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Shaheena Hafeez

How Organizational Behaviour is linked with organizational effectiveness?

What is an Organization?

Organizations are social inventions for accomplishing goals through effort. Individuals are
assembled into organizations for a reason. To achieve their goals, organizations are staffed
with people who operate together in a coordinated fashion.
Organizational behaviour is a relatively young field of inquiry that studies what people think,
feel, and do in and around organizations. Organizations are groups of people who work
interdependently toward some purpose.
OB concepts help us to predict and understand organizational events, adopt more accurate
theories of reality, and influence organizational events. This field of knowledge also
improves the organization’s financial health.
What is an organizational behaviour?
A field of study that investigates the impact that individual, groups, and structure have on
behaviour within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards
improving organizations effectiveness
OB studies three determinants of behaviour in organizations:
 Individuals
 Groups
 Structure
OB applies the knowledge gained about individuals, groups and the effect of structure on
behaviour in order to make organizations work more effectively.
OB is an applied behavioural science that is built upon contributions from a number of
behavioural disciplines. The predominant areas are psychology, anthropology, and political
science. As we shall learn, psychology’s contributions have been mainly at the individual or
micro level of analysis, while the other four disciplines have contributed to our understanding
of macro concepts such as group processes and organization.
OB refers to attitudes and behaviours of individuals and groups in organizations. The field of
organizational behaviour involves the systematic study of these attitudes and behaviours, and
should be of interest to all students of management.
Organizational behaviour linkages with organizational effectiveness
The field of organizational behaviour has a number of commonly agreed upon goals. Chief
among these are effectively predicting, explaining and managing behaviour that occurs in
 Predicting organizational behaviour
Predicting the behaviour of others is an essential requirement for everyday life, both
inside and outside of organizations. The very regularity of behaviour in organizations
permits the prediction of its future occurrence. Through systematic study, the field of
organizational behaviour provides a scientific foundation that helps improve
predictions of organizational events.
 Explaining organizational behaviour:
Another goal of organizational behaviour is explanation of events in organizations –
why do they occur? Organizational behaviour is especially interested in determining
why people are more or less motivated, satisfied, or prone to resign. The ability to
understand behaviour is a necessary prerequisite for effectively managing it.
 Managing organizational behaviour:
Management is defined as the art of getting things accomplished in organizations
through others. If behaviour can be predicted and explained, it can often be managed.
If prediction and explanation constitute analysis, then management constitutes action.

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