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English Language & Terminology

Lecture 1
English Idioms
• An idiom is a group of words in a fixed order
that have a particular meaning that’s different
from the meanings of each word understood
on its own.
• 1- Don’t let the cat out of the bag.
• 2- He has a finger in every pie.
• 3- You did it. You have to face the music.
• 4- It’s fishy. (I smell a fish).
English Idioms
• 5- She had a cow.
• 6- You have hit the nail on the head.
• 7- He kicks the bucket.
• 8- She has a pan in the oven.
• 9- You two never see eye to eye.
• 10- I’ll learn it by heart.
• 11- It’s a dog day.
• Explain the meaning of the following terms:
• 1- To sing the swan song.
• 2- I’m under the weather.
• 3- She has a big mouth.
• 4- Love me, love my dog.
• 5- barking dogs rarely bite.
Phrasal Verbs
• A phrasal verb is a phrase that consists of a
verb in combination with a preposition. The
meaning of the phrasal verb is completely
different from the meaning of its separate
• Look up/ make up for/ run into/ put up with
Complete the sentences:

passed away, do without, look forward to, called

off, made up, carried away, break out, run out, put
up with, keep up.
1. Don't smoke in the forest. Fires easily at this time of the year.
2. I seeing my friends again.
3. I'm afraid; we have of apple juice. Will an orange juice do?
4. Your website has helped me a lot to the good work.
5. A friend of mine has her wedding.
6. His mother can't his terrible behavior anymore.
7. As an excuse for being late, she a whole story.
8. I got by his enthusiasm.
9. I just cannot my mobile. I always keep it with me.
10. she was very sad because her father last week.

Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particles.

1. I don't know where my book is. I must look it.

2. Fill the form, please.
3. The music is too loud. Could you turn the volume, please?
4. Quick, get the bus or you'll have to walk home.
5. Turn the lights when you go to bed.
6. Do you mind if I switch the TV? I'd like to watch the news.
7. The dinner was ruined. I had to throw it .
8. When you enter the house, take your shoes and put your
9. If you don't know this word, you can look it in a dictionary.
Complete the phrasal verbs according to their meanings in brackets.

1. your shoes.(Remove)
2. Somebody has to the baby. (Take care of)
3. She wants to the truth? (Discover)
4. Where can I the sweater? (See if it fits)
5. . (be quick)
6. Why don't you ? (Take a seat)
7. I will the train now. (Enter)
8. the word in a dictionary. (Consult a dictionary)
9. I want to the form. (Complete)
10. The firemen the fire.(Extinguish)

Phrasal verbs with the verb come –

Phrasal verbs in English

1. He comes Italy.
2. The blue car came last.
3. Come try once more.
4. We came home very late.
5. She came some old letters in the cellar.
6. The price of computers is coming .
7. He is trying to come these tablets.
8. The sun came after the rain had stopped.
9. They came to New Orleans last summer.
10. His birthday is coming next week.
Confusing words
 Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase:
1. She is …………………….. of her success.

(a) confident
(b) confidant
(c) confessor

2. I don’t want any ……………………… explanation.

(a) farther
(b) further
(c) farthest

3. Is there ………………………. in the class?

(a) anyone
(b) no one
(c) some one
The doctor …………………. the patients to quit smoking.

(a) advised
(b) advices
(c) told

5. He says he is enjoying his ……………………………… job.

(a) later
(b) latest
(c) latter

6. All students should have ………………………….. to a good


(a) access
(b) axis
(c) excess
7. ………………………… football, he plays cricket.

(a) Beside
(b) Besides
(c) Till

8. ………………………… knowledge is a dangerous thing.

(a) A little
(b) Little
(c) The little

9. He is my ……………………… brother.

(a) elder
(b) older
(c) senior

10. The sun ………………………….. in the east.

(a) races
(b) raises
(c) rises
 Choose one of the words in brackets to fill the gap.
1. Do you ......................... payment by credit card? (accept / except)
2. Everybody turned up at Fiona's party ......................... her exboyfriend.
(accept / except)
3. What ......................... did the high altitude have on you? (affect /
4. Did the high altitude ......................... you when you were in Quito?
(affect / effect)
5. She gave me some excellent ......................... about my girlfriend.
(advice / advise)
6. I ......................... you not to get involved in Sandra and Mike's
problems. (advice / advise)
7. We need to find something to ......................... the curtains.
(complement / compliment)
8. She got annoyed with me because I didn't ......................... her on her
new hair style. (complement / compliment)
9. Don't tell anyone about my promotion. I want to be as .........................
about it as possible. (discreet / discrete)
10. Catalan and Valencian are not ......................... languages. (discreet /
11. The weather forecast says that rain is ......................... . (eminent /
12. Professor Pachorro is very ......................... among brain surgeons.
(eminent / imminent)
13. I wanted to see the ......................... about Manet in the Prado gallery
in Madrid. (exhibition / expedition)
14. A recent Spanish ......................... to the Antarctic has been collecting
data about global warming. (exhibition / expedition)
15. The South Downs, a range of hills running across Sussex, are not very
......................... . (high / tall)
16. Tom Cruise is not ......................... . He's short. (high / tall)
17. This is an ......................... device for opening bottles. (ingenious /
18. Your argument is ......................... . Just tell me why you are in favour
of a military solution. (irrelevant / irreverent)
19. If you want to be a champion, you have to ......................... everyday.
(practice / practise)
20. Learning to dance the salsa is a question of going to classes and lots
of ......................... . (practice / practise)

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