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After how many years, Miguel is visiting his grandmother
named Mama Coco, together with his family. he was so excited
to meet his Mama coco. However, he was shocked to see his
mama coco in such a fragile state. His grandmother was weak
thus is in a wheelchair. Her skin has begun to lose elasticity.

Miguel then introduced himself to his mama coco. But was then
saddened because his mama coco couldn’t even remember his
name. Then his mama Elena then explained that her mama coco
has Alzheimer’s disease.
It was now then time for dinner. On the dinner table, miguel
noticed that his mama coco was being fed by her mama elena.
Noticing that she can’t eat by herself. She always needs
assistance in her daily activities even in urinating.

Back at the living room after dinner, mama coco began to talk
about her past adventures in life with miguel. She reminisced
about the times she was helping in the community and being
happy with them.

Miguel was then asked by his father to teach mama coco why
she needs to take her medicine as well as other stuff. So in
order for mama coco to understand him, he kept talking to
mama elena as close as possible. Explaining things slowly and
Teaching strategies

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