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1. Log onto the APS server using the IP address

2. Left click on the + by Manage Workflow, select Tag Filters

3. To add a new Tag Filter, left click on Add New Tag Filter

4. Label new tag, fill in appropriate parameters ( I typically use Study/Series

Description, contains, etc..). When all rules are added left click on save.
5. Left click on Clinical Protocols in your menu to the left

6. If needed, create a new protocol by typing in Protocol Name/ Description/

Add New Protocol (I like to keep these as general as possible this way I can
add several tags filters to one protocol if needed.)
7. Find your new protocol. You may have to deselect “Show Enabled Only”.
8. Double click on your new protocol to add tag filters, processors (rules), and
routing destinations.

9. To add processors (rules), left click on Edit Associated Processors. Left click
on the process you wish to add then click on the arrow pointing to the right
(>) to take it to the next column. Click on all processors you wish to have
done for you. For example for CTA’s involving the body you may want to
Remove the CT Table, Remove the Bone, Automatic Centerline, and label
the vessels.
10. Make sure to add routing Nodes, choose the AQNet server. All results of the
APS server will then be routed to your AQNet server. You will make any
needed adjustments to these results on the AQNet server.
11. Make sure to left click on Save after adding any new Tag Filters/ Processors/
or Routing Destinations.
12. In order to Auto Batch- first make sure this is a purchased feature.
13. You have to make Auto Batch a process. To do this select Auto Batch from
the drop down menu under Manage Workflow.

14. Left click on Add New Auto Batch Processor

15. Fill in all appropriate information. When filling in name and description use
generic terms. This way you can add this as a process for multiple protocols,
example 5x5 MIP. For creating a thick MPR batch, choose AVERAGE
under Rendering Node. Series description is the name that will show up in
the PACS. Remember to SAVE

16. To add Auto Batch as a Processor. Choose the correct Clinical Protocol, left
click on edit associated processors. Select the newly created batch and select
the arrow pointing to the right (>) to add this to your list of rules.
Remember to SAVE.
17. At times you may need to add a new Tag, to find the dicom tag needed open
up Intuition. In the preview window use the right mouse menu, choose
dicom header. This will display all the dicom tags, as well as the number
associated with that tag. Write down the tag number. For example the tag
for Image Type is (0008,0008).
18. Open up Manage Workflow on the APS server. Choose Tags.

19. Select Add new Tag, fill in the tag number, select Get Name and select Add
20. Your new tag is now ready to be applied.

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