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"Who ARE these guys?"

It's been a couple of days since you enrolled as an SFI affiliate, and you're probably
wondering, "Who are these guys?" and "Is this SFI thing the real deal?"

Great questions. And you're absolutely right to ask them! After all, you've been invited to
involve yourself with a company, and you should definitely know who you're dealing with.

Not only that, but when it comes to finding a legitimate business opportunity on the Internet,
it’s a "minefield" out there—heavily populated with questionable, often-illegal money games
and here-today-gone-tomorrow schemes. Make a wrong step or choose the wrong company,
and you could lose big. HURRY! Your
11 days 23h
Yet deep down, you've probably figured that amongst all the "junk" out there, there has to be
a few jewels. After all, the Internet is a huge, multi-billion-dollar marketplace; there's got to
be SOMEBODY who's developed a real opportunity for cashing in on it.

We'd like to start showing you right now that SFI is indeed one of those rare jewels.
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SFI's corporate headquarters in Lincoln, Nebraska

See more SFI photos

For starters, you should know that:

• SFI is now in its 12th successful year on the Internet. In that time, SFI has grown from just
one product to multiple subdivisions and 22556 products and services.

• With 5842 new affiliates joining weekly, SFI is one of the fastest growing companies of its
kind in the world. See the Global Growth Report to see just how fast!

• Since 1998, SFI has paid out MILLIONS of dollars in commissions to affiliates in over 190
countries. In other words, SFI is in virtually every country in the world! And in the process, 21/07/2010
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SFI has become, truly, one of the Internet’s biggest success stories.

• SFI's parent company, Carson Services, Inc., is now in its 25th year of business
and is a longtime member of the Better Business Bureau serving southern

• Working with SFI means having the peace of mind of working with a proven,
debt-free company with a long, successful track record.


WHY has SFI been so successful, while thousands of other would-be competitors have
fallen by the wayside over the last 10 years? WHY has SFI become arguably the #1 affiliate
program in the world?

We attribute it largely to the unique makeup of our affiliate program—a hybrid sales and
marketing system exquisitely powered by the Internet. It probably also has a lot to do with
the simple fact that SFI WORKS for so many thousands of people.


Still not certain if SFI is a company with which you want to get active? Nothing wrong with
that. Asking questions is smart. Tomorrow's LaunchPad asks a question of its own: "Are you
on the 'Anti-Wealth' Plan?" which you're definitely going to want to check out. In the
meantime, here are four more places for you to learn about SFI:

• Learn about SFI's history, company leadership, sub-divisions, and more.

• See what others are saying about SFI

• Check out our "seeing is believing" photo tour

• Compare SFI to other business opportunities


Congratulations, that is the CORRECT answer!

For correctly answering today's LaunchPad™ Quiz, you have earned 20 VersaPoints. To check your current overall,
country, and class Power Rankings, visit your homepage at the SFI Affiliate Center.

You have also now successfully completed 2 editions of LaunchPad™. Just 28 more to go to qualify for your
LaunchPad™ Rewards!

© 2010 Carson Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 21/07/2010

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