepted and
categorias de análise repeated practically as an unquestioned dogma. But
conceitos sociocomunicacionais it hasn’t been done enough to develop it in empiric
mundo da vida research that could contribute positive knowledge of
incredibly complex mechanisms and devices implied
in the social processes of “construction of reality”.
What do we understand by “construction”? How do we
define “social” from a “communicational approach”?
What do we understand by both “communication”
and “reality”? How do their interrelations operate
beyond the fact of both being linguistic constructs?
Eduardo Andrés Vizer The necessity of proposing associations between
Professor da Universidade de Buenos Aires UBA/BA/AR individual and collective “experiences” is evident. Between social, cultural, semiotic and even physical
mechanisms and actions that participate in the co-
construction of a shared world of common experiences

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that allow human beings to perceive, to hear, to interact technological, informational or else). 2) Interfererential
and understand how we construct – consciously or not dimension (through which human beings “refer and
– our shared social contexts and our “life worlds”. construct” themselves one another mutually as agents
I present here some categories of analysis over what in a shared context, differing from the positivistic
we can designate as construction – and sociocultural concept of “interaction”). 3) Auto-referential
classification - of different classes of “topologies” dimension (a “function” of “social construction of
implicit in social experiences. I intend to demonstrate the self”, the presentation of the self as an “identity”
that occidental modernity imposed – culturally and with individual marks and characteristics that allow
ideologically – these categories as universal. They differentiation and individuation).
secure criteria for the construction and organization of I depart from a general proposition: it is strategic
“meaning” – and an underlying “common sense” – as to study “communicative and meaning processes as
well as adequate evaluation over the “modes” in which relations that are constructed by forms of symbolic
we should perceive and understand the experiences appropriation of the world” (as a “strategic cultivation”
of the “real world”. If we accept that communication of social reality). Individuals (as well as groups and
deals fundamentally with processes of construction of institutions) appropriate and cultivate their physical,
meaning, we can sustain that it studies the processes their social and cultural ecologies through objectivation
through which – in this historic moment - individuals, (referentiation), mutual recognition as meaningful
communities and cultures construct and adjudicate subjects (intereferentiation), and as differentiated
meanings and values to their experiences - whether selves with an identity (self-referentiation).
personal or collective - towards nature and the physical Information and cultural processes are conceived
world, social relations and bonds; toward symbols as communicational objects and devices (languages,
and cultural forms, in relation to individuals and their images, symbols, social rules) to which humans resort
personal worlds, their religions and transcendental for “resources” to construct and cultivate foreseeable
searches for values and meanings of life. relations and situations in different contexts and
If we accept that some shared categories of attribution domains of reality conceived as “topological
of meaning have been generalized and are being ecologies”. Relations with the physical world are
shared by different societies, this categories would perceived holistically, mediated by the senses of our
allow us to find a strong foundation for developing own body; relations with a “social ecology” (sense of
communication studies associated with experiences belonging and identification with social collectives:
over social practices, cultural processes, language or culture, country, ethnicity, etc.). Then relations with
mass media, and therefore with the theory of “social an emotional ecology: family, friends, community,
construction of reality”. religion, etc. A symbolic ecology of cultural forms and
I intend to demonstrate that certain categories of expressions: forms, architecture, art, communicative
attribution of meaning to reality and shared social codes, etc. Finally, we must consider the exponential
contexts, will allow to analyze both language and and intrusive applications of technology, as an
everyday life, audiovisual media and arts based in expression of modern “technological culture”,
images (such as painting and photography). If the which actually can construct from biotechnological
general hypothesis sustained at the beginning is “ecologies” to completely artificial ones (as in
exact (that research over communication processes spaceships), up to virtual reality ecologies.
should be related to social ones) the propositions Humans appropriate themselves and “cultivate”
and categories of analysis should – at least in theory their close environment (from the minimal personal
- be valid to deepen both: social studies as well as spaces, to our gardens and architecture). We can
communications. Language, as well as other symbolic consider at least two kinds of control of the environment.
systems should also manifest - or express – some basic a) A “technical and operative control” over the devices
dimensions of social experience that I will present in that regulate natural and physical contexts of our
this paper. Semiolinguistic processes would generate everyday life, and sociotechnical mechanisms and
the formation of symbolic devices that would allow devices which regulate conditions for the reproduction
individuals to realize transformations and linguistic and adaptation of the environment. And we need a
exchanges that assure the creation of shared rules second kind of control: b) “symbolic control processes”:
between social agents participating in the “co- such as reflexivity, acknowledgement, recognition,
construction and cultivation” of realities through interpretation and construction of meaning and values
communication (so as the descriptive and performative over situations and realities. A symbolic topos (real or
functions in language). imaginary) which assure us our feet and our minds are
I propose a three dimensional model of grounded in a shared “principle of reality”.
communication processes (Vizer, 1983). 1) A referential Cultural objects and devices (such as language,
dimension, (construction of “objects” through the images, art) could be considered “informational
communication process, whether linguistic, imagistic, resources” (or resources of and for information

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processing and appropriation). And communication and the problems dealing with strategic (re)production
as the “setting in action” of the former as expressive devices that reinforce the permanent reconstruction
resources by the social actors, in order to (re)construct of social relations. We are replicating a theoretical
meaningfully their different environments. The framework of analysis that promotes the construction
“setting in action” can be considered as the original and refinement of propositions over different
source of learning of life experiences by human beings. dimensions and categories associated to processes
Socialization is precisely the reflexive and dynamic of (trans)formation of social collectives: in formal
fixation of these experiences of action and meaning structured relations – mostly “institutionalized”-;
in the memory, and a process of articulation between in primary emotional bonds and informal relations
perception and the acknowledgment of the adequate (such as family, friends or “contention networks” for
responses according to expected relations with the individuals in disadvantaged situations); productive
material, the social and symbolic ethos of a culture. I activities (work); the “construction and distribution”
believe it is almost obvious to consider socialization of social regulated times and spaces; technological
as the construction of experiences of “cultivation mediatization devices and processes (such as TIC’s);
devices” through which men and women intend to and finally, research on the cultural and symbolic
assure the control of – and some level of “power” over processes which accompany all interphases of social
– their personal lifeworlds. practices (in a double dimension: as a technical
Communication can be considered the concrete operative and informational level, and as a symbolic
and objective expression of the permanent process semiotic communicational process, Vizer 2008).
of reconstruction of the different “contexts of reality”
we build and cultivate in everyday life. We “cultivate
our individual realities” as precious gardens, or as Communication can be
a workshop filled with the instruments we use as
resources for the reconstruction of our lifeworlds, considered the concrete
of our “physical, social, cultural and imaginary
ecologies”. I consider social communication as the and objective expression of
symbolic and meaningful action through which
society constructs culturally its “social ecologies”. An the permanent process of
environmental cultivation, a milieu which individuals
and communities can generate (consciously or reconstruction of the different
unconsciously) through different forms of learning
and toil, producing the necessary resources for the “contexts of reality” we build and
social collective. Social agents put themselves in
“inaction” through the culturally learned devices cultivate in everyday life
that are permanently reproduced. This implies work:
structuring space and time; physical, social, symbolic a) We have tried to integrate in an inter(trans?)
and even imaginary forms of work and toil. Societies disciplinary conceptual framework different
regenerate their productive resources constructing epistemological orientations and inputs from
complex devices for organized social practices. These anthropology, social psychology, systems research,
practices are institutionalized as structures of a system ecology, sociology and semiology. As it was said at
in order to occupy and develop the multiple spaces and the beginning, the aim was to develop research on
times which assure a rational organization and access complex and multidimensional interphase relations
to the necessary resources for survival: instrumental between social and different communication processes
practices, norms, values, codes, formal and informal that can be associated with them.
routines, styles of social association and bonding, b) We constructed propositions over different social
spatial and temporal organization of different “milieus categories and their relations to specific communication
and ambiences” processes. We tested hypothesis over the “universality”
of the proposed categories in different organizations
“Work in progress” and societies. These categories can be considered
Georges Friedmann é mais conhecido na França por as “variables”, subject to be operational through
suOur fundamental theoretical and methodological dimensions and indicators in empiric research over
problems are oriented eminently towards propositions sociocultural practices.
of a socioanthropological approach to communication c) We systematized the dimensions in a research
processes. A social ecology that implies assuming a device named as “Socioanalysis” (Vizer 2005, 2006,
broad and non reductionist perspective of social – and 2008). The application of the “Device” to different
collective – processes. The scope of research topics in organizations and communities in different countries
communication is amplified towards the “interphases” has allowed us to analyze sociocommunicational

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processes, diagnose problems and propose alternative to the construction and delimitation of research
lines of social intervention and action in institutions problems to discourse analysis, mass media and TIC’s
and communities. 1) Instrumental actions and practices, considered
d) Results have been highly positive, analyzing as “technologies” associated to production - and
different social practices both “from and towards” a “ecological transformation” – of the perceived
communicational approach. These results allow us necessary resources for the functioning of a community,
to present here a synthetic set of problems related to an organization (a system that has to achieve its goals).
different fields of communication research. We expect The life conditions and environmental relations, access
to find positive research propositions relating different to necessary resources and means of production,
socio-communicational dimensions to a) discursive circulation and consumption. Obviously, production,
processes, b) audiovisual mass media, c) technologies economy, work and technology are of utter importance
of information and communication (as in Internet for in this dimension.
example). a) Application to discourse analysis: rules of
construction of discourse, as language could be
Dimensions and categories of analysis: beliefs, metaphors, analyzed in a separate level from operations that norm
and discursive constructions of reality communication practices in everyday life.
As we said before, in relation to communication b) Application to analysis of audiovisual media.
processes we can consider three different “functions Three instances can be separated: 1) practices, operative
or dimensions”: referential, inter-referential devices and specific resources for production in each
and self-referential. We expect to enlighten different media (cinema, TV., etc.). 2) Enunciation rules
sociocommunicational research processes and and devices of messages in each media and its physical
problems by “crossing” these dimensions with the supports. 3) Specific material conditions of reception.
social dimensions to be presented bellow. c) “New” Technologies of Information and
Six “social” dimensions are being proposed. As Communication (TIC’s, Internet). Studies over social
said above, these dimensions can be considered as connectivity. Informational structure of technologies
variables with specific indicators to be constructed in in organizational processes. Different – and compared
research (organizations and communities are studied – propositions about the role and influence of
as holistic and structured units of analysis, described technology in conceptions of “Society of Information”,
and interpreted by a socioanalytical device, presented of “communication”, and Society of “Knowledge”.
in other works and impossible to present here for Social and cognitive modifications in the applications
lack of space, Vizer 2005, 2006, 2008). The social and uses of TIC’s.
dimensions underlie a “ground” to communication
and discursive processes that accompany them 2) Political organization. Collective dimension
indissolubly. A strong hypothesis sustains that social associated to the formal structures of institutionalized
dimensions, crossed - interphased, articulated - by the power in the form of Law and State. Legitimating
three communication ones, structure the ontological of hierarchies, authority and rules of action and
conditions for the processes of “meaning formation”, decision making, control of resources – both internal
both at the level of language and discourse as well as and external for organizations -. It corresponds to
in any communication process (such as the mediatic a paradigmatic structure of an organization – an
processes). The combination of categories –or basic “ecological” multilevel political order -, a system of
dimensions- organize different metaphorical orders of social and legal domination that can be local, regional,
“the real, the symbolic, and the imaginary” in social national or extra-national (international organizations
life and in the formation of “universes of meaning” for example). Communication and discourse processes
in culture and society (beliefs and myths over nature, in this category could be analyzed as a “vertical vs
society, the individual, culture and technology). horizontal” axis: constructing propositions over
The dimensions (or categories) of analysis refer to a “equality vs inequality”, “democratic vs authoritarian”
“topological construction” of “lifeworlds”: the techné practices in social relations and beliefs (the classic
of instrumental practices and beliefs; the instituted relations between State and society, division of powers,
and collective power organizations (such as Law and Law, mechanisms of control and legitimating, etc.)
the State); appropriation of social times and spaces; a) Discourse analysis: “Official” formalized
social autonomous actions and emotional bonds in discourses. State institutions languages, “corporative
individual life; and to end with (last but not the least) language” (academic, legal, scientific languages,
culture and symbolic objects and devices as resources etc.). Institutionalized and performative discourse for
for the acknowledgement and (re)construction of reinforcement of institutional mechanisms of control.
environments by social agents (as actors). b) Media analysis: media “power” devices, control
and “effects”. 1) Instances and conditioning of
Categories of socioorganizational analysis. Contributions production and programming: norms and policies

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in medias; censorship. Propaganda and publicity. multiple processes. The “administration” of time as
2) content and ideological analysis; “Ideology” a process that “cultivates, structures and organizes”
of mediatic production; social representations. 3) different social spaces and territories, both private and
Instances of reception: restricted reception modalities public.
and processes. “Conservative, critical or uncritical” Communication research on paradigms of
reception attitudes. institutionalized adscription and distribution of
c) TIC’s: Studies over power vs participative relations, practices over space and time in different contexts
centralization or decentralization in networking and of public and private life. Appropriation of land and
TIC’s. natural spaces being transformed into humanized
symbolically referential cultural objects. For instance:
3) A dimension of “informal everyday life” practices beliefs and social representations of space and time
and their symbolic and communication expressions related to specific practices in urban environments as
(including antiestablishment organizations discourses, cities, communities, organizations, public spaces and
as opposed to the former category). Informal and private homes; on rural activities; comparison between
spontaneous exercise of citizenship (in a horizontal modern and traditional values and meanings over
perspective, as opposed to the former “vertical” time and space; “civilized” vs “primitive” conceptions;
one). For example: discourses of equality, rights to new artificial and technologically constructed times
diversity (for individuals, groups, social and cultural and spaces (for instance in spaceship architecture)
sectors, gender, etc.). This “horizontal dimension” etc. The social and symbolic practices related to
differences from the former radically, opposing itself appropriation of time and space can create spatial
to the structurally vertical, uneven and hierarchical representations and meanings of times past (narratives
visions and expressions of institutions, individuals and representations of history), and a projection to
and social agents, associated to differentiated access the future, in which the present is both a real and
and possession of capital and power. The present an imaginary process continuously (re)presented as
dimension refers to alternative conceptions of “making of history”. The social construction of time
democracy (as “direct or participative” democracy and space can also be analyzed in different levels of
for instance) and relations between State and society, reality: as physical, symbolic and communicational (as
critics over hegemonic forms of exercising power well as in imaginary representations).
in economical, political, class or party relations over a) Discourse analysis: uses of language and discourse
citizens and society in general. It is a useful dimension to represent, describe or “construct” time and space
for sociocommunicational analysis of radical and as physical, symbolic and imaginary processes. Its
antiestablishment movements, human rights, uses and conceptions in the different (six) dimensions
minorities, gender, etc. presented here.
a) Discourse analysis: expressive and creative- b) Media analysis: construction of mediatic times
performative forms of language. Styles and uses in and spaces. 1) instance of production: material and
popular language. Language as social, symbolic and technological conditions and resources; rules and
imaginary instatements. Democracy and discourse. creativity in media production presentations. 2)
Information and communication rights. Instance of media products: selection and combination
b) Media analysis: 1) production instance: freedom of images and sounds that designate or connoted
and creative forms of expression in media and arts; (imply) time, space and represented “scenarios”
alternative media, communitarian, participative 3) Material-physical instances of reception: social
and popular communication. 2) Instance of mediatic and institutional (homes, schools, organizations,
products: content and ideological analysis. 3) etc.). From spatial, social and temporal modalities
Reception instance: (consuming) attitudes; passive or of consumption/reception to imaginary and
active; critical re-signifying and re-appropriation of phenomenological representations of time and space
massive and popular culture. in the reception process.
c) TIC’s analysis. Research on social conditions c) TIC’s analysis. Studies on construction and
for access and uses of TIC’s: democratization, (de) transformations of time and space in the implantation
concentration, participation in networks, political of TIC’s.: connectivity, telematic and social networks.
organizations and TIC’s, social movements and “Ecological hypothesis”: “We have a splendid
collective action. example of the construction of time and space,
comparing mass media technologies and devices
4) A specifically “topological and ecological” which marked the XX century, with the “new”
dimension of distribution and appropriation of technologies of information and communication by
spaces and time. Similarly to modern geographical the end of the century. For the first time in history,
research, social life is considered as both “physical and human technology was able to detain and freeze time,
symbolic” in the structural and historic crossroads of registering scenes, reproducing and diffusing them

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regardless space and time limitations, producing the identifications of receivers with the characters in the
effect of creating indefinitely subjective recreations of media (fiction or nonfictional).
scenes in the imagination of viewers; thus, creating real c) TIC’s analysis: transformations in social relations
“mediatic time and space”. A new kind of symbolic and intersubjective bonding. Formation of virtual
and imaginary media topology, possible only because networks with participative finalities: thematic nets,
technology applied to media (or implied in media), blogs, groups of contention, membership, personal
creates an infinite spatial topology and the possibility searches of friends and affection.
of unending reproductions. In comparison, the new
technologies (TIC’s) can reverse time and space 6) Cultural, mythical and imaginary dimensions
equation created by the first media revolution. TIC’s (religious manifestations included as transcendental
can almost eliminate “natural” space, and replace projections). Narratives, ceremonies and rituals
it completely by virtual digital space. Construction articulate an individual identity to collective
of these new spaces in perception is a sub product “identifications”, and certify a level of coherence or
of the new technological devices which allow us to congruence between the “objective world” and the
appropriate ourselves of time: control it, cut it share subjective perceptions. Traditionally, classic sociology
it, stretch it or lengthen it. If the internal logic of media attributes this dimension to the reproductive function
could only freeze and perpetuate Chaplin, Marilyn, of ideologies.
Kennedy or Stalin, the revolutionary logic of TIC’s a) Discourse analysis: uses of language to express,
can realize the opposite operation: the “eternal”, the represent, describe or construct “objects of culture”.
spaces and representations exist in an indefinite flow From an anthropological vision of material culture:
of time. Control of time constitutes the independent arts and sciences.
variable of appropriation of both real and symbolic b) Media analysis: 1) Production instance: values,
processes. Appropriation never fully realized, because norms, (re)creations and fusion of forms in culture
the flowing never ends. In TIC’s the unique “real 2) Product media instance; combination of images,
appropriation” has become the virtual appropriation sounds, plots and scenarios. Cultural representations.
of reality. 3) Reception instance: uses and cultural consumptions.
Physical, social and semiotic modalities of reception.
5) A dimension of the subject and its associative Imaginary and phenomenological representations
and interpersonal bonds. We refer to an “emotional of characters in different scenes. Association with
cultivation” environment, where humans can cultural images, myths, legends, symbols, etc.
transform objects and other human beings in “objects c) TIC’s analysis: cultural transformations and
of desire” (in a psychoanalitical perspective). In a representations.
bond, the subject is a subject to another, and therefore
he recognizes himself as subject for himself. He Conclusion
acquires value and meaning in the eye of an Other, and Communication sciences have been considered a
that meaning and value is internalized, thus forming paradigmatic example of inter(or trans)disciplinary
part of his own being. It is the eye of the observer that studies. For some authors they have benefited –and for
transforms me in an actor for him and for me, and it is others they have suffered- from a hopeless indefinition
the conscience of action (as actor and observer) which and an epistemological ambiguity of their object
constructs me as an observer of an environment. It studies, ranging from the omnipotent consideration
is fundamental to study both “instituted” forms and that “everything is communication”, down to its
“institutionalizing” ones in the generation of social disqualification as a scientific field. To overcome this
bondages, kindred, feeling of contention, community impasse and the fragmentation of the field, I consider
and protection networks. that the construction of a sociocommunicational
a) Discourse analysis: use of language and discourse theoretical framework that would enable to share
to represent, describe or to construct bonds and social problematic and conceptual categories over
relations as well as expressions of identity. Referentially interdependence between fundamental social practices
and self-referentially in discourse (references to oneself and semiotic processes should be very fruitful. I
and the other). intend to offer some theoretical strategies open to
b) Media analysis: construction of characters and the construction of general propositions and hypothesis
mediatic actors. 1) Production instance: construction that could enable to orient some interdisciplinary
of the “characters of the screen” (actors, speakers, (transdisciplinary ?) lines of research.
presenters, stars, etc.). 2) Instance of media products: A modelization of shared social and
“primary emotions” and relations between the communicational objects and strategies of research,
characters in drama and plots (in fiction or in news would offer a mostly uncommon paradigm that could
and information programs, propaganda and publicity) help to articulate different scope of problems – mostly
3) Reception instance: representations, attitudes and separated between them by disciplinary, institutional

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and cultural boundaries - in order to allow a strategy ecology” in which imagination, meanings and values
of cooperative interdisciplinary (or bidisciplinary to can function as resources through which people
start with) research in sociocommunicational and construct their own “homeplace” in the world, their
sociosymbolic processes and experiences, fundamental meaningful experiences, beliefs and identities (6).
for the constitution (and the “ins-titution”) of any kind The interpretation of arts and media messages can be
of social life. And therefore, the development of the thought of as a phenomenological and “unconscious
“social construction of lifeworlds” theory. projection” of cognitive and emotional categories for
In any society, the six dimensions mentioned the processing of meanings and values of every day
here can be considered different phenomenological life in order to interpret reflexively cultural products.
kind of categorical experiences. Every one of them As mentioned before, agents constitute themselves
corresponds to a kind of specific category of “topology (inter-referentiate and self-referentiate) through
of real life”. Any author can suggest adding or a double practice, the “double structuration” and
substracting dimensions, or even rejecting them, the “double hermeneutics”. So to investigate social
but the main point is that it proposes an “ecological processes we must consider practices in a double
and holistic” perspective on social life, both from the perspective: as “action” and as “meaning of an action”,
vision of objective practices and symbolic and semiotic which can be analyzed as a communication process.
meaningful/reflexive experiences. I believe it difficult Practices manifest themselves communicatively in
to find other epistemological strategies to develop three dimensions: a) as “referentiation” of objects of a
the proposition of meaningful social processes as real world (ontologically, a world manifested through
the “construction” of them by active agents. History the existence of “real” objects, whether symbolic or
conditions humans, but humans “produce history” imaginary). B) as “inter-referentiation” and creation
because they “believe” they can influence it, and of real – and symbolic or imaginary (as in virtual
because they attribute a purpose to their actions, as reality) - contexts between social agents (not just
well as values and meanings. “social interaction”). And c) as “self-referentiation” of
Objectively the categories can be described and the agents (the “personal” manners in which subjects
analyzed through indicators and patterns in a double present themselves and “construct” – consciously or
perspective (corresponding approximately to the not – their social personality and external images of
“double hermeneutic” theory proposed by Giddens themselves).
and by “comprehensive” German sociology): as Finally, in reception processes of media, programs
social objective facts, and as subjective processes in and messages are interpreted and “re-signified”
the construction of social life. They can be applied to selectively by heterogeneous publics precisely because
institutions, social practices, discourses, and obviously they “obey” to certain common motivations and
to the production and reception processes in media, as experiences that are fundamental to the constitution
well as in many social uses and applications of TIC’s. of the social world: topics related to power, conflict,
Both, social processes and audiovisual products (films, survival, hate, love, ambition, some shared beliefs in
or any kind of television programs) are fundamentally values as friendship, heroism, sacrifice, etc. Audiovisual
constructions of meaning that make reference to shared media – and television in the first place since the
dimensions underlying “common sense” in every day second half of the 20th. century – have universalized
life situations. They all share instrumental technical spatially and culturally, a particular and hegemonic
activities for material production and reproduction way to understand the “rules” of constitution of the
of life conditions (1). They all share the social social world by occidental perspectives, patterns
pressure of power and collective institutionalized and values. This process has been “internalized and
organizations (2). They also share the “resistance” to legitimated” through techniques and production
the former and alternative ways of modifying and devices specifically developed by media industry
transforming (many times through conflict) the “status (Hollywood in the first place). This can be recognized
quo” (3). They all need to appropriate and cultivate and acknowledged through the universal acceptance,
a “personal” time and space (public and private) in the understanding and success of some films and
which the agents construct (cultivate) physically and television series during decades (for ex. “Gone with
symbolically their own “habitus” in a real world the wind”, which completes now exactly 70 years).
(4). They all recognize a constitutive social unity: as So, to end with, we can work with the proposition
individuals, as family, group, clan, urban tribe, etc. All that “social construction of reality” is more than
societies recognize some form of physical, emotional just a dogma or a cliché, or an idealistic and obvious
and symbolic bondages (5). And last, no “real life” proposal impossible to test. Social reality “is”, but in
context or media programs can be interpreted if order to “be”, humans must construct meanings to
cultural and semiotic dimensions are not shared and realityFAMECOS
“projected” to a film, a program, a theatrical scene.
Images and representations form a kind of “symbolic

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