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NAME: Teodoro Elvis Quispe Vilca 3.

We wouldn't had a dog if we you didn't have a

4. If my brother wasn't allergic to animals, he
would got a car.

9A What would you do?

5. If I lived in the country, I would learned to
ride a horse.
6. What would you do if a dangerous dog
attacked you?
a. Mach the sentence beginnings and endings

1. If my sister were older, she could go to the

party with me
2. My parents would buy a bigger housen if they
9B I've been afraid of if for
had more money. years
3. He'd go sailing if the could swim.
4. What would people do if they couldn't watch
5. If you swa that horror movie, you'd be really
scared. a. Circle the correct word to complete each
6. I'd go for a walk if it wasn't raining. sentence

b. Order the words to complete the sentences 1. Jess hasn't flown on a plane for many years.
and question. 2. I haven't seen my parents since my birthday.
3. He hasn't ridden a horse for he fell off one when
1. If I had a car, I would drive it to work. he was twelve.
2. What would you do If you found a million 4. We've had our rabbit for six months.
dollars. 5. My grandmother has agoraphobia. She hasn't
3. He'd buy a one phone if he could afford. left the house for two years.
4. If someone if gave me caviar, I wouldn't eat it. 6. I've been afraid of dogs since I was very young.
5. What would you say if you could talk to the 7. Tomo is sick. He hasn't eaten for two days.
president?. 8. We haven't been back there since the accident
6. I'd look for you a new job if I were boss. happened.

c. Complete the second conditional sentences b. Complete the text with for and since.
with the correct form of the verbs in
parentheses. 1. For
2. Since
1. Is a b flew into my bedroom, I would open the 3. Since
window. 4. Since
2. Is my sister saw a mouse in the kitchen, she 5. For
would scream. 6. For
7. Since
8. Since lot of friends, and they're very happy in their new
9. For home.

c. Complete the questions about Kristen Stewart b. Write the verbs in the simple past or present
perfect. Use contractions where necessary.
1. When did Kristen Stewart start acting?
2. Did she play the part of Bella Swan? 1.
3. How long has Kristen lived in Los Angeles? A How long have you studied English?
4. When did Kristen have equinophobia? B. Since I was little. I started learning it at school.
5. When did fans hear about her phobia? 2.
A Are Tom and Melissa married?
d. Correct the mistake in the bold phrases. B Yes, they are.
A When did they get married?
1. Nina has hates flying. B Last year. But they've been together for about ten
2. How long has your brother been an actor? years now.
3. We've beeb married since 2000. 3.
4. He's been in the US since February. A is that man the new accountant?
5. How long have you had your dog? B Yes, he is.
6. He's had this job for eight years. A How long did he work here?
7. I've had four cars since I learned to drive. B Only for two months. He graduated from college in
8. She's known Victoria since they were at school. June.
A How long have you had your car.
9C Born to sing B A long time! I bought it in 2005, I think.
A When did Sandra Meet her best friend?
GRAMMAR B When she was at college. She's known her for three
years now.
a. Circle the correct verb froms. 6
A How long have you lived in Lima?
My brother was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1948, B Not long. I arrived six months ago.
When She graduated from high school, she started
working in a office in Chicago. Later, the company sent
her to a different office in Denver, Colorado, where she
met my father. They've gotten married in 1970.
They've three children- I'm the youngest.

They moved back to Chicago again when my father

retired. They bought a very nice house, and They've
there for two now. My father has just planted a
vegetable garden in the backyard - He's been an
excellent gardener all his life. My parents have made a

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