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Learning Resources General

Getting Started Linux Computer Science

The ultimate list of lists on breaking into infosec Linux Journey GA Tech OMSCS on Udacity
s3ctur's breaking into infosec OTW: Bandit Crash Course Computer Science
5 year plan to success in Infosec Linux Survival, Linux tutorial Open Source School - CompSci
ImmersiveLabs - Practical in-browser fundamentals Linux Documentation Project: Guides OSTEP - OS Internals, paging, concurrency
Github Education pack (Must have a .edu email) Breakdown of Commandline inputs
So you want to be a hacker The Bash Guide
Literally all you ACTUALLY need Kali Linux Revealed

Curated by NetsecFocus, join us here!
Learning Resources Offense

Network Pentesting WebApp Pentesting Exploit Dev Privilege escalation Wireless Pentesting Cloud Pentesting Public exploits

FSU Pentesting Course Mobile App Pentest Cheatsheet Classes/Guides Windows: exploiting folder permissions Advanced Wireless Network Attacks 2018 Introduction to Pentesting in AWS Exploit DB
CNS320 - Intro to pentesting Web App Challenges Mindmap Modern Binary Exploitation Windows: Privilege Escalation Fundamentals SANS Wireless Pentesting Tips and Resources Security Focus
Awesome Penetration Testing NetSparker SQLi Cheat Sheet Corelan, BOF Windows: Windows-Exploit-Suggester WPA PKMID Attacks IoT and HW security
OffSec Workflow [1] dow-j WebApp Cheat Sheet Windows Heap Exploitation Windows: Privilege Escalation Commands Binary Ninja and ARM
Windows Exploit Suggester Security Idiots Guide to Web Pentesting Windows exploitation series Windows: Practical Windows Privilege Escalation Azeria-Labs ARM tutorials
Awesome OSINT SQL Filer Evasion and Obfuscation Techniques Azeria, intro to writing ARM Assembly Windows: Blind Files
MobileApp-Pentest-Cheatsheet Troy Hunt OWASP Top 10 for .net developers Coursera, Software Security Linux: Basic Linux Privilege Escalation Hardware Arm RE/Exploit dev LegendofR4ndom Linux:
rmusser's infosec Reference Linux: LinEnum Phantasmthewhite's MIFARE & RFID series Root-me ARM challenges
Creating a Windows domain and hacking it Introduction to Malware Analysis Linux: Blind Files scund00r's Proxmark 3 Cheat Sheet ARM exploit challenges
All things Active Directory MySQL Root to System Root with UDF scund00r's RFID Thief guide Reverse Engineering for Beginners
Awesome Red Teaming Vulnerable Web Apps/Labwork Youtube UAC Bypass List, hfiref0x ESP-RFID-Tool Azeria Labs
Python Pentesting Tools Mutillidae, OWASP Top 10 GynvaelEN Escape rbash
Audi-1's SQLi Labs Live Overflow Channel Cheatsheet for Spawing TTY Shells Cloud Pentesting Challenges
Juice Shop, Javascript OWASP targets Sploitspren's Windows Priv-Esc guide
Web App Testing Mindmap

Pentesting Workshops
Windows/Linux Priv Esc Workshop
Learning Resources Programming

Bash Python Powershell Go Misc Resources C/C++ PHP Assembly

G0tmi1k OS scripts for bash (Examples) So you want to be a Python expert? Underthewire, overthewire for powershell SentDex - Practical Go Quandl: Free Data Samples Learning C++ learn PHP Getting started with Arduino/AVR
Bash Guide to Beginners Sentdex Python Tutorials Mick Douglas, Powershell for Forensics Google's official intro Commandline-Kungfu: Bash/Python/PS C++ tutorial (from cprograming) NASM tutorial
Bash Hackers Wiki page Beginner's Cheat Sheet Introduction to Powershell for Security Go by Example Code Academy
Bash Academy (Exercises) Intermediate Cheat Sheet/Reference Page Windows Powershell Cookbook List of Go Libraries, etc UCI Machine Learning Data Sets
Cmdchallenge (Bash Challenges) Interactive/Advanced Cheat Sheet/Resource Page Excercism GoLang Exercises Kevin Chai's datasets
Excercism Python Exercises Data Science Central
Open Data (Italian)
NASA datasets
Registry of Open Data on AWS
Pew Research (pewpewpew)
Learning Resources Defense

Endpoints and DFIR Network Security Monitoring (NSM) RE and Malware Analysis Threat Intelligence

About DFIR, PCAP Analysis Sam Bowne walks through the PMA Basic Threat Intelligence Resource repo
ISC Event Log analysis, IR Securitywizardry's Packet Header Crib Sheets Zerltser's Cheat Sheets
13Cubed Forensics videos/playlist Securitywizardry's Analysis Cheat Sheets StillzTech Malware Series
Hunting Attacker Activity: Lateral Movement Packetlife TCPDump & Wireshark Cheat Sheets Malware Unicorn's Malware Analysis
Opensecurity Slides and Videos PCAPr, benign PCAP samples [Github] Awesome Reversing list
Where to start, blog Detecting packet fragmentation at the IDS (PDF Warning)
Shimcache Artifacts Art of Disassembly
Forensic Challenges Mindmap RE4B, Dennis Yurichev
Aggregate Blog List SecurityXploded
Meirwah's Awesome Incident Response list DrFu
Hardening LegendofR4ndom
Revesing on MacOS
All Things Active Directory Crypton: Exposing Malware's Deepest Secrets (PDF)
CID Audit Scripts RPISEC - Malware Specialist Systems
BSD - Securing Linux r/ReverseEngineering
Awesome Industrial Control System Security
ICS CERT Training
SANS ICS Kill Chain
DTSR Podcast Dragos - Sergio
SCADA Hacker
DTSR Podcast Dragos Robert M Lee
The Air Gap: SCADA's Enduring Security Myth
Hacking Exposed Industrial Control Systems
Learning Resources Crypto

Tutorials & guides Challenges Tools

Hash Identifier guide by @vcsec Cryptopals - Crypto challenges GCQH CyberChef Tools
Stick figure guide to AES Mystery Twister - Crypto challenges psypanda's hashID
Sample hashes id0 - Crypto implementation challenges RSA CTF Tools Hashkiller
CTF tools (Category: crypto)
Learning Resources Books

Defense Attack Scripting Programming Social Engineering Cryptography

Endpoints and DFIR NETWORK BASH C/C++ Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking Handbook of Applied Cryptography
Incident Response & Computer Forensics, Third Edition Advanced Penetration Testing The Linux Commandline Complete Introduction C Programming Language (2nd Edition) Social Engineer's Playbook An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography
The Art of Memory Forensics Penetration Testing: A Hands On Introduction Linux Commandline and Shell Scripting Bible A Crash Course in C Building an Information Security Awareness Program Cryptography Engineering - Niels Ferguson
Troubleshooting with the Windows Sysinternals Tools Hacking: The Art of Exploitation Shell & Bash Scripting: Ultimate Beginner's Guide The C++ Programming Language Everyday Cryptography - Keith Martin
Blue Team Handbook: Incident Response Edition The Hacker Playbook 2 Linux Sysadmin Handbook C++ crash course for C programmers Cryptography and Network Security Principles - William Stallings
Blue Team Field Manual (BTFM) The Hacker Playbook 3 Practical Cryptograph - Niels Ferguson
Practical Forensic Imaging The Shellcoder's Handbook
Designing and Building Security Operations Center Complete Guide to Shodan POWERSHELL GoLang
How to Develop and Implement a Security Master Plan Hacking Exposed Industrial Control Systems Powershell in a Month of Lunches Blackhat Go
Ransomware: Defending Against Digital Extortion RTFM: Red Team Field Manual Windows Powershell Cookbook
Offensive Countermeasures: The Art of Active Defense Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
Security Metrics: Replacing Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt PYTHON
Windows Internals Part 1-7th Edition Python Crash Course
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
Network Security Monitoring (NSM) WEB APPs Black Hat Python LISTS History
Wireshark 101, Laura Chappel The Tangled Web Violent Python SANS Recommend Security Books GCHQ - Richard Aldrich
TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol 1 The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Learn Python3 the Hard Way The Code Book - Simon Singh
The Practice of Network Security Monitoring Bug Hunter's Diary The Self Taught Programmer
Practical Packet Analysis, 3rd Edition Understanding Network Hacks
Network Forensics: Tracking Hackers Through Cyberspace Security Automation with Ansible 2
Network Programmability and Automation: Skills for
Defensive Security Handbook Binary/Malware Analysis, RE, & Exploit Dev the Next-Generation Network Engineer
Network Security Assessment Practical Malware Analysis
Malware Analyst's Cookbook
The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense IRON PYTHON
The Rootkit Arsenal Iron Python in Action
Rootkits, Subverting the Windows Kernel
The Shellcoder's Handbook
Learning Resources Blogs

Learning and Training Mainly Offensive Mainly Defensive General Security & News NSF user blogs

The Magic of Learning Harmjoy: Powershell & Pentesting Malware don't need coffee: Attack Breakdowns SANS Internet Storm Center: News, Breakdowns, learnin'
Pentesting & Cheatsheet ShadowTalk by Digital Shadows Irongeek's site, Sec Con recordings
Ministraitor's Security Con videos
Learning Resources CTF

Offensive Wargames and CTFs Self Hosted Labs General Labs Building Video Walkthroughs HackTheBox

CTF Field Guide Audi's SQLi Labs Building an Effective Active Directory Lab GynvaelEN Hack The Box :: Penetration Testing Labs
Wargame: OTW Bandit Sliim's Pentest Labs Open Source Network Simulators Live Overflow: General RE and CTF
Wargame: OTW Natas Juice Shop, Javascript OWASP targets Whole-network VPN and pfsense Vulnhub Brainpan - Trogdor stream Retired Box Walkthroughs
Wargame: OTW Leviatioan Vulnerable By Design ~ VulnHub Building Virtual Machine Labs (Book) NetsecFocus CTF Walkthroughs Ippsec's Youtube Channel
Wargame: OTW Narnia Splunk Boss of the SOC (Blue Team) Ippsec: Archived HTB and SANS Holiday 0xdf
pwnable kr r00k: Vulnhub, HTB, SANS Holiday epi
Microcorruption, Exercise/CTF
WeChall: lots of wargames - RE challenges - .de mirror Hosted MSP430 RE

DFIR Challenges and CTFs

Pico CTF
CTF List
PicoCTF 2017 Writeups
aboutDFIR CTF Challenges
DEFCON DFIR Challenges
PCAPs of ine-the-wild EKs, etc
A collection of DFIR Challenges
Learning Resources OffSec

Other Resources OSCP/PWK Prep Pentesting Report Examples

Logging Like a Lumberjack A Llama's guide to OSCP Prep Public Pentesting Reports
Learning how to learn NiiConsulting, from Newbie to OSCP
Offsec OSCP exam guide
OSCP-like VM YouTube playlist


wetw0rk's prep guide

Learning Resources Vetting in progress

For Defense > Hardening (or wherever, just thought of these when looking there)

OSCP like vulnhub VMS

Windows priv esc

Binary exploitation

Network Secuirty Assessment - 3rd Edition


powershell training

Malware Analysis and Incident Response

Live map of hacking conferences:
Learning Resources Notes


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