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The story is told of a king who had a close friend with whom he grew up. The friend had a
habit of looking at every situation that ever occurred in his life (positive or negative) and
remarking, "This is good!"

One day the king and his friend were on a hunting expedition. The friend would load and
prepare the guns for the king. In preparing one of the guns, the friend had apparently done
something wrong, for after taking the gun from his friend, the king fired it and his thumb was
blown off.

Examining the situation the friend remarked as usual, "This is good!" To which the king
replied, "No, this is Not good!" and proceeded to send his friend to jail.
About a year later, the king was hunting in a dangerous area. Cannibals captured him and
took him to their village.

They tied his hands, stacked some wood, set up a stake and bound him to it. As they
approached to set fire to the wood, they noticed that the king was missing a thumb. Being
superstitious, they never ate anyone that was less than whole. So after untying the king, they
sent him on his way.

As he returned home, he was reminded of the event that had taken his thumb and felt remorse
for his treatment of his friend. He went immediately to the jail to speak with his friend. "You
were right," he said, "It was good that my thumb was blown off." And he proceeded to tell
the friend all that had just happened. "And so I am very sorry for sending you to jail for so
long. It was bad for me to do this."

"No," his friend replied, "This is good!"

"What do you mean, 'This is good'? How could it be good that I sent my friend to jail for a

"If I had Not been in jail, I would have been with you." And you can imagine what they
would have done with me. So truly in all things give thanks to the Lord and lean not on your
own understanding.

There was a little boy with a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that
every time he lost his temper, to hammer a nail in the back fence.

The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Then it gradually dwindled down. He
discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the
day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all.

He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each
day that he was able to hold his temper.

The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were

The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said,

"You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the
same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife
in a man and draw it out.

It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there.

A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. So please let be mindful of what we say to each
other. For the Spirit of God is greatly grieved when the words of our mouths do not edify or
minister grace to those around us (Ephesians 4:29-30).

THE WEIGHT OF A SMILE (Courtesy Zion’s Message-PAX ROMANA)

People join or leave religious systems for four main reasons: to feed their physical, spiritual,
social and mental needs.
There are those who come and those who go, because of the doctrine that is taught, but most
change churches for emotional rather than religious reasons. That’s why a smile can carry
more weight than a sermon.
CONSIDER THESE!!!!! (Courtesy Zion’s Message-PAX ROMANA)

What is Confidence?

Once, the entire people of a village decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer, all people
gathered and only one little boy came with an umbrella.......That’s Confidence.

What is Trust?

Trust should be like the feeling of a one year old baby. When you throw him in the air; he
laughs.....because he knows you will catch him....That’s Trust.

What is Hope?

Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to get up the next morning but still we set
the alarms to wake up and still make plans for the coming day.....That’s Hope.

LAUGHS:(Courtesy Eyrah Foli-PAX ROMANA)

Teacher: Here are two birds, one is a swallow, and the other is a sparrow. Now who can tell
us which is which?
Student: I cannot point out but I know the answer.
Teacher: Please tell us.
Student: The swallow is beside the sparrow and the sparrow is beside the swallow.

“Can you tell me what fish net is made of Ann? “A lot of little holes tied together with
strings” replied the little girl.

George comes from school on the first of September. “George how did you like your new
teacher?” asked his mother. “ I didn’t like her, Mother, because she said that three and three
were six and then said that two and four were six too...”

One day a father was teaching his son and said, “The keys to your success are keeping your
word and cleverness. Once you promise somebody a promise, you must carry it out no
matter what will happen. This is called ‘keeping one’s word.’
“What is cleverness?” asked his son. “Cleverness is that you’ll never make such a promise,”
the father answered.
Little Bobby: I’ve got a stomachache.
Aunt Tess: That’s because you haven’t eaten and you stomach is empty, so it hurts.
Little Bobby: Now I know why Uncle Harry has headache all the time. His head must be
empty too.

One guy goes to a doctor and says, “Doctor, my wife has lost her voice. What should I do to
help her get is back? The Doctor replies, “Try to come home at 3 in the morning.”

A cop stopped a car over on the highway for speeding. When he asked for the driver’s
license, the driver argued, “Speeding? But officer, I was only trying to keep a safe distance
between my car and the car at the back of me.”

It was a woman’s first time on a plane. She boarded the plane and found herself a window
seat. After she settled in, a man came over and insisted that she was in his seat. She ignored
him and told him to go away. “Okay,” replied the man. “If that’s the way you want it, you fly
the plane.”

A young businessman had just started his business, and rented a beautiful office. Sitting
there, he saw a man come into the outer office. Wishing to appear busy, the businessman
picked up the phone and pretended that he had a big deal working. He threw huge figures
around and made giant commitments.
Finally, he hung up and asked the visitor. “Can I help you?” The man said, “Sure. I’ve come
to install the phone.”

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