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Informative Speech Outline Example - Eating Healthily With A Busy Lifestyle

Purpose: To inform the audience how to eat healthily on the run


According to at least 1 in 4 people eat some type of fast food every day. How many
people want to eat healthier? Is school or work making it harder for you to eat healthier? You’re not
alone. Today, we’re going to discuss the ways you can incorporate eating healthy into your lifestyle even
if you’re on the go. Packing your own lunch, choosing wisely while at restaurants, and keeping snacks on
hand are a few ways to manage eating healthy with a hectic schedule.


I. Choosing to pack your lunch can lead to healthier choices

A. Can choose healthier options rather than eat out

B. More cost-efficient option

C. Many convenient options available

1. Pre-cooked, pre-cut chicken, turkey, etc.

2. Fruit cups, apple sauce, etc.

3. Pre-cut veggies

D. Preparing the night before is more convenient so it’s easier to eat healthy

II. Choose wisely if you eat out

A. Both fast-food and sit down restaurants are incorporating healthier choices to promote healthy

1. Salads

2. Baked or grilled entrees

3. Low-carb options; cauliflower instead of potatoes, spinach, eggs, and fish

4. Fruits and yogurts

B. You can make choices that are healthier

1. Ask them to hold the fattening sauces

2. Choose broiled or grilled instead of fried

3. Leave off the French-fries, or fattening sides

C. Some restaurants geared toward healthy eating

1. Subway
2. Panera

3. Jason’s Deli

III. Keep healthy snacks accessible to keep away hunger

A. Fruit

B. Yogurt smoothies

C. Whole grain cereal bars

D. Water

Conclusion: There are various options for eating healthy on the go. We have learned that packing a
lunch, choosing restaurants wisely, and keeping nutritious snacks on hand all contribute to healthy
eating with a hectic lifestyle. Just a little planning can save you money in the long run, and make sure
you don’t end up on super-size me.

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