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Here's the best of the rhyming poems challenge.

Uncool School by Brodie Watts (aged 10)

School, school
It is not cool
hip hip hurray
It's a happy holiday

School, school
It is not cool
although we can go in the pool
Wait... not at my school
Only at St. George's

Sore Throat by Mak

Brain (judge):
You're accused of killing the pain
What happened, are you insane?

No sir, I didn't mean to do that
Pain was just a spoiled brat

Sir I have to defend my client
Pain was just an ugly giant

Sir I tasted the whole thing by my eyes
Aspirin was a 500 mg size

Sir, indeed I have to confess
Before Aspirin I was in such a mess
But it wasn't the pain, it wasn't his fault
Aspirin didn't think before the assault!

Aspirin, your effort was so lame
We don't have anyone but you to blame
Everything is clear now, I have no doubt
I'll send you to the kidneys to sort you out!

Kite by Sheldon Rodney Blayney

One night a kite

Went flying out of sight
One day it May
Fly way away
Some day, some night
It may, it might
But not today
That flying kite

Day and Night by Sarah Anne Stone

One day
I looked up to the sky
I may
I thought, one day I might fly
I say
This is nonsense, I wonder why

One night
I looked up to the moon
And wondered if I could touch it
And lay in its light
One night
I might
Fly in the moonlight across the sky
Though this is nonsense, I wonder why

Thank You Mom by Nicholas Oifoh

At times, I know the words to say, thanks for what you have done for me
But they end up flying away like a bird that is set free
How do I thank you enough, the one who makes me complete
The one who taught me wrong from right,
the one who tucked me up at night?
The one who could see into the eyes of fear,
the one who always had a tissue for my tears.
The one that made many sacrifices, always putting me first
Who could paint the world a picture,
even when things took a turn for the worst.
What way can I thank you for your sweat blood and tears?
For putting up with me for oh so many years…
For changing as I changed, understanding my faults
Loving me not because you had to, but because

Thank you for never giving up on me,

When your patience came to reach its end
Thank you for the many years of being my best friend.
And I come to understand, the only way
to say thank you is just this single way:
Look at me before you, see what I've become
and see what I've grown up to become
See all your great efforts and the great job you have done
All your ambitions and dreams, all your wisdom that no one sees
A conversion of your best years passed down to me
Thank you for all my days for all days both gray and blue
But most importantly thank you for making all dreams come true

Friendship Poem by Alisia Sasha Atkins (aged 7)

Friends are special, 'cos they care
Friends are special, 'cos they share

They make you happy when you are sad,

They cheer you up when times are bad

We love to sing, dance and play

We love to laugh the day away.

I'd like to say thank-you for being my friend

Now I think our friendship will never end!

Back to the top, and don't stop, hop to it!

Valentine's Day 2008

- the best poems...

When by Rebecca Berezin

When you sing, it's like a thousand pianos are in my head

Your voice would put the birds to shame
When you speak it's like a story that never ends, that will put me in suspense

When you fly it's like the rainbows in the sky land on you
When you listen I know that you have entered my mind

To My Valentine by Louise Mitchell

You anticipate my every mood

and brighten up my day
keep the demons from my door
and the wicked world at bay
When life's rough seas cast me adrift
and hope of rescue's slim
your love is like a gentle breeze
that guides me safely in

A love so pure
uniquely rare
heaven's gift to me
a binding heart
as strong as steel
as no other love can be

Words seem somehow empty

and inadequately convey
the depth of feeling
that I have for you
on this romantic day

To My Valentine by Megan Rensch (aged 12)

Do you wish to see into my heart?

Go ahead and take a peek.
Look until you can't no further.
And see what I've been longing to speak.
See what I've been longing to do
Take my heart
It belongs to you.

Should we be?
Can we be?
Will we ever be?
You don't care if I exist
You'll never belong to me.

Your thick blonde hair

And dark brown eyes.
That I barely catch a glimpse of.
One second in your eye contact
I am forever lost.

Should we be?
Can we be?
Will we ever be?
You don't care if I exist
You'll never belong to me.

Do you wish to go into my heart?

Because you're already there.
You could let the whole world know
I wouldn't really care.
I'll love you till my life's through
Take my heart
It belongs to you.

Five little words.

So hard to say
Sends shivers down my spine.
Will I get crushed ?
I'll find out today
Will you be my valentine?

Valentine is Horrifyin' by Milou (aged 9)

Valentine's Day is near

I'm totally filled with fear
Cause the risk on that day
Is that I'll have a kiss on my face
And rather than that I'd drink beer
It's Valentine's Day today
And there is nothing else left to say
Than: I'm scared to death
I can't take a one breath
I'd rather eat a lunch tray
Now is Valentines time
And nothing of this is a lie:
I'd rather eat a sofa seat
Than be part of Valentine
Because Valentine is horrifying!!!!

Cooties by Hannah C. (aged 9)

All the boys

in the world
have a lot a cooties
I would not kiss one ever.
Even for $30,000

When You Are in Love by Tiyisha

When you are in love you are woozy

When you are in love you are sweat
When you are in love you day dream
When you are in love you look your best
When you are in love you are crazy

I Love You! by Champagne Mitchell

I love you!
Those are words I hear a lot
I would give anything
For the love I got
He told me he loved me
And I believed it all
I believed it because
He catches me when I fall
I Love You!
Those are words I keep close to my heart
Because if I didn't,
They would tear me apart
Then I found someone who could control them
Now it's safe to say…

Valentine's Day by Claudia Taylor (aged 11)

Sometimes in class
Kids hand out little papery things
To show they care.

You can notice

That there is no care
Put into each every individual.
"Happy V-day"
They say,
I want to throw it away.

Crummy little things.

I like chocolate,
But you don't love me.
I don't love you.

We've never kissed or anything.

And, to my class,
I'm NOT in love with you....
Not the slightest bit.

Did you know

That Saint Valentine
Made secret, illegal weddings
For people that weren't allowed to marry?
It's not illegal now, though.
I'm sure that we don't want to marry anyway.


We had a fantastic response to this challenge and some brilliant short poems.
And here are our ten favourite ten word poems. Could you write a poem
usuing only ten words?

Bored by Wendy H. (aged 9)

A tired, black rabbit

Sitting still
Looking at the hill.

Stars by Jessica

I looked up at the stars

Where was my tent!?

Depression by Alice C. (aged 9)

I feel so sad
that I don't like cherry blossoms.

Love by Harlie Billings (aged 12)

Boom, boom
My heart pounds
When I see you coming

Sheep by Alessio Grain (aged 6)

Sheep coming down the hill
neck bells ringing
my dog barking

Gone by Celina

My teacher disappeared one cold afternoon.

I think the radiator.

Mummy's Breakfast by Alessio Grain (aged 6)

Your yucky slimed slugged apple

smelly snailed stewed apple -

Frustration by Jack Adams

100 words to write poems...

Why bother?
I use 10

Raindrop Tears by Pamela Holcomb (aged 12)

tear drops,

Sadness by David Ricketts (aged 10)

A song
That makes you cry
Desperately at midnight

Back to the top top top top top top top


We had some great entries to the Great Number Challenge. Here are our

Math by Nicole Braganza

Trigonometry befuddles me
It's too based on dimension
Algebraic expressions
Are beyond my apprehension
My attempts at geometry
Are not worth any mention
And as for calculus
It so fills me up with tension
Banking and Taxation figures
Never seem to balance
Clearly, you can see that math
Is not one of my talents!

Blast Off by Holly Selby (aged 11)

10 Putting on space suits.

9 Sitting down and buckling up.
8 Pilot checking engine.
7 Blasters start ticking.
6 Leaving the station.
5 Suddenly we're in the air.
4 Entering space.
3 Passing planets.
2 Getting off on to the moon.
1 Now we're there!!!!

4X4 Bangs On My Door! by Holly Arbon (aged 11)

1x1 Is lots of fun,

2x2 Can have the 'flu',
3x3 Looks at me,
4x4 Bangs on the door ,
5x5 Has survived,
6x6 Picks up sticks,
7x7 Will go too heaven,
8x8 Ate and ate,
9x9 Must climb,
10x10 Is the end

Friday the Thirteenth by Natalie Laws

Don't forget the day

Bad luck is on the way

1 I woke up late
2 And burnt my toast
3 Spilt milk on shirt
4 Dropped post in dirt
5 Locked out of school
6 Forgot my homework
7 Fell off of chair
(It was a dare)
8 Best friend got sick
9 Couldn't talk in English lesson
10 Twisted ankle
11 Favourite club got cancelled
12 Mum crashed up car
13 Dad drunk in bar

I've had a dreadful day

Bad luck came my way!

Math is Not a Vicious Monster by Suchaita Tenneti

Numbers and digits and problems in words;

Fractions and decimals and ratios-so absurd!
Headaches and nausea before a Math test;
Circles and squares, which are objects of jest!
Statistics and geometry that make you go blue...
If you hate Mathematics-it's nothing new!
But you can never escape from this dreaded foe
For wherever you go, he's sure to follow!
A writer, an architect or a mender of shoes-
You need Mathematics no matter what you do!
So put up with Maths' tears and torment
For his absence shall make you lament!
And whenever you think that equations aren't fun;
Remember "Math is your friend" and the job shall be done!

I Love The Number Ten by Samantha Revell (aged 10)

I love the number ten

I write it with my pen
I do it again and again
I love the number ten

I love the number ten

I think about it when
I'm sitting in my den
I love the number ten
I love the number ten
I tell this to my hen
I call her spotty Jen
I love the number ten

Numbers by Roxanne

numbers big
numbers small
numbers that mean nothing at all
numbers in the day
numbers in the night
numbers heavy, numbers light
numbers in maths
numbers in food
numbers everywhere
when I'm just not in the mood!

Adding It Up by William Sissons (aged 10)

1 plus 1 makes a bomb,

2 plus 2 makes gum to chew,
3 plus 3 makes me scared of a bee,
4 plus 4 makes a boar,
5 plus 5 makes me love to dive,
6 plus 6 makes sweets pick an mix,
7 plus 7 makes a holiday in Devon,
8 plus 8 makes a sparkling plate,
9 plus 9 makes trees of pine,
10 plus 10 makes our favourite den.

Nutritious Numbers by Florence Mella (aged 10)

The largest omelette man can prepare

Was one, two, three metres square
Or if you'd rather have a lick,
Of an ice-lolly on a stick
Three, two, one, one kilograms!
Pick some cherries, make some jams
Which makes the pie two O feet wide
(Or six metres from side to side.)

In nineteen hundred and fifty eight

Mr Dexley did create
A sausage, thirteen miles in length
How he even had the strength
To put it straight, end to end
Without giving it the finest bend
Nutritious numbers can record
Expensive fruit we can't afford

The largest, fattest, biggest meals

It's numbers that can make them real.

*Reference to Guinness book of Records

Rockets by Sarah Mclaughlin (aged 10)

10 - Passengers feeling shaky;

9 - Relatives saying goodbye,
8 - Passengers heads start to boil,
7 - Whilst engineers check the oil,
6 - Passengers start to be sick,
5 - Whilst others take the mick;
4 - Relatives start to cry,
3 - Passengers start to think about the rocket flying high;
2 - Passengers tighten their seatbelts,
1 - Then KABOOM the rockets off
Which Number by Kelsey Shepherd (aged 11)

My favourite
Number isn't very big
It is partly round
And partly straight
My number has two digits
The second you might say
Looks like a duck
The first could be an
Upside down 7
It is all even
What could it be?

Answer is 42

Numbers by Stacey

Numbers are for children

Rap is for grown people
I think the number 1 is for old people,
Number 2 is for babies
Number 3 is for dogs
Number 4 is for cats
Number 5 is snacks
Number 6 is for - Kick somebody's #!$%!

That's the rap

Numbers by Ben (aged 11)

Numbers, numbers everywhere.

How many numbers in your brain
I can think of ninety nine
But most of them do not rhyme
My favourite number's got to be ten
Don't you know because my name is Ben.
Counting down from ten
I see myself, Ben
I am now eleven
Four years ago I was seven.

Number List by Don't Know Who

Number one,
I've got my homework done.

Number two,
I've had detention with Mr Laroo.

Number three,
I've had my tea.

Number four,
I've had pudding and want more.

Number five,
I'm still waiting to see my favourite band live.

Number six,
I made a re-mix.

List Poems

Cats by Bonitaflor Lockhart (age11)

big cats
small cats
black cats
white cats
polka-dotted heart cats
orange cats
red cats
big furry blue cats
pink cats
green cats
wherever in the world cats
cats are good
cats are bad
but there's no cat like my cat
blue polka-dotted pink swirl curl
blue honey-money with a
big pink bunny.

My Cat's Asleep Where? by Robyn (aged 12)

This is a list
As you might know
About my cat
In sun and snow
This unusual list
You may see
Is where my cat sleeps
When hiding from me
Number one, I think
Is the sun room table
To jump up there
She is more than able
Number two, I should guess
Would be the couch
Where she likes to curl up
With a cute catnip pouch
Number three, I suppose
Could be on the chair
No, not inside
Outside, with fresh air
Number four, hmm.. lets see
Maybe in a box?
Purring blissfully, away from smelly socks
Number five, ooh, that's tough
But I'm sure that there is one!
Maybe on my comfy bed
Just soaking up the sun
That's it for now
I guess I'm through
That's enough
Though there are others, too

A Treasure Hunt by Alysha Bhatti (aged 8)

Secret treasure
Joy and pleasure
Sparkling rocks
And smelly socks
Computer leads
Necklace beads
A carry cot
A flower pot
A Barbie leg
A wooden peg
A raggy doll
A bingo ball
Pirate mask
Aladdin flask
A witch's hat
A stinky cat
Toilet rolls
Old plimsolls
The rolling pin
And biscuit tin
All in the shed
Beneath my bed.

The Things in My Desk by Ashley Mims

I have things in my desk a lot

A lot of things in my desk
A recorder, eraser, and a pencil, too
Don't forget about the... SUPER GLUE
It's stuck to the tissues
that's inside the book
You know, I don't even want to take a look
In that messy desk.

Under My Bed by Joseph Nestor

Under my bed I might find

a head and a shoe, a sock
and a masterpiece lock.
I could find some wooden toys,
shirts and an ear
because I clean my room once a year.
I will find games
about different names.
I can't remember the rest
because it is such a mess.

Small Is Beautiful
For this Challenge we asked you to think small and to write a poem about
something tiny... A snail, perhaps. Or a millipede. Or an apple pip. About ants
playing football or good bacteria fighting bad bacteria. Or just a very small
poem. Or to write about what it feels like to be small. Or about computer
chips. Or full stops or commas.
We had some brilliant poems. Our favourites were
by Caitlin, Anne and Stephen. But there were lots of other first class poems,
too. Well done everyone who entered.

The Littlest Frog by Caitlin Whyte (aged 9)

"Frog," said my brother

I went to see
Where he was crouched
On hands and knee

Sure enough
There in his paw
The littlest frog
I ever saw

"Cool," said my brother

It was not cool
Not cool at all
To be so squashed
So dead, so small

You hop around

Doing Froggy stuff
Then a big flat foot
Life's so tough!

So I ask you
Please have a care
When you're in the park
For all the little creatures there.

Ants by Anne Carter Stowe (aged 9)

Ants are small

Ants are sweet
Ants do not
eat Monkey Meat

Ants can carry

giant things
Flying Ants
have tiny wings

Ants can do things

people can't
Still I'm glad
I'm not an Ant

Sweat by Stephen Kirby (aged 9)

I am a drop of sweat
Hurtling to the ground
Salty, damp and wet
I land without a sound

Lots more tip-top "small" poems...

The Atom by Nicholas Beaves (aged 9)

The atom, smaller than the tiniest crumb,

The atom that has never been dumb,
The atom who's maths has always been right,
The atom who gives us a wonderful light,
The atom that has always been strong,
The atom that hasn't done anything wrong,
The atom who has always been small,
The atom that no one can see at all!

I Am… by Jennifer Fung (aged 10)

I am skinny
I am as thin as a thread,
And as soft as a pillow...
I can be long or short
And can be of any colours
I am a hair

Bad Bacteria Fighting Good Bacteria by Jason Wong (aged 9)

I'm a bad bacteria,

I'm now at the entrance of the body,
waiting for my turn to try attacking.
The line is getting shorter,
I bet its my turn!

The Really Old Golf Ball by Shaun Davis (aged 9)

I am a really old golf ball

I am kept in a storage room
where no other golf ball will talk to me!
I used to be a really good golf ball in the 60's!
I could fly in the air just like a bird
and go far such as 500 yards!
But now, I am kept in a storage room where I'm alone!

The Button by Maryam Barma (aged 9)

I am just a little button

which you could find on
your shirt, your dress
or maybe on your coat.
You might not think
much about me,
but believe me,
if I went missing
you would surely miss me!

You may not think I am pretty

but look at all the others!
If you take a peek in your wardrobe
you would find a million of me!
Some sparkly, some dull,
some as red as a chilli.
We are all different shapes,
sizes, colours
and even materials.

The Full Stop by Gabriela Franchina (aged 9)

There once was a full stop,

Who liked to do hip hop
He had some lollipops
To share with his fellow cops
And that was the end of the
young full stop.

A Snow Flake's Life by Alan Devereux

I am a snowflake so cold and white,

Falling from the clouds, in flight all night,
I've landed somewhere special with lots of other flakes,
But what is this terror that is killing all my mates?
With its hot burning rays like an orange ball of fire,
I started to melt like a hot electric wire,
Melting slushy water I'm dripping down the drain,
To disappear forever at the end of Winter's Lane.

Dust by Liran Weizman (aged 9)

I am a piece of dust
Ready to get blown away by the.
Terrifying Eating Monster Vacuum Cleaner
I have done nothing wrong
I promise I do not lie
I used to play with my buddies
Swing around with my pals
Trying to keep dirty
Though now I am left alone to
Die of monsters and bad dreams.

Glitter by Clara Tucker (aged 10)

I sparkle and glimmer

I am so small
I sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle
You can hardly see me at all.

I'm green and gold

Red and blue
Sprinkle me! Sprinkle me!
Yes yes do!
I'm also useful with glue
If you knew.

Glitter to decorate
Glitter to colour
I am so small, small, small
Keep me close if you care too
But don't you lose me, lose me, lose me.

Oh yes! I forgot so I'm just too

Small small small!

It Is Hard Being Small by Moira McLean

you are not as important

and you get left out
you can't reach other things
and you also have to look up
at your friends to see them
my brother is five years younger than me
and he is nearly the same height as me
being small is quite unfair

The Speck Of Dust by Shambhavi Bhat (aged 9)

I am a simple speck of dust

I float from place to place.
I've never had a name
Or a species or a race.

Sometimes I feel lonely,

I think its because I'm small,
But no one notices me,
No one cares at all.

The Full Stop by Holly Hayden (nearly 10)

Hi, I'm a full stop,

People use me a lot in shops.
They write long interesting sentences,
Then they put a full stop.
I like being used a lot,
But the problem is.
That nothing changes,
I don't get old,
I don't get bigger.
But I'm just a plain full stop,
And I like the way I am.

I am a Pea by Toby Macqueen (aged 9)

I am small, compact and full of energy

I used to be in a pod
but now I am free
I am tasty as I am, plump and juicy
cooked or raw,
Green in colour, petite in size
I may be round I may be small
I may be shaped as a mini ball
but its plain to see, I am full of vitality

The Slug by Dhananjay Visvanath (aged 9)

I am a slug,
Not a bug
I am small,
I am not like a ball
I have never grown big,
I am just like a fig
I need to go and slime now


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There Was a Young Poet From...


Joel by Khalid Braonán

I once knew a kid called Joel

Playing tag outside in the cold
Afraid he began
And looked back as he ran
His face became friends with a pole

Scott by Scott Stainton (aged 7)

There once was a boy called Scott

Who thought of a cunning plot
He would hide behind a chair
So Mum wouldn't cut his hair
But instead he got a smacked bot.

Blake by Martin Poulter (aged 7)

There was a young bloke called Blake

Who had a really long snake
It ate a huge rat
That he found with Aunt Pat
Now he's got a bad tummy ache

Boy from Japan by Danny Wiltshire (aged 12)

There once was a boy from Japan

Who just loved to eat chocolate flan
He said to his mate
May I lick clean the plate?
And his mate said, Of course you can.

John by Rebecca Watson

John, with an eye that shone

Ate a big cheese scone
He gulped it down
With an enormous frown,
Then the scone was gone!

Long Story by Frank Waiter

There was a young girl from Gibralter

For her manners you just couldn't fault her
The only thing wrong
She was nine metres long
If only she had been born much shorter

The Girl from France by Alice Wood

There once was a girl from France

And oh! How she loves to dance
She dances all the way to school
The boys all shout, "What a fool"
That's not a dance
It's a dance.

Goodbye by Jessica Lee Shield
There was a boy called Tom,
Who sat upon a bomb,
He blew away,
For the rest of the day,
And that was the end of Tom.

I Once Knew a Queen by Ann Longstaff (aged 7)

I once knew a Queen called Alice

Who lived in a spectacular palace
She woke up one night
In total fright
She was sleeping with a ghost called Malice.

Found by Danny Chaucer

There once was a dog from Greatstone

Who found a poem in a bone
It was written right through
So without further ado
The dog sent it to the Poetry Zone

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The Univocalic

The univocalic is a very obscure   form of poetry in which a poem uses

only ONE of the five available vowels - A, E, I, O or U.
No other vowels are allowed. It's also very difficult to write. Do you think you
could write one? Remember - only use ONE vowel!

The joint winners of this challenge were Nicole and Sarah-Lynn for these two
great poems.

Bart by Nicole Simpson

Bart can bark

At cars that park
At Bart's class
Bart can't bark
At cars that pass
Bart's class

Fred's Pet by Sarah-Lynn Robinson (aged 10)

Jen fed Fred's pet.

Then Fred's pet,
Needed the vet.
Fred's pet the deer,
Met Ben the vet,
Deer! Deer!

We Went by Nicole Simpson

Whether we went where he went

We went where she went
She went where he went
They went where we went

Ill by Nicole Simpson

If I is ill
I drink pill
I drink milk with pill
If I is ill

Coo Hoo Moo Boo by David an' Cassidy / In da house!

Coo hoo moo boo wrong owl moo show

Strong dodo mo flow on Coo hoo moo boo
So flow on dodo Coo hoo moo boo do
So wo flow dodo on Mont Kozco
Yo wo wo wo Coo hoo moo boo yo
Mont Kozco oll ovor

E by Erin, Jessica, Heidi (aged 12)


Ha Ha by Erin & Heidi (aged 12)

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

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This was a tough challenge but we had lots of great entries. I'm not sure how
many of the entries below are really poems - but they're great fun to read. And
some of them are very clever, too.
My favourite (and the shortest) is by Heidi and Erin. If they e-mail me their
address I'll send them each a copy of SHORTS! - 100 poems so short you just
can't forget them 
by Paul Cookson (Macmillan Children's Books)
(They can share them with their friends who also sent in lots of poems!)
A Poem for the Lonely Ones by Heidi & Erin (aged 12)


The Shortest Poem In the World

by Lauren Gray & Fiona Buckey (aged 12)

is not kewl (cool).

Advise by Leanne Skidmore (aged 11)

Geek to

Shameful by Gayatri C

This is me
with shame

Compliment by Hollie Ward (aged 11)


Onomato-what? by Sam C.

pop bang crack

whistle ping quack
Sounds by Lauren Brimson

Honk, buzz, hum, clink

Sounds so loud I can hardly think!

School is... by Karla Fitzjohn (aged 11)

School is fun,
School is boring,
Especially when the teacher's snoring!

Shorty by Jacob Bettencourt (aged 12)

this poem is very short

because that's all that I was taught

Letters by Jessica, Lauren and Fiona (aged 12)


(we wrote this because it is short & it rhymes)

Cars by David and Jacob

cars are cool

cars are fast
cars drag race

Frogette by Jessica, Heidi & Monika (aged 12)

Frogette is very
Gloves by Jessica, Heidi & Monika (aged 12)

Gloves keep you warm

especially in the Winter
Unless of course they're torn

Poems by Cassidy Kruger (aged 12)

If a poem's a poem
Then what's a rhyme?
Is it a poem
Or is it a crime?

Words by Heidi, Monika and Caleb (aged 12)

A B C are letters
But "A" is a word

Challenge by David Beattie and Jacob Bettencourt

This challenge is cool

so jump in a pool
and freeze to death
that is your challenge

Horse by Heidi, Monika and Caleb (aged 12)

I have a Horse
Of course

Poetry by Monika, Jessica and Lauren (aged 12)

Rhyming, Acrostic and Haiku

They are very different
Poems don't have to rhyme
All of the time

Beauty by Jessie Hannah (aged 11)

Beauty is

Red by Jessie Hannah (aged 11)

Red, the color of fire, blood.

The color of tragedy, war, enemy.
Red, the color of death.

Rainbows by Devon Foster (aged 11)

calm, bright, quiet
neatly come again

Sounds by Whitley

dogs bark
ducks quack
car beep as they pass
all the sounds around town
as night falls to the ground

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The Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry. It has three lines, with a five, seven,
five syllable structure. Seventeen syllables in all. In a traditional Haiku

the poem would mention the season in which it was written.

We have had three haiku challenges. Here are the best poems from all three.

2008 Haiku Poems

Nature by Twincy (aged 10)

With splashing water high

And trees moving in breeze wind,
The Nature is All Alive

October by Blake (aged 11)

October is good
Halloween and my birthday
It's an awesome month
Halloween you get candy
Presents and cards on birthdays

Haiku by Alessio Grain (aged 8)

Thin silk scarves waving

Red screams grow from open mouths
Poppies in green fields

Tanka by Sadaf Tokhi

Smiles are happiness

They glow in the dark to help
Fight your fears away
Everyone has got one so
Use it all the time, now please

Haiku by Sadaf Tokhi

The autumn sunshine

Shining bright through the window
And watch the leaves fall

Haiku by Fred Tennisball (aged 3)

rollercoasters move
go through the fire and flames
twisters go around

(Are you really only three? It's very good for a three year old. - RS)

Haiku Poem by Daniel Ward

waves bump up and down

whirl pools swirl round and round.
tornados destroy every thing.

What Am I? by Bismah (aged 8)

I swing in the trees

I like to eat bananas
I live in the zoo

Answer: Monkey

Waves of Harmony by Naba (aged 11)

The waves are rolling

Bringing peace and harmony
To this small, small world
What Am I? by Shaheer (aged 5)

I fall from the sky

I am very, very wet
You do not like me

Answer: Rain

The Brain by Maya Gouw

Brains are the smartest

They do every single thing
That you want them to

Five Brain Haikus by Maya Gouw

My brain is so smart.
It is brighter than the stars.
But of course it is.

I am a genius.
I owe it all to my brain.
It's the real genius!

My brain can do things.

It makes me type this right now.
The syllables too.

My little noodle
Is my precious little brain
I'll have it for life.

Brains are like black holes.

They suck up all the info.
But mine is the best.

In Autumn by Anwen Hayward

In Autumn, trees bare

Their souls, and leaves wither like
Tarnished butterflies
Whispering on the slight breeze
Kissing the earth when it's reached.

Vacation by Lauren Marshall (aged 12)

The car is packed

We just left for vacation
Travelling down roads
We have arrived at the beach
The sand got in our lunch… yuck

Summer by Alexandra P. (aged 10)

The sun is beating down

people are tanning all around
On a sunny beach

Time by Alexis B. (aged 10)

In a calm lagoon
Water flows quickly through time
And Bear Kisses Night

Evening by Harry B. (aged 10)

The sun-stroked evening

Clouds pass like boats on the sea
In the Joyous Air
Trees by Maria C. (aged 10)

Out in a Field
Green, huge, and leafy
On a hot summer day

Ocean by Rachel M. (aged 10)

By the golden sand

Swimming in the clear water
On a warm sunny day

Consciousness by Nivedita Bhattacharjee

Rain drops on the soil

translate their mellifluous words
into an everlasting song.

Haiku? by Claudia Taylor (aged 12)

Haikus are always

Boring, must be hard to write
Oh! Wait, well... I just
I wrote one! Can't believe it!
But... mine's all silly and weird.

The Book by Claudia Taylor (aged 12)

Buckle your seat belts,

You're about to read a book!
Flip through its pages,
And travel all the whole way,
Take off for continuum.
Horse by Ashley D.

green, grassy, open field

hooves silently galloping
on a quiet day

Music by Livia Petto (aged 11)

The peaceful music

Fills the auditorium
Leaves it quietly

A Dog by Hannah Berg (aged 11)

A dog is crying
Distantly, sadly whining
Probably lonely

The Bats by Megan Rensch (aged 12)

The bats find shelter

From the sunrays a-shining
On the first spring morn.

My Teddy Bear by Bogdan Nikic (aged 12)

My small Teddy bear,

Happily sleeps on my bed,
Looking at the stars,
Which are glued to the ceiling,
Brightly glowing in the dark.

The Cat by Marisa Cosslett (aged 11)

There it was: the cat
Proudly sitting on the chair
As if it was boss
As if it ruled the whole world
It smiled an evil smile

Haiku by Kristopher D'Alterio (aged 11)

The small bush in spring,

the flowers are born, linger,
then go their own ways.

The Bear Cub is Lost by Megan Rensch (aged 12)

The bear cub is lost

The woods are now so different
She only just woke
The mummy is still snoring
Its early spring, sleep some more.

A Willow Tree by Livia Petto (aged 11)

The green willow tree

Droops its emerald branches
Streaking tears falling

Rainbow by Hannah Berg (aged 11)

purple, blue, yellow

colors of a big rainbow
red, orange, pink, green
in the sky with clouds and birds
that fly around it, rainbow

Books by Marisa Cosslett (aged 11)

Filled with lovely words
You get lost in their pages
And never escape

Sunny Day by Livia Petto (aged 11)

It's a pleasant day

The bright sun warms the flowers
As the flowers sway
Gently greeting the kind sun
Dancing until they are tired

The Dogs by Marisa Cosslett (aged 11)

Barking very loud

Arguing with each other
Planning and scheming

Cobweb by Marisa Cosslett (aged 11)

Delicate pattern
A nice bridge for the spider
Way of catching food

Tree by Marisa Cosslett (aged 11)

Reaches its branches

Out towards you like a greeting
Shelters a cold owl
Produces lovely flowers
Keeps you safe from the hard rain

Previous years' entries

Autumn by Jade Masters (aged 10)

Autumn leaves fall down

To the deep, damp, frozen ground
Where animals sleep

Winter by Gemma Stalker (aged 11)

Winter has begun,

Frost is building on the grass,
No leaves on the trees.

Butterfies no more,
Frosty clouds in morning sun,
Longer chilly nights.

Snow gently falling,

Birds are flying south right now,
Winter is here.

Ice Cream by Alysha Bhatti (aged 9)

Lovely cool ice cream

Slurp, lick, lickity lick, yum yum
Soon gone, in my tum.

Wind by Tori

The blowing of trees

in the soft summer wind
makes many stir.

Running by JP

Having fun running

Running through the very deep snow
Running to the bus

Pool Day by May-May Chen (aged 7)

Deep blue cool pool

Fries yummy drinks refreshing
What a beautiful day

Soccer by Amber

The ball is a bullet

Save the ball with my gloves
I catch with my hands

Depression by Sarah-Lynn (aged 12)

Depression, darkness.
Wrapping itself around me.
There's no where to turn.

Tangled in it's grasp,

I'm as helpless as a fly,
Caught by the spider.

I can't free myself,

Everywhere there is blackness.
I must soon give up.

Telly by Jordan Masters (aged 6)

Kids watching telly

They like Tom and Jerry best
Snuggled by the fire
Autumn by Ben Prince (aged 11)

Leaves fall the trees

The wind throws them in the air
Leaves fall from the sky

Frost by Zoe Trip (aged 11)

A cold, white morning

Plants and flowers are brittle
White and delicate

School by Tim

School school - it's not cool

English English - makes me barf
Gym Gym - really Rules

Math math - is not cool

Music Music - gives me gas
The end of day is the best

Snow by Leah

Cold, wet, soft as snow,

The snow angels made from snow,
Happiness is found.

Summer by Taylor

Summer is so wild,
Summer is crazy and fun,
Summer is the best

The Garden by Leyla

This garden is fun,
Gardens are a happy place,
With lots of colors

Running Down the Field by Nathan Weiner

I sprained my ankle
I was running down the field
But I was all right

Haiku by Pierce Bertschy

Wind blows through the trees

In all directions that go
Like wandering minds

The Horse by Molly Braithwaite (aged 8)

Galloping beauty
Tosses a long, swaying mane
Crossing fields to home.

Animals by Nikole

I like animals
I really like the soft ones
Like kittens and dogs

Reflection by Nicole Anne Braganza

Laughter of a child
The expression of my soul
Captured on canvas
Spring by Anya Corke (aged 11)

Coming with blossoms

A laughing girl down the hill
Bringing youth again.

Spring Haiku by Lauren Stephens (aged 11)

Spring is an angel
Defeating cold, dark winter
Rising once again.

The Ghost Horse by Boomer McMann

The Ghost horse runs swift

Fast as the flashing lightning
but no thunder heard

A Blowing Stormy Night by Caroline Santinelli (aged 10)

Winds blowing faster

Rain falling down like huge feet
It's a stormy night

Time by Fiona, Lauren and Erin (aged 12)

Time flies so quickly

You never know where it goes
Finally it stops

Tricky by Josh Landers (aged 10)

I didn't land it,

My skateboard falls to the ground
Why can't I do it?
Space by Alice Margetson (aged 8)

Quiet, gloomy space,

Asteroids, planets, black holes,
Zero gravity.

Apples by Jack Margetson (aged 6)

Apples fall from trees,

The boy ate a green apple
The apple was gone.

Treehouse by Cassidy Kruger (aged 12)

I built a treehouse
But it fell down in a storm
Now I don't have one

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When a person or a pet dies, friends or family often like to put a verse about
the deceased upon their tombstone. This is called an epitaph. The verse
usually tries to sum up a feeling about the deceased or an aspect of their
character. The more humorous type of epitaph usually includes the manner
of death.
One winner this week - Kathy Brandt - who sent lots of very funny epitaphs. A
few of the best can be seen below. Well done, Kathy.

Uncle Bob by Kathy Brandt (aged 12)

Here lies the remains of Uncle Bob
His fate was sad
So very bad
For he tried to swallow a whole corn cob.

Peter Pan by Kathy Brandt (aged 12)

Here is the body of Peter Pan

His death has been predictable
For although he was always full of rage
It seems as though he died of old age.

Peter Constantin by Nicole Anne Braganza

Down this grave, we lay to rest,

Our dentist, Peter Constantin
We put him down, and thus confirm
The largest cavity filled in.

Marcie Lute by Kathy Brandt (aged 12)

Here is poor sky diver Marcie Lute

She forgot her parachute

Mr MacDougal by Kathy Brandt (aged 12)

Here lies the great Mr. MacDougal

He really was a pomp and full of arrogance
But I HAVE to say that he was okay
Because he left me his inheritance!

Here Lies Fluffy by Kathy Brandt (aged 12)

She was a pretty kitty - I'll just get another

Here lies Fluffy the 2nd
She was a pretty kitty - I'll just get another
Here lies Fluffy the 3rd
She was a pretty kitty - I'll just get another
Here lies Fluffy the 4th
She was a pretty kitty - I'll just get another
Here lies Fluffy the 6th
J just testing to see
If you were REALLY paying attention to the numbers!

My One and Only by Gayatri C

Before, it was his love that I had

His death can make me only sad
Should God want to play a game
May He not again do the same

My Friend Fred by Courtney Carlson (aged 9)

Here lies the body of Fred

And he always loved to bake bread
Fred was a great baker
And also a good candy maker
People will lose a lot of weight
Without Fred here to bake!

Twerp by Courtney Carlson (aged 9)

Here lies my pet turtle

That I found under a crepe myrtle
His name was Twerp
But too little to slurp.
He had his fun by sitting in the sun
Even though his life came to a quick end
I surely will miss my little friend.
(My turtle really did die Saturday and I really do miss him)

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Write a Thin Poem

This challenge was to write about somethin thin - in a thin way! We had a huge
number of entries. Here's the pick of the best. Our favourites were Brodie
Byrne's Thin and Fat and Courtney Carlton's Straws

Thin and Fat by Brodie Byrne (aged 12)



Straws by Courtney Carlson (aged 9)


I Am Thin, I Am Slim by Megan Bryan (aged 5)  

I know


The Daffodil by Sarah-Lynn Robinson (aged 10)

Why? by Cassidy Kruger (aged 12)








Snakes by David Beattie and Timothy Pashley (aged 12)


And finally - this isn't a thin poem at all - but I thought you might like to read

OoOoh! Spaghetti by Niki Kennedy

I look at your little strand of a self
as you slide out of the packet!
So fragile and ... oops!
a vision of you
looking ever so yummy!

and I thought, impatiently,
Oh no way!
You're so thin!
I boiled and stirred you
turned the heat up bit higher
Until I realised the house was on fire!
And when the firemen left
and I walked through the door,
what did I find,
but you,

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Who's Who in a Clerihew?

A clerihew is a four line comic verse of two rhyming couplets. The lines can be
any length but the first contains the name of the well known person who is
being written about. The second line should rhyme with the person's name. It
was invented by Edmund Clerihew Bentley who died in 1956. So, your verse
can be about anyone famous, it must rhyme and it should be F U N N Y. Here
are the three best (Well done!)

Winnie the Pooh by Courtney Carlson (age 8)

Winnie the Pooh

What does he do?
I wish I had as much money
As Pooh has honey.

The Mystery of the Boil by Nicole Anne Braganza

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Developed a mysterious boil
But how it evolved and came about
Even Sherlock Holmes never found out!

Queen Elizabeth by Kevin Knox (age 11)

Queen Lizzie
Is so busy
Learner drivers hold her up
So she's late to feed her pup
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Write a Riddle
and Puzzle Poems
A riddle poem is a poem with a puzzle. Think of a common object. (For
example - a pig) Now write down four or five things that describe it. (For
example - a pig is a four-legged mammal bred for food, is pink, loves mud, digs
for truffles, has a curly tail, gets sunburned, can't fly.) Now write these as
clues. Start with more difficult clues first as you don't want to give the game
away. Try and think of less-obvious ways to say things. Instead of digs for
truffles how about digs for treasure? Now re-write your riddle as a poem. We
had some excellent riddle poems sent in. The winner wasJulie Mootanah.
(Well done, Julie.) It's very tricky. Can you guess it? All the answers are at the
bottom of the page.

What Am I? By Julie Mootanah (aged 11)

I have destroyed the lives of ancient beings

I have created modern beings
Now they hate me,
Now they don't.
Sometimes they rush against me,
Sometimes they flow with me.
I am invisible.
I am everywhere at all times,
Nothing can touch me, even the wind and the ghosts.
I was there even before the universe evolved.
What am I?

Riddle by Nicholas Burton (aged 12)

I decide many things,

Rich or poor, losses or wins.
Two faced I am not,
Six faces I have
None are naught.
I decide how far you go
2, 3 or 4 places
But any two of my faces
are sure to give you seven
marks or dots.

What am I?

Challenge Riddle by Alexandra Lawson (aged 10)

I have four legs or more

I am usually a bore
I have no feet
I am very neat
My best friend is a table
But I am not able
to walk or talk
I am very decorative,
or very plain
I have no arms, so
I can not use a cane.
I hold people's weight
I'm not flat like a plate
So what am I?

What am I? by Samantha Bruehl (aged 10)

Light and white,

but cold and wet.
It looks soft,
but is delicate and fragile.
I just can't wait to jump into it,
and feel the icy feeling of pleasure that awaits me.

Riddle by Nicole Anne Braganza

I'm a picture of you, I reflect your flaws

I work on certain definite laws
You think you're slender, a beauty, real cute
'Til I show you that, you aren't so minute

At certain length before me, you call

Say, who is the prettiest of us all ?
I reflect, I always tell what's true
With that figure of yours, it sure ain't you !

Fiddlesticks by Suchaita Tenneti

I appear large and bulky

because I'm made of wood,
But I'm actually hollow.
I have no hands and no legs,
Just a long, curved handle.
I cannot play but I can be played.
I need a bow, but no arrow.
I have no voice
And yet my melodies ring clear.
I've been chosen as the ingredient
for several nursery rhymes,
I've always been a cat's friend.
And because I'm always fit,
I've even been used in an English expression.
Can you guess what I am?
If you do so,
You will be able to solve
The Riddle of the …

Puzzle Poems Challenge

What Am I? by Kiera Boyce(aged 9)

I can go faster then a cheetah,

I rush from left to right,
Fill up spaces which are dry
and run through the day and night.
answer - water

What Am I? by Emnani Subhi (aged 11)

My first is in money,
But not in cheque.

My second is in credit,
But not in debt.
My third is in lucky,
But not in rich.

My fourth is in love,
But not in pitch.

My fifth is in billion,
But not in car.
My sixth is in Harrods,
But not in bar.

My seventh in Tarrant,
But not in Chris.

My eighth is in cash,
But not in notes.

My ninth is in twenty quid,

But not in a tenner.

My tenth is in lottery,
But not in bank.

My eleventh is in Thunderball,
But not in lotto Xtra.

What am I?

A millionaire

Answers to riddles

time dice chair snow mirror fiddle 

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Write a SONNET
(Set on October 10th 2001) Sonnets were first written around five hundred
years ago and made famous by such poets as Milton, Wordsworth and
Shakespeare. Sonnets should have 14 lines. Each line should have the
following rhythm -
di dum di dum di dum di dum di dum  (ten syllables per line)
and either of the following rhyme schemes -
a b b a c d d c e f g e f g or a b a b c d c d e f e f g g
It was a very tricky challenge and we only had three entries. Nicole and Katy
were the joint winners.

Ode To My Love by Nicole Anne Braganza

My dear, if once I could but hold your hand...

And lead you gently, by the rhythmic sea
And 'neath the solitary moon, like love birds, we
Shall walk upon these grains of golden sand
The moon smiles down upon us, ever beaming
Your tender heart beats in perfect accord
Those waves, they break the silence like a gallant's sword
Then they caress the shore, like love beams streaming
I sing to you a ballad, just for old time's sake
Of lovers, on a summer's starry night
So innocent are words as beautiful as this
They drift into my mind, as it awakes
Amidst the sands of time, two lovers reunite
Our souls are sealed as one with but a single kiss.

Change by Katy Mcalpin

To be able to see a rainbow shine,

you've got to stand a little bit of rain.
But to see one you must wait for its time,
when it comes nothing else could be the same.
like a fair rainbow friendship comes and goes,
and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
Whether it is wise to love no one knows,
So the candle of love never stays lit.
Life is a gamble, nothings ever sure,
People always change and friendship's severe.
But if you take a small little picture,
you can hold on to that friendship forever.
Someone will change and you cannot stop that.
Or someone will die, you can't get them back.

Several people sent poems that were almost sonnets. Dana's poem was very
close. It just needs two more lines and regular 10 beat lines. It is a lovely poem,

Horse Dream by Dana (aged 10)

My dream is to have a black horse.

Its fur will be very soft and shiny.
The horse will not be really whiny.
My black horse will be as sweet as can be.
My horse will have ears that seem to flicker.
When my friend comes over he will lick her.
He will love me so much that he and I are one.
His name will be so cute it will be Dream.
My black horse will travel into magic.
If my horse has trust he can have the sun.
When my horse smiles it will have a gleam.
Me and my horse will never be sad or tragic.
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Write a Kenning.

Kennings were originally written in Old English or Old Norse. A kenning

describes something familiar in an uncommon way, without using its name.
The poem usually takes the form of a list - and each depiction of the object is
two words. The Kenning Challenge winner was Nicole. Well done!

Teacher by Nicole

Strict disciplinarian
Big ogre
Enthusiastic learner
Silent observer
Unquestionably genius
Constructive critic
Undoubtedly meanest
Always ticks

When? by Sarah Goodstone (aged 11)

Pipes knocking
Distant roaring
Quiet ticking
Faint sniffling
Gravel crunching
Wind moaning
Silence growing
Tip tapping
Heavy breathing
Cat crying
Owl hooting

Father by Danny Chaucer

Huge hugger
Old jumper
Bike rider
Brick builder
Stamp collector
Armchair dozer
Wisdom giver
Life lover

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We had some great rap poems sent us. Below are the best. Rap poems are
written to be read aloud and performed. They must have a strong rhythm,
which is usually helped along with clever rhyme. Raps are usually fast paced
and have lots of repetition. They are used in modern music and began in
America. Rap's roots can be found in Caribbean and Afro-Caribbean cultures.
I by Gloria C.

I can be as sweet as honey, though you may not think it's true
I can also be abusive and make you say "Boohoo."
You can sometimes hear me laugh out loud, but mostly while at school.
I have many different friends that are as lame as they are cool
I have a heart of gold but can sometimes be a brat
But before my head pops and the air comes out
I just want to say that that's a rap.

Funky Rhyme by Heather & Brandi (aged 11)

my funky cow,
my big eye brow,
have problem,
call my job then,
I do not swear,
but I do have hair,
please don't look at my underwear,
I think its time for me to give up this rhyme,
I'm way to cool for you fine lines.

RAP IT OUT by Lauren Darden (aged 9)

Girls rule
Boys rule
Girls stink
Boys drool

put it all together let's


Dumped by Naafiah (aged 12)

I'm so glad I dumped U

hey mista,
get ur ass outa here!
coz I'm done off wicha!
And I'm gonna aprty all day long
and watch u tag along!
and if u don't stop these calls today,
I'm gona send a guy your way,
To kick ur ass and make it blue,

freestyle by gilina pagan

yo imma win dis bet

cause I am the best
when ya see me walking down the block
all ya just stop
saying wut's her name
I'm feeling her game
ya always talking bout I'm gangsta
but ya g is tight
you too punk to ever get in a fight
but it's iight
ya kids needa stay in school
don't be a fool
cuz it ain't cool
for all ya boys don't worry bout looking good fro people
if they hating, they are trying to be like you
but its all cool
all ya chicks
don't worry bout them boys
there's a saying
"first come chicks, then comes @ick
but you know wut I ain't got time to rap
imma holla at cha later

Working Rap by Ethan Waller (aged 10)

Working for food that's all that we do

We have to work or what would we chew?
Why do we work if we're gonna die?
But we never give up ... tell me why?
Save the Children will help us through
If they weren't here what would do?
A few are lucky, millions are not
All the food we have starts to rot
So what can we do to stop poverty?
A lot of the work concerns me
Waiting for food in my humble home
There is more food on a human bone!

Here to Stay by Katie Chen

man, u think u've got the world fooled,

you make 'em think that ur happy and cool,
and inside ur cryin
but what ur really doin is lying, to da world...
That's all you really care about the most,
not God, or ur
family, just how loud u can boast,
and it would figure that you really don't care,
about what's goin' on in the world out there
But i'm not gonna worry anymore,
cuz im done feelin like its 1 big chore, to, help you thru this mess,
that u've created cuz of ur own self righteousness.
Dude I understand ur hurt,
but I don't understand, and I wanna know why,
why u do this over and over again,
then u feel like u've gotta cry.
I don't get ur logic, but that's ok
cuz no matter what I'll be here to stay.

My Life As A Teenager by Marie Locklear

I live for these hataz

Because hataz are my motivatorz
Teenage life's not how it may seem,
But no matter what my smile shall forever gleam.
I refuse to be bought down
Or walk around with a frown
Jealous ones will forever envy me.
The one and only, fabulous Marie
I'm a teenage queen,
With everything above and between
Doing what I do
Making hataz wish they knew
How to have my game
And keep their fellaz from trying to give me their last name
This is the life of a unique teen

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