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What is the deal with my cleric's religion?

There are no widespread religions or holy books found on Skarn. If there are gods, they do not get involved.
Many people swear on higher beings, whether they be gods or something more extraterrestrial. These people are
often disregarded or laughed at, but their belief is strong and occasionally allows them to do what others can not.
Miracles, while rare, are not unheard of

Where can we go to buy standard equipment?

Skarn is a world picked clean. If you're looking to kit up look wherever people and salvage reside together,
mainly in larger settlements.

Where can we go to get plate mail custom fitted for this monster I just befriended?
You would need the aid of a expert or be one yourself.

Who is the mightiest wizard in the land?

Magic use is rare in Skarn, and those who wield it are feared as well as mighty. Tyrian-on-Green is feared even
by other mages. It's lair is a fallen metal complex near the center of Skarn. Skarnites stay as far away as they can.

Who is the greatest warrior in the land?

While Skarn is a land of galvanizing, forging many a warrior, only one name rises above all others. Xantheer the
Deft. Any storyteller worth a food share has a tale or two of Xantheer.

Who is the richest person in the land?

Depends on how you classify “rich”. Skarn is a place of trade. The most able merchant is Embesa. Her wares are
known all over the continent. Merchant chains are long however, and seeing her in person is a rare sight indeed.
Trinkets and coins from the old world are another matter. Trip the mage is known for his obsession with the past.

Where can we go to get some magical healing?

In the thick eastern jungles of Trox, legends of healing herbs drift out into the world. Assuming they are true,
those, mages, and miracles are the options one might pursue.

Where can we go to get cures for the following conditions: poison, disease,
curse, lycanthropy, polymorph, death, undeath?
Most poisons and disease can be cured through a mix of rest, poultices, and care. Herbalists are a common
occurrence in Skarn. If one is altered by a mage, one will need to slay that mage or get them to restore you. This
covers Lycans, polymorph victims, and the undead. Death is permanent release from the hell of living.

Is there a magic guild my mage can belong to or that I can join in order to get more spells?
A guild for mages? If such a thing existed, it wold be a nightmare. If you must desire magic and stealing it from
mages seems too dangerous, you might delve into the ruins of the old world that litter the surface

Where can I find an alchemist, sage or other expert NPC?

Jamarit the flying city is known for it's poets, singers, learned ones, the best of almost everything. There are no
healers there however. Jamaritites view death as a purpose not to post poned

Is there any place on the map where swords are illegal, magic is outlawed or any other notable hassles from
Johnny Law?
Magic is hated by most. There is no monarch, no standing army, no power to protect people.

Which way to the nearest tavern?

Most towns contain a place for revelry, drink, and rest.
What monsters are terrorizing the countryside sufficiently that if I kill them I will become famous?
Flying horned monsters with wings like bats swoop the land. The greywings die well enough, it's their number
that's the issue. Anyone who found and solved that problem would be surely famous. Monsters and raiders
pursue their goals the land over.

Are there any wars brewing I could go fight?

Not on a large scale, no. Skarnites have their hands full surviving.

How about gladiatorial arenas complete with hard-won glory and fabulous cash prizes?
The citadel city of Jamarit flies above Skarn. It's famous for it's fighting
Are there any secret societies with sinister agendas I could join and/or fight?

Any legendary lost treasures I could be looking for?

There lies a tower in the north, so high it threatens the sky, said to contain riches and artifacts from before the
cataclysm. It's doors have been sealed for as long as anyone remembers.

Where is the nearest dragon or other monster with grand treasure?

Various ruins, huge, grey, and metal, dart the landscape. In these old monoliths lurk treasures and threats untold.
Hulking things not of the daylight guard weapons, armor, food, and relics of the past.

Where can I hire mercenaries?

Most folks with spine can be paid to go down the holes, where they draw the line depends on what's in those

Skarn is a torched land. Learned ones say that Skarn was once many masses of land, seperated by water. That it
was vastly populated and communication across vast distances was commonplace. This may be true. Today,
Skarn is one landmass, scorched by an angry sun and little rain.

The past remains. Metal whirring scraps from ages past are commonplace. Metal tubes with fingerloops that can
kill from a distance are easy to find and hard to get working. Most shun remnants of the past. Some blame them
for the Cataclysm, others avoid them for their unreliability. Like it or not, the past manifests everywhere.
Buildings, wooden poles that jut from the planet in long lines, large lumps of squat metal and plastic lie half-
melted, on strips of black.

Divinity. No gods govern Skarn. Life persists in this new world however, so perhaps they linger.

Science and soot. A thin layer of soot covers almost everything. The buildings, the people, everything. The air is
thick with it, and the sun never shines in some places. Learned ones seek to use remnants of the past to save their
future. Some Skarnites have taken up refuge in old buildings, drawn to the safety of the walls.

Isolation. Travel is hard and dangerous. The average Skarnite never leaves the village they live in. Life is short
and hard. Most Skarnites are good people who look out for each other as best they can and only know of other
places from travelers. News is a rare thing.

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