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Prescriber Highlights
Non-specific injectable immunostimulant that has been tried in FeLV-,
FIV, or FIP-positive cats, & vaccine–induced fibrosarcomas
Use is controversial; little, if any controlled study documentation
supporting efficacy in veterinary medicine
Adverse effects include: Possible hypersensitivity reactions, localized
necrosis at injection sites; bolus IV administration can cause
salivation, weakness, collapse, tachycardia, tachypnea; intralesional
injection can cause prolonged pain at site; intraperitoneal injection
can cause monocyte infiltrates on peritoneal surfaces, liver, & spleen
with resultant abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting.
Topical products available; potentially can reduce wound healing time
Veterinary acemannan injection is labeled for use in dogs or cats as an aid in
the treatment (i.e., surgery) and clinical management of fibrosarcoma. It has
been tried as a treatment for FeLV, FIV, and FIP infections in cats, but
efficacy has not been adequately proven by controlled clinical studies.
Acemannan has been used in dogs as an intralesional injection for
papillomatosis. It reportedly has been used in horses, but no specific
information on this was located.

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