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Data analysis and interpretation

Q1. Age group of respondents.

a.) 18-20
b.) 19-21
c.) 21-22
d.) 22 or above.

Q2. No. Of students interested to study in India.

a.) 20-30
b.) 30-50
c.) 60-70
d.) 80-100

Q3. Which country has maximum no. Of feedback

a.) Sri lanka
b.) Nepal
c.) Afghanistan

Q4. For which level of education maximum no. Of

respondents are interested.
a. Under graduation
b. Post graduation

Q5. Which country has maximum no. Of respondents

a.) Sri lanka
b.) Nepal
c.) Afghanistan

Q6. Upto what extent excel data is correct i.e provided

to us.
a.) 60-70%
b.) 70-80%
c.) 80-90%
d.) 90-100%

Q7. Any of our competitor exists or not.

a.) Yes
b.) No.

Q8. Does our brand known to the Respondents.

a.) Yes
b.) No

Q9. On which social media platform we faced diffuculty

to reach and promote our brand.
a.) Facebook
b.) Instagram
c.) G-mail
d.) You- tube

Q10. Maximum no. Of respondents are

a.) Male
b.) Female.

Q11. No. Of respondents interested to study in India.

a.) 20-30
b.) 40-50
c.) 60-70
d.) 70 or above
Q12. How many respondents are familiar with Indian
culture and education system of India.
a.) 20-40
b.) 50-60
c.) 60-80
d.) 80-100

Q13. How many respondents wants to come India for

classroom education and how many wants to learn
through online mode.
a.) 50-50
b.) 60-40
c.) 70-30
d.) 90-10

Q14. How many Respondents found this scheme

beneficial for themselves.
a.) 25%
b.) 50%
c.) 75%
d.) 100%
Q15. How many Respondents found it convenient to
study in India.
a.) 10%
b.) 40%
c.) 70%
d.) 100%

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