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Globalization is a widely discussed topic; it is therefore not all that easy to

explain such a complicated term in simple words. Advances in technology
such as mobile phones, airplanes, telephones and the internet have made the
growth of transport and communication networks possible, this means that
people and countries can exchange information and goods more quickly and
in a less complicated way, this process is called globalization. Globalization
is a process where countries around the world are becoming closer in a
number of areas. It influences people, immigration, employment, ideas and
knowledge. Globalization changes the face of society and the source of
demonstrations and revolutions presents us with far away cultures and even
allows us to pursue justice around the world.

1.1 Globalization affects developed countries differently than developing

countries. So for developed countries, globalization is bad for workers
because when companies move their operation to developing country that
means that worker are losing their jobs but globalization is good for
consumers in developed countries, when companies move their factories to
developing countries, they can pay workers low wages which means they
can sell their products at lower prices and this is good for consumers
because they can afford to buy more stuff. On the other hand, globalization
is good for workers in developing countries, it creates more jobs so that
people in poverty are able to earn money and support their families.
Developing countries often don’t have laws that protect workers like
developed countries do, so companies take advantage of their workers.
And that is the current situation of different countries especially in the
Philippines that is brought by the effect of globalization.

2. The relationship between globalization and religion is one with new

possibilities and furthering challenges. Religion takes advantage of
communication and transportation technology, it is at the same time the
source of globalization’s greatest resistance by acting as a haven for those
standing in opposition to its power. On the other hand, because globalization
allows for daily contact, religion enters a circle of conflict in which religions
become “more self-conscious of themselves as being world religions.” With
that, if religion will be globalized, it can possibly cause conflict and
misunderstanding considering the presence of competition of complexity in
religion worldwide.
2.1 Though religion is strengthened and fortified by globalization, it represents
a challenge to its globalization’s hybridizing effects. Religion seeks to
assert its identity in the light of globalization. As a result, different
religious identities come to the fore and assert themselves. Such assertions
of religious identities constitute a defensive reaction to globalization. 

3. The media are attracted by extreme terrorist acts not only because it is their
duty to report on any major event but also because the dramatic and spectacular
aspect of terrorism fascinates the general public. Media is readily accessible by
many, information can be easily disseminated through this that is why terrorist
usually use this platform to frighten the people in an area to achieve a political
goal. But then, terrorism should not affect the importance of freedom of
expression and information in the media as one of the essential foundations of
democratic society.

4. This statement reflects what is really happening now, with the increasing
birth rate around the world problem about hunger and poverty also increases.
In connection to that, a body that lacks food and nutrient intake has the
possibility of having a weak immune system making you vulnerable to lot of
serious diseases. Considering the great effect of globalization in different
countries, we can’t deny that most of their people are still experiencing
poverty. Therefore we can conclude that the positive advantages of
globalization don’t benefit us all.
5. Types of market integration

Horizontal integration

This occurs when a firm or agency gains control of other firms or agencies

performing similar marketing functions at the same level in the marketing
sequence. In this type of integration, some marketing agencies combine to form a
union with a view to reducing their effective number and the extent of actual
competition in the market. It is advantageous for the members who join the group.


 Independent oil refineries coming under U.S oil company.

 Marriott's 2016 acquisition of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide in the

hospitality industry1
 Beer company Anheuser-Busch InBev's 2016 acquisition of competitor

2. Vertical integration

This occurs when a firm performs more than one activity in the sequence of the
marketing process. It is a linking together of two or more functions in the
marketing process within a single firm or under a single ownership. This type of
integration makes it possible to exercise control over both quality and quantity of
the product from the beginning of the production process until the product is ready
for the consumer. It reduces the number of middle men in the marketing channel.


 Meat industry buys all the functioning plants needed for running this meat
 ZARA Apparel Company
 Apple Incorporation
3. Conglomeration 

A combination of agencies or activities not directly related to each other may,

when it operates under a unified management, be termed a conglomeration.


 Hindustan unilever ltd.

 Delhi cloth and general mills.
 Birla group.

6. The spread of the virus surprised us all and even our government was not
ready of its impact. In order for our government to compensate and control
the spread of the disease, a large amount of money is badly needed.
Therefore, the World Bank approved a US $500 million loan for the
Philippines COVID-19 Emergency Response Project to help meet urgent
healthcare needs in the wake of the pandemic and bolster the country’s
public health preparedness. We can’t deny that our country’s debt from the
World Bank is gradually increasing, but we can’t do anything for we only
have a weak economy that works only for our country to survive. And if our
country will continue to ask money internationally, there will be no space for
an improve economy, in such a point that it will just work in order for us to
pay our debts, there’s a possibility that our country might be flooded in debt
and we don’t want that.

7. As I’ve said before, our country and even with other countries were not
ready with the vast impact of the disease. Our country which is Philippines
didn’t take the virus seriously at first, for they kept on opening doors for the
citizens of China where the virus started. But then, I salute our government
for they implemented an enhance community quarantine early that somehow
control the local transmission of the said disease. My only concern with their
governance is that, they didn’t prioritize those OFWs and people stranded at
the NCR; they made a “Balik Probinsya” program without knowing the risk
of infecting Covid-free provinces. But come to think of it, it’s not only our
government’s fault why we came to this peak of a pandemic, we, the citizen
of this country also contributed with the problem. We kept on disobeying the
rules that were given by our government that results with a high positive
case within our country.

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