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A. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

catch • check • get • go • make • pick • pull • see

1. Let's go to the airport to Grandpa off when he flies back home.

2. If it starts to rain, for a nearby cave to wait for it to pass.
3. We would like to remind all guests that they must out before midday.
4. Please in and stop so that I can buy something to drink.
5. Every Saturday night my dad us up outside the cinema.
6. I think the neighbours have away for the weekend.
7. John's up ahead so Greg is pedaling fast to up with him.
8. We're going on holiday tomorrow, but we'll call you when we back.
B. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in brackets. Add any
other words you need.
1. We can (START OUR JOURNEY) towards the mountains at dawn.
2. Dad fetched the luggage while Mum (REGISTERED) at the hotel.
3. I asked the taxi driver to (LET ME GET OUT) outside the train station.
4. Oh, no! I've forgotten my passport! We'll have to (GO BACK) and get it!
5. The most exciting moment is when the plane (LEAVES THE GROUND) .
6. Stop the car! I think we've (HIT) a dog.
7. I don't think a horse can ever (STAY AT THE SAME SPEED AS) a car.

A. Write one word in each gap.
1. Tony never used to want to join with the other kids in the playground.
2. Look ! There's a car coming!
3. Simone's to wearing a helmet whenever she goes cycling.
4. I was thinking of taking scuba diving until I found out how expensive the equipment
5. They were knocked in the semi-final.

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6. Maybe we should bring the meeting to this Tuesday instead of having it in
two weeks' time.
7. Becca had to pull of the race when she sprained her ankle.
8. Melissa doesn't in for adventure sports.

A. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

plug • turn • carry • narrow • put • work • come • break

1. A lorry had down on the motorway and we had to wait for over an hour.
2. I have it down to two computer games, but I still can't make up my mind.
3. I wish you would the TV off and go outside and get some exercise.
4. Scientists are trying to out ways to reduce pollution from aircraft.
5. Tomorrow, we will be out an experiment to test this theory.
6. Who up with the idea of the ball-point pen?
7. I just you through to our research department. Please hold on.
8. No wonder the vacuum cleaner isn't working. You haven't it in!
B. Match to make sentences.

A. off because she forgot to pay the

1. Alex's electricity was cut
2. Wear a mask because these
B. metals such as lead into gold
chemicals give
3. I'm writing an essay and I need to find C. out who discovered penicillin
4. I was pleased that our gamble came D. on in physics over the last year
5. Alchemists spent years trying to turn E. off fumes that can be harmful.
F. off and the experiment was a
6. Your teacher says you've really come

Write one word in each gap.
1. Please do not over your examination papers until you are instructed to do so.
2. I had to in so many forms. It took me hours!
3. I'd like everyone here to forward as many suggestions as possible.
4. There was a guy in the street out free tickets to that new quiz show.
5. He out that he'd worked in children's TV, but in fact he's never been near a TV studio!

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6. Could you up her number in the phone book?
7. She out as one of the finest contemporary British novelists around at the moment.

A. Complete using the words from the box. You need to use one word twice.

get make put look bring fall grow

Some of us seem to be infinitely kind, while others seem to (1) down on everyone around
them. Some of us never forget an argument, while others (2) up and forgive easily. As
we (3) up, our personality develops and we find that we (4) on with
certain people more than others. Who we are seems to have a large genetic element, but is also
influenced by those who (5) us up. If we (6) up to our parents or other family
members, we may want to be like them. On the other hand, if our parents seem to (7)
us down all the time and we (8) out with them a lot, then perhaps, we will develop
quite different personalities.

B. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in brackets. Add any
other words need.
1. The doctor said that the old woman had (DIED) peacefully in her sleep.
2. I (ALWAYS SUPPORT) my brother when he gets into trouble.
3. Tony seems to have really (FALLEN IN LOVE WITH) Vanessa.
4. Mark is such a bully and (TREATS BADLY) the younger boys at school.
5. I was (SURPRISED) when Michaela said I'd hurt her feelings.
6. Richard finally met the woman of his (DREAMS AND GOT MARRIED AND STARTED TO LIVE
QUIETLY) in Australia.
7. I saw Mrs. Khan in the centre of town and she (ASKED FOR NEWS ABOUT)

A. Complete using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

break out • bring in • chase after • come forward

go off • look into • hold up • make off

1. So many witnesses have that it will take days to interview them all.
2. The two robbers on a motorbike.
3. Police are allegations of corruption in the mayor's office.

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4. The government is thinking of a law to allow on-the-spot fines for hooligans.
5. A robber has three banks in town in the last week.
6. They spent two years planning their escape before they finally of prison.
7. The policewoman the pickpocket, brought him to the ground and finally arrested him.
8. Luckily, the bomb disposal squad defused the bomb before it
B. Write one word in each gap.


The most incredible thing happened to me yesterday. I was walking home from school when I saw a
wallet on the ground full of money. I picked it up, and was just about to take it to the police station to
(1) it in, when a police officer jumped out and told me I was under arrest for stealing. I
tried to explain the situation but he wouldn't (2) down. I won't let you get (3)
with this,' he said. You're a thief, and thieves have to be punished. 'He handcuffed me and
drove me to the police station, where he took (4) my name and address. I started
crying, and begged him to (5) me off, again trying to explain that I wasn't going to keep
the money. Suddenly, my best friend Adrian and a TV presenter came in and the police officer started
laughing. It was a practical joke for a TV show, and I'd been completely (6) in!

Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in bold.
1. Gill slowly (BECAME CONSCIOUS) after the operation.
2. My dad is trying to (DO LESS) on smoking.
3. I think the medicine is beginning to (STOP BEING EFFECTIVE)
4. Bill decided that he needed to go on a diet after (GAINING) weight.
5. It was so hot in the stadium that a number of people (BECAME UNCONSCIOUS)
6. I finally (RECOVER FROM) the cold that I had had all week.
7. We thought we were going to lose our horse when he got ill, but he managed to (SURVIVE)

8. My dentist told me to (TAKE CARE OF) my teeth.

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Write one word in each gap.
Restaurant review: La Clara, Kensington by Celia Clarke

I've taken (1) not booking a table in my real name for these restaurant reviews, as there's
always the fear that I'll receive special attention if they know I'm a food critic. For Adam Carter's
new restaurant, La Clara, on Kensington High Street, I took this one stage further by not booking a
table at all.

Earlier in the evening, some friends had come (2) for a chat and mentioned La Clara.

We decided just to drop (3) to see if there was a free table. There wasn't - always a
risk if you (4) up without booking, of course – but we decided to wait. And wait we
did. Having arrived at about 9.30, it was getting (5) for eleven before we were finally
seated. Incidentally, while we were having a drink at the bar, we ran (6) the food critic of
a rival newspaper. She said this was one of her favourite restaurants at the moment. I'd like to be
able to report that I now agree, but unfortunately our meal turned (7) to be far from

I ordered mushroom troubadour as a starter. The sauce tasted like the cream had (8) off.

It was practically inedible. My friend Jane ordered salmon sentinale. Fifteen minutes after my
mushrooms had arrived, the waiter came over to say that they had (9) out of salmon. He
went (10) to say that they would be closing at midnight. It was already 11.30. The head
chef of La Clara likes to try (11) one new dish every day. This is called the Chef's Special. I
decided to have this - a not-particularly-exciting pasta dish – for the main course. It wasn't bad, but
the waiter kept (12) coming over to see if we had finished. We hadn't. I'll leave (13)
a description of the dessert. We had to eat it so quickly I can't even remember what it tasted

I don't want to (14) anyone off trying La Clara - all new restaurants have problems at the
start – but I for one shan't be going back any time soon.

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Write one word in each gap.
1. Just get with Exercise C and I’ll be back in a minute.
2. My teacher says that I should sail the exam, but I'm not so sure.
3. Dave didn't understand what Miss Smith was getting so he asked her to explain it
4. We all tried to convince our teacher to change his mind about the school trip and he finally came

5. If you make a mistake, just cross it with a single line.

6. Belinda missed a few months of school because of illness and found it difficult to keep
with her classmates.
7. The other kids were making fun of me, but I didn't catch until I heard them

A. Complete using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

call for call off clear up cut off die down do up face up to put out

1. The weather should have by this evening, shouldn't it?

2. Do you think the wind has enough for us to go sailing without any danger?
3. Environmentalists are stricter controls on the use of leaded petrol.
4. Why can't they the fact that their products are bad for the environment?
5. Firefighters managed to the forest fire before it destroyed any houses.
6. We'll have to the demonstration if the weather's really bad, won't we?
7. The town was totally for three days because of the floods.
8. It didn't take us long to the old barn, did it?
B. Write one word in each gap.
1. Don't throw those batteries . They're not biodegradable!
2. Rainy days always me down.
3. Could you tell me what the letters 'CJD' stand ?
4. They're planning to tear the old cinema and build a new shopping centre on the land.
5. I think the rain's set for the day, don't you?
6. Some scientists put the extinction of the dinosaurs down changes in the world's

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A. Complete using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

look round come by make out put by get through bank on give away

1. Of course I'll pay you back next week. You can it.
2. Would you please the cheque to Mr. P. Edwards?
3. I try to a little money each year to spend on a nice holiday.
4. We a lot of butter in our family every week.
5. Do you fancy coming into town on Saturday to the shops?
6. The robber couldn't explain how he such a large amount of money when the police
caught him.
7. Did you hear about the millionaire who his entire fortune to charity?
B. Write one word in each gap.

A lucky find
When I was young, we always had to do (1) a lot of things that other kids had. We lived (2)
my dad's wage, which wasn't much, but we managed to get (3) . If we
needed anything, we would (4) up for it, but there was never very much for luxuries. Then,
one day, I was helping my mum clean out my great-aunt's attic after she died when we came (5)
my great-aunt's will! In it, she had left all her money to my mum. and my great-aunt had been
very rich! We had suddenly come (6) a fortune!

Life changed after that, I can tell you. We bought a new house and a new car and went on a great
holiday to (7) up for all the times we hadn't been able to afford it. They say money isn't
everything, but having money is a lot more fun than not having it!

A. Write one word in each gap.

A future pop star?

My little brother, Carl, takes (1) our dad in that they both like to sing. The difference is that
Dad's got quite a good voice. Carl can't sing at all! This doesn't stop him, though. He's always singing.
He starts as soon as he wakes up, and doesn't stop until he drops (2) at night. I usually
get along very well (3) Carl, but he can be a bit annoying when he starts showing (4)
. You can count (5) him to do this whenever we have guests. My mum and dad

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will be talking to some friends, and then suddenly the conversation will be completely drowned (6)
by Carl singing at the top of his lungs. The other day, I told him he should be on the radio. For
a second he fell (7) it, until I told him that that if he was on the radio, we could turn it

B. Complete using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.
come (a)round go down grow on let down name after put on take off

1. Marlon Brando will in history as one of the greatest actors of all time.
2. Our class is going to a play at the end of term.
3. I didn't really like Madonna's new single when it came out, but it's starting to me
4. Did you know that the sandwich is the Earl of Sandwich?
5. The band have really since appearing on the Video Music Awards show last month.
6. The Eurovision Song Contest is again soon. Shall we organise a Eurovision party?
7. I felt completely when he refused to give me his autograph. I'm never going to buy
another one of his CDs!

Write one word in each gap.

by Lisa Wilkinson
If you ask me, it's high time they (1) away with fashion. I've had enough of it. Just when I
think I've finally got it right, I pop (2) a clothes shop to find that they've changed all
the rules! One minute it's cool to wear brand new expensive stuff, and the next you have to take all
that (3) and wear clothes that look as if they've been handed (4)
by your grandma. You can't win! Well, I've torn (5) my fashion magazines and
adopted anti-fashion. It's an idea that has grown (6) of frustration and, to be honest,
a lack of money to spend on yet another dress that I only wear once.

I started by drawing (7) a plan. I decided to line all my clothes (8)

together, try them all (9) and give to charity anything that either didn't fit or
suit me. Then, I wouldn't buy any more new clothes until something wore (10) . I
went (11) my plan again, and knew that I would have to be tough with myself.

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After all, I’d spent a lot of money on some of that stuff. Finally, I plucked up the courage to do it. It
felt a little bit like being a child again, dressing (12) in your mum's clothes, but I also
felt a great sense of freedom.

That was a year ago and, although I occasionally see something and think, "Oh, that's gorgeous!", I
haven't thought any clothes. If you ever come over to my house and I (13) you around
my bedroom, you might see last season's fashions, but you'll also see a woman who feels free. And
that's anti-fashion. Do you think it'll catch (14) ?

Write one word in each gap.

It just takes hard work and commitment

Entrepreneur Jane Dickson describes how she got started
I was working as an IT Manager for a small publishing company (in fact, I was standing (1)
for the actual manager while she was away on maternity leave) when the company was
taken (2) by a large multinational media organisation. It was in the depths of the
recession, and initially our new owners promised to see our small company (3) the hard
times. Things got worse, though, and they finally backed (4) of their agreement. Our
company closed (5) . We were all made redundant - it was horrible!

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do next. I (6) down several offers of work as I didn't want to
rush into anything. Then, one day, I woke up and thought: I'm going to set (7) my own
business!'. At first it was tough. I had to (8) to everything myself – I was the only
employee! - but I set (9) it with dedication and refused to give up, whatever happened. Over
the last five years, as the company's grown, I've taken (10) more and more staff. Dickson's
now employs over five hundred people! I set (11) to be successful, and I've managed it. I
feel very lucky, although, to be honest, luck has nothing to do with it. It just takes hard work and
commitment. I don't feel satisfied yet, though. We're bringing (12) new products all
the time, and I want to continue doing that. I also want to speed (13) our production
process to make it more efficient. I'm not planning to slow (14) any time soon!


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