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Science – 1.

Nutrition in plants
Long answers
1.Describe the process of photosynthesis, Give its equation.
A : The process by which green plants prepare their food is called
Photo = light ; Synthesis = to combine
During the process, plants absorb the sun’s energy through their
leaves and convert into food energy , using raw material from the
atmosphere and soil.
For photosynthesis, carbon dioxide , water, chlorophyll and
sunlight are required.
Chlorophyll is the green pigment present in leaves.
Sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll.
Carbon dioxide is absorbed from atmosphere through stomata in
Water is taken up from the soil by the roots and transported to the
leaves through xylem vessels which are present throughout the
plant body.
Carbon dioxide + water --------------------- glucose + oxygen.
The end product of photosynthesis is carbohydrate ( glucose )
and the byproduct is oxygen.
( You have to draw a neat labeled diagram which is given in your
text book page:3 , Figure 1.4 ) Now you leave half of the page to
draw the diagram.
2. Describe how non-green plants obtain their food.
A: Non-green plants obtain their food by heterotrophic mode of
Heterotrophic nutrition:
Non-green plants cannot manufacture their own food and derive
food from other plants and animals. Such type of nutrition is called
heterotrophic nutrition.
Heterotrophic plants are of 4 types :
a. Parasitic plants
b. Saprophytic plants
c. Insectivorous or carnivorous plants
d. Symbiotic plants
a. Parasitic plants:
The non-green plants which live on other living organisms and
obtain their food from them are called Parasitic plants.
A living organism from which a parasite derives its food is called
the host.
Ex: Amarbel.
b. Saprophytic plants:
The plants which live and feed on dead and decaying organic
matter are called saprophytic plants.
Ex: Fungi, mushroom, mould, yeast etc.
c. Insectivorous plants :
The plants which eat animals, particularly insects are called
insectivorous plants.
Ex: Pitcher plant, Venus fly trap , Sundew plant.
d. Symbiotic plants:
The plants which live in association with other plants and share
shelter and nutrients are called symbiosis.
Ex: Lichens.
3. How does a pitcher plant catch insects?
A: Pitcher plant is an insect – eating plant. Insectivorous plants
have developed special structures to catch insects.
In a pitcher plant , the pitcher like structure is the modified part of
the leaf.
The leaf tip is modified to form a lid which can open or close the
mouth of the pitcher.
Inside the pitcher , downward pointing hair are present.
Once an insect enter the pitcher , the lid closes and the insect
gets trapped in the hairs.
Digestive juices secreted in the pitcher , now digest the insects.
( You have to draw a neat labeled diagram which is given in your
text book page:10 , Figure 1.12 ) Now you leave half of the page
to draw the diagram.
4. Give the differences between the following.
a. Parasites and saprophytes b. Autotrophs and heterotrophs
a. Parasites and saprophytes :
i. Parasites: The non-green plants which live on other living
organisms and obtain their food from them are called parasitic
Para = other , sitic = dependent
Chlorophyll is absent.
Ex: Cuscuta ( Amarbel )
ii. Saprophytes : The plants which live and feed on dead and
decaying organic matter are called saprophytic plants.
Sapro = decaying , phytos = plants
They absorb food from dead and decaying organic matter.
Ex: Fungi, mushroom, mould, yeast etc.
b. Autotrophs and heterotrophs
i. Autotrophs: Green plants prepare their own food by the process
called photosynthesis.
The leaves of these plants contain green pigment is called
Ex: Green plants.
ii. Heterotrophs: Organisms that cannot prepare their own food
and derives food from plants and animals are called heterotrophs.
Chlorophyll is absent. So they depend on other organisms for
their food.
Ex: All animals.
1. Why do we need food?
A: We require food
which provides energy to perform life processes.
for various activities to stay alive.
growth and development.
2. What is the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis?
A: Chlorophyll is green pigment present in plants.
It captures light energy , then the light energy is converted into
chemical energy ( carbohydrate).
Dear students , take down the Science notes today.
Science – 1. Nutrition in plants
3. What is the part of the plant in which food is made?
A: The part of the plant in which food is made is leaf. Leaves
require carbon dioxide, water, chlorophyll and light to make food.
4. How would you test for the presence of starch in leaves ?
A: The presence of starch in leaves can be tested by using iodine.
Blue-black colour indicates the presence of starch.
5. What is produced as a result of photosynthesis ?
A: Carbohydrate ( glucose ) is produced as a result of
photosynthesis. It is the food material for the plant body and
distributed to all the parts of the plant.
6. What will happen to life on the earth in the absence of
photosynthesis ?
A: In the absence of photosynthesis, life will not be possible as
Food will not be available.
Oxygen , a by product of photosynthesis will not be released.
The balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide will be disturbed in the
absence of photosynthesis.
My dear students , today ( Sunday , 21 June 2020 ) itself you
have to take down Science notes from 1 – 3 long answers.

Good morning. My dear students , today ( Tuesday , 30 June

2020 ) itself you have to take down Nutrition in plants notes ( 4
long answer, 1 and 2 short answers.

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