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Member of the group : Alma Regina / 001

Dinda Diah / 035

Clara natalitha / 031
Shakira Wisnu / 003
Angelina Aryanti sani / 037
Resti Susanti / 010
Patricia Amanda / 013
Kalyana Mitta / 029
Kornelia Vidia / 016
Icca Loranika / 009
Mauren Hilda / 012
The value of English for Education and Employment
 The number of people (400 million) who studying English increases every year
from young age.
 In Outer Cycle English has a long history and function in education,
government, literature, and popular culture.
 English uses as “lingua Francia” and expanding in EFL and EIL for business,
media and communication, air and sea travel, and science and technology.
 English used in international event and major medium for tourism.
 There are 350 million speakers as native speakers.
 All countries adopted English language as education system from primary level
which improve their English proficiency during their primary and divide them
into international and foreign language.
1. The benefit of Early Language Learning
 Children can pick up a language easily and can acquire native-like proficiency
in a foreign language even though the language is combined.
 Adolescent learners are more efficient language learners because they had
known about their mother tongue.
 European Commission identifies children who got early language learning had
better language skills and favourable attitudes to other languages and cultures.
 There are some conditions that suitable for younger children such as natural,
contextualized, interesting, relevant, social, belongs to the child, has a purpose,
give challenge, multisensory, active and experimental, memorable, personalize,
and relaxed and warm environment.
2. The reason why starting language learning early:
 The value of increased time
a. Young learners have more time to learn the language and it can go
b. It provides more practice and experience which led to fluency and
c. Children need to learn English for 30-minute periods a week to get the
better intensity.
 The possibility of better pronunciation and fluency
a. Young learners are more likely to attain native-like pronunciation.
b. They have a greater confidence in speaking and better oral proficiency.
c. Young learners acquire English to native levels without accent in a fun
 The possibility of greater global awareness and intercultural competence
a. Children gain an appreciation for other languages and cultures.
b. Children aware and reflective with their own language and culture.
c. Children more open with cultural understanding.
 The value of bilingualism
a. Children get ability to see a problem with different perspective.
b. It helps them to improve their ability to think and understand things.

3. Planning for Success in EYL Programs

a. Effective EYL Program Models
Teaching young learners need to be carefully planned, adequately supported, and
resourced, and closely monitored and evaluated. It started in primary grade for 20-
30 minutes a week. Children are taught subject combine with English every day
which make the proficiency vary. Students who use instruction in English has better
proficiency. It has different form, goals, objectives, educational policy, resources,
and the role of various languages. The characteristic of effective EYL programs are
encourage interaction, provide engaging activities, and build positive language
toward learning.

Here are some methods in United States and adapted to other countries, such as:
1. FlEX programs (Foreign Language Exploratory or Experience)

No Material Explanation
1 Purpose Introduce children to different language and cultures.
2 Example Children learn basic words or phrase before or after
school through music, song, stories, in a foreign
3 Goals -Increase children’s awareness of other languages
and their own.
-Create high level of interest and motivate children
to study a language.
4 Focus Exploring or experiencing languages rather than

2. FLES programs
No Material Explanation
1 Purpose Children study one language as a regular school
2 Example Use mathematics, science, social studies in foreign
3 Goals Help children develop listening and speaking
English in another language and the proficiency in
reading and writing in primary grades.
4 Focus Focusing on the language and content (academic
language and thinking skills)
5 Benefit -Provide more time for language learning
-attain a higher level of language proficiency than
learners in regular FLES program.

3. Immersion programs
No Material Explanation
1 Purpose Immerse children in another language by using as the
medium of instruction.
2 Example Children study all the subject ex-native through
English. In partial program, school use half of
foreign program and continue it in secondary school.
3 Goals Develop functional proficiency in other language
without loss of the native language.
4 Benefit -Develop excellent listening and reading
comprehension skills.
-Good at listening and reading in another language
without harm to their own language.
5 Characteristic -English is the language of instruction for some
-The native language never abandoned

4. Dual-language or two-way immersion programs

No Material Explanation
1 Purpose Children use two languages as the instruction step by
step start from using one language.
2 Example Children who speak Spanish and English will use
both language for instruction starting from one
language before adding another language.
3 Goals Additive bilingualism such as bilingual, bicultural,
biliterate, and retain their home or heritage language
while learning another.
4 Benefit -Provide comprehensive and comprehensive
pathway for students to see progress.
-Inspire students to explore and discover many
creative ideas.
5 Characteristic Involve two teachers, each speaking one language,
or one teacher uses required language.

5. Traditional and maintenance bilingual programs

No Material Explanation
1 Purpose Help children transition from their first language into
the language of schooling after three years of
bilingual instruction.
2 Example Children start with instructional time learning to read
and get instruction with both language before switch
into second language.
4 Benefit -Children can make transition to another language
even though they may continue their native
5 Characteristic -Does not support continued literacy or development
of the native language use.
-provide instruction through the first language.
6 Goals Develop deep literacy and academic learning in the
first language while providing increasing amounts of
instruction through the second.
a.Traditional & maintenance bilingual programs.
a) To help children transition from their first language into the language of
b) TBE programs are designed to respond with flexibility.
It helps to develop and continue the enrichment of both languages. So students
are able to maintain their own culture and feel comfortable learning a new
b.Value: English is an international language, so this skill is required to support
future life and open a lot of opportunities without forgetting their own language
and culture.
Benefit: They will not feel “learning” because indirectly the habit will be

b. Appropriately Trained EYL Teachers

The most important factor in any child’s education is the teacher. It needs well-
trained teacher to help the student learning English and has appropriate training in
teaching young learners. The challenge is many teachers taught with no special
training how to teach children because they are elementary teacher who taught
English. Most EYL programs are having non-native English speaking teachers who
share the cultural background so it will be difficult to make connection with other
classes. Some programs have native English speakers who complement the teaching
to more English resources, vocabulary, and context.

c. Culturally Appropriate Materials

Teaching English for young learners is not to expect them speak American or
British but make them to be understood by other speaker as an international
language. We must include the materials from many cultures around the world and
give appreciation to every culture. Krambach and Sullivan said that one that
promotes a healthy process of learning about cultural differences through reflection
on one’s own culture.

d. Continuity of Curriculum Between Primary and Secondary English

Early language program needs to impact older learners at secondary school.
Secondary school needs to cope with mixed levels of language skills and restoring
motivation over long periods of language learning. Curriculum needs to be aligned
for transition to former young learners.

e. Pitfalls to Avoid in EYL Program

Here are some common pitfalls of early foreign language programs:
1. Scheduling classes to infrequently/ too short
2. Treating foreign languages differently from another subject
3. Implement new program at the same time
4. Failing to create program cohesion.
5. Planning foreign languages without check the general curriculum.
6. Providing insufficient professional development of teachers.
7. Supplying inadequate resources in technology

f. Common Features of Effective EYL Programs

Here is some character of effective EYL programs:
1. Focuses on the meaning.
2. Integrated language instruction with curriculum
3. Used task and content based.
4. Provide fun in the classroom.
5. Set up for success children.
6. Independent on learning.
7. Set realistic expectation.
8. Provide continuity.
9. Used technology appropriately.
10. Had adequate funding.
11. Professional development.
12. Advocated the program.
13. Standard curriculum.

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