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The “Early soul in body” approach does try to jump processing reality’s recovery talking about

existence takes over extensible timing simulation “Early soul = which has to hack shaping shadow
measurement at the Early each time a corresponding energy issuing from Sunrise does trust serious
campaign does explain what great opportunity of dictionary push does reveal to set “Soul = a shadow
cannot die, only because that soul is referring to dynamic survivals across existence of source of
light( sunrise for example). “Early soul … Early soul like the soul of Adams which was created before
any body was created … Early soul when it become to exploit the effect across prediction and
adjustment of scratch scheduling does extract responsibility for selfish defense around trust in owning
confidence. The “Early soul in body corresponding to “before Early → darkness of Earth’s
enforcement was waiting for settlement around …. Early soul, no longer darkness and required
engaging understandable thinkable energy charged to make decision and to search for reality on what
logic opinion does step forwards towards … Early soul is a soul made before any possible body …
Early soul does seem having importance of being shininess around across … Early soul is component
set for communicative correction and correctness looking for rightly side in terms of legitimated
legacy. Early Soul … can speaks language of reporting on the importance of reality and truth shall
matter around across … Early soul has to branch in mimetic management learning truth all about
existence …

“Early soul in body” approach expends its principles to insist on timing simulation when great
exploitation on what “Early soul” responds to a world of communication reporting thread tasks of
“before thought ( possible thoughts of God) and instrumental insight refers to welcomed or embraced
reference ( soul was made before any body).
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>

#define pi 22/7

#define T0 1/4

#define Min(x, y) ( x <0 y ) ? x : y

#define Max(x, y) (x >= y ) ? x : y

#define con( p ) ((p >= 0 ) && (p <= 1)) ? Min(p, 1 - p) + Max(p, 1 - p) : 1

#define diff( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Max(p, 1 - p) - Min(p, 1 - p) : 0

#define round( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Max(p, 1 - p) * Min(p, 1 - p) : 0

#define periodicity( p ) ((p >= 0) && ( p <= 1)) ? rouns( p ) * diff( p ) : 0

#define Wavy( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? periodicity( p ) / pow( con( p ), 3) : 0

#define eval( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? 1 - round( p ) : 1

#define qx( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(1 + periodicity( p ) / eva( p )) : 0

#define qy( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(1 + Wavy( p ) / eval( p )) : 0

#define qz( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 - periodicity( p ) / eval( p )) / log2( 3 ) : 1

#define qw( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 - Wavy( p ) / eval( p )) / log2( 3 ) : 1

///#define sin(n, p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(

#define qv( p ) ((p >= 0 ) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(1 + qx( p ) / ( 1 + qx( p ) * qy( p ))) : 0

#define qu( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(1 + qx( p ) / ( 1 + qx( p ) * qz( p ))) : 0

#define qr( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(1 + qx( p ) / (1 + qx( p ) * qw( p ))) : 0
using namespace std;
template<class T, class V> class ApplyHold{
ApplyHold() : ptr( ) { }

ApplyHold<T, V>( char* fn ) { fn, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

nbytes = sizeof( fptr );

occur = fptr.tellg();



ApplyHold<T, V>(std::streamoff& ix ) : occur( ix ) {




if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else { }

inline virtual bool operator==( T& ch ){

return( ch == key);

inline virtual bool RetCh( char* pch ){

if( occur == nbytes ) fptr.close();


fptr.seekg(occur, std::ios::beg);, sizeof( T ));

occur = fptr.tellg();

return( true );

inline virtual float SetFloat(){

if( occur == nbytes) {


return( 0.0000 );

return( log2( 1 + (nbytes - occur) / (nbytes + occur * key ))); }

inline virtual void SetKey(){

if( occur == nbytes ) fptr.close();

if( typeid( T ) == typeid( std::streamoff)) key = occur;


char* pch = new char[sizeof( T )] ;

if( RetCh( pch ) ){

if( typeid( T ) == typeid( char)) key = (char)(*pch);

else if( typeid( T ) == typeid( short)) key = atoi( pch );

else if(typeid( T ) == typeid( int )) key = atoi( pch );
else if(typeid( T ) == typeid( float )) key = atof( pch );
else if(typeid( T ) == typeid( long )) key = atol( pch );
else if(typeid( T ) == typeid( double )) key = atol( pch );
//else if(typeid( T ) == typeid(


fputs("not possible to run away \n", stderr);



inline virtual void SetOffset(){

if(typeid( V ) == typeid( std::streamoff )) offset.push( occur );

else if(typeid( V ) == typeid(long)) offset.push( (long)occur);

else if(typeid( V ) == typeid( double )) offset.push( (long)occur);

else if(typeid( V ) == typeid( float )) offset.push( SetFloat());


fputs( "not possible to run away for any reason \n", stderr);


inline virtual void InCrement( std::streamoff& ix ){

occur = ix;

float a = SetFloat();

if( a ) if( typeid( V ) == typeid( float )) offset.push( a );

else SetOffset();


fputs("not possible to run away \n", stderr);


inline virtual T GetKey() const { return( key ); }

inline virtual std::queue<V> GetOffset() const { return( offset ); }

inline virtual std::streamoff GetOccur() const { return( occur ); }

inline virtual std::streamsize GetNbytes() const { return( nbytes ); }

inline virtual ApplyHold* Getptr() const { return ( ptr ); }

inline virtual ApplyHold<T, V>* GetpObj() const { return( pObj ); }

inline virtual void MakeClean() {


if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else{ }


std::ifstream fptr;

std::streamoff occur;
std::streamsize nbytes;

T key;

std::queue<V> offset;

ApplyHold* ptr;

ApplyHold<T, V>* pObj;


template<class T, class V> void OHold( std::streamoff& ix, std::list<ApplyHold<T, V>>& vct){

ApplyHold<T, V>* obj = new ApplyHold<T, V>( ix );

vct.push_back( *obj );

delete obj;
template<class T, class V> bool SetList( char* fn, std::list<ApplyHold<T, V>>& vct ){

bool ae = false;

ApplyHold<T, V>* cl = new ApplyHold<T, V>( fn );

vct.push_back( *cl );

delete cl;

auto it = vct.end();

it = std::prev( it );

std::streamsize sx = it->GetNbytes();


T ch = it->GetKey();

std::streamoff oc = it->GetOccur();

auto ik = vct.begin();

if( ( it != ik ) && ( ik.operator==( ch ))){

ik.InCrement( oc );


if( ae == false ) ae = true;


ik = std::next( ik );

}while( ik != vct.end() );

if(oc < sx ){

oc = oc + sizeof( T ) ;

OHold( oc, vct);

if( ae == true ) ae = false;

it = std::next( it );

}else break ;

}while( it != vct.end());

return( true );
Dictionary language
integrity :::
n 1: an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with
nothing wanting; "the integrity of the nervous system is
required for normal development"; "he took measures to
insure the territorial unity of Croatia" [syn: {integrity},
{unity}, {wholeness}]
2: moral soundness; "he expects to find in us the common honesty
and integrity of men of business"; "they admired his
scrupulous professional integrity"

From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (30 December 2018) [foldoc]:


1. <data> {data integrity}.

2. <database> {referential integrity}.

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thesaurus]:

129 Moby Thesaurus words for "integrity":

absoluteness, assured probity, blamelessness, character, cleanness,
coherence, collectivity, combination, completeness, complex,
comprehensiveness, decency, differentiation, differentness,
distinctiveness, egohood, elementarity, embodiment, entireness,
entirety, erectness, estimableness, exhaustiveness, fairness,
forthrightness, fullness, fundamentality, fusion, good character,
goodness, high ideals, high principles, high-mindedness,
homogeneity, honesty, honor, honorableness, human factor, identity,
immaculacy, inclusiveness, incorruptibility, incorruption,
individualism, individuality, indivisibility, intactness, integer,
integrality, integration, inviolability, irreducibility,
irreproachability, irreproachableness, justice, justness, monism,
moral excellence, moral strength, morality, nobility, nominalism,
nonconformity, omnipresence, oneness, organic unity, particularism,
particularity, perfection, personal equation, personal identity,
personality, personship, pervasiveness, plainness, plenitude,
principle, principles, probity, pureness, purity, rectitude,
reputability, respectability, righteousness, self-identity,
selfhood, selfness, selfsameness, severity, simpleness, simplicity,
singleness, singularity, solidarity, solidification, solidity,
soul, soundness, stability, stainlessness, starkness,
straightforwardness, thoroughness, togetherness, totality,
trustworthiness, ubiquity, unadulteration, undividedness,
unification, uniformity, unimpeachability, unimpeachableness,
uniqueness, unity, universality, univocity, unmixedness,
unsophistication, unspottedness, uprightness, upstandingness,
veracity, virtue, virtuousness, whole, wholeness, worthiness

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