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Remote Viewing and the Occult


DEFINITION: Remote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeing impressions

about a distant or unseen target, purportedly using extrasensory perception
(ESP) or “sensing” with the mind. (Source: Wikipedia)
Typically, the remote viewer is expected to give information about an object,
event, person or location that is hidden from physical view and separated by
some distance, near or usually far. In the early 1990s, the Military Intelligence
Board, chaired by DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) Chief Soyster, appointed
Army Colonel William Johnson to manage the remote viewing unit and
evaluate its usefulness objectively. The funding for this program tanked in late
1994, and it went into decline. The project was transferred out of DIA to the
CIA in 1995.

Remote viewing is a new name for an old ability. It is best to remember that
remote viewing has one foot in the occult and one foot in the scientific
psychology of the mundane world. On the one hand, the two sides,
unfortunately, do not talk to each other; on the other hand, many of the old
rules of demonology still apply.
Remote viewing is often described as an ability that allows the “viewer” to give
detailed information and description of an unknown target location by which
he has been separated either by time or space.

Just as we all have strengths and weaknesses in life, remote viewers tend to
exhibit a variety of strengths and weaknesses in their viewing. For example,
one viewer might excel at sketching but “totally suck” at describing objects or
events. Another viewer might be terrific at perceiving smells of the target but is
terrible in accurately describing colors.

Any sense – whether it is the sense of smell, taste, sound, texture, ambiance
or the perception of color or luminance – can open up a target completely for
a remote viewer.

Again, remote viewing is a new name for an old ability. It is best to remember
that remote viewing has one foot in the occult and one foot in the scientific
psychology of the mundane world and that the two sides do not talk to each
other. But….

The last two months, a team of occultists I belong to have been working as
tracers using RV. We have worked in several missing person cases with 99%
success. The information that we were able to provide to authorities was
100% accurate. Some of us worked using dowsing, others using Astral
Projection, others working under partial possession, but all of us have
combined RV with all the above.

Recently we worked with the police in a European country on a missing

person’s case about a child who was kidnapped. As a tracer, you are
completely blind. The only clues that you have is a photo and the location
where the person was last seen. When we started, the first thing that one
tracer received was voices and the sound of church bells chiming. Another
tracer received a smell of gas. So, we had the first clues looking at the map
that the child was somewhere close to a gas station and a church. By opening
more of the RV and doing reality checks to be sure that all the tracers saw the
same version of reality, we identified and confirmed that the child was in a
building with apartments, on the second floor. We also confirmed it by the
energetic imprints that we were able to “see”. Thereby, we had the exact
location of the child, and most importantly that the child was alive (confirmed
by the energetic imprints). All the clues that we had we gave to the police and
they traced the missing child.

Being on the LHP is not only fancy rituals, spells, curses, hexes, etc. Many
people possess excellent abilities and skills, without the hoopla of “famous”
YouTube channels where videographers post videos all day long with no
substance; no best-selling authors – just people, occultists, who stay low and
work with the Demonic to increase their abilities and receive help on cases
like this one.

Our team is about helping people find their loved ones before it is too late.

As for me, I am a seer, a tracer. I walk into a room and see the energy of the
people. I know who is sad, who is happy, if they had a fight with their
boyfriend, girlfriend, their “significant other,” if they are worried or insecure.
With my family and a few close friends, we may not speak for days; yet, I feel
and see when they are not doing well…. For other members on our team, they
can see what a person is going through just by looking at them, as if the story
of their life, or their day, is written plainly on their faces.

Some days it’s draining, and you just cannot take it all in. When something
hurts, it hurts to your bones. People let you down. You get crushed by things
that others never notice…

If you ‘ve been around the Light long enough, you learn to shield yourself. You
learn to put yourself above others without feeling like or being an ass. To let
go of expectations, to give and not expect anything in return – that’s a tough

Most days it’s a blessing. To be able to connect with others on a deeper level
when you search for a missing person, beyond the surface and the small
talk… To hear the secrets of the universe and feel the energy of all things…
What a marvelous gift it is! I would not give it up for the world! Thanks to all
those people that we connect with and work together on such cases!

For the record, none of the tracers on our team take money for what we do.
Any reward offered is donated to worthy causes and charities. For us, this is
ethical and moral; to take money from these families is reprehensible. Period.
We have no place in our team for frauds, and we are surrounded by them. We
have had people claiming to be tracers, pretending to care about missing
person cases we were working on, go to the families with false information
and take the reward, and to gain fame. We do not tolerate people like that on
our team. We kick them out. We don’t do videos about our cases because we
value the privacy of the families looking for their loved ones. Instead, we
speak directly with the family and we have established an open line with local
law enforcement agencies and the FBI for these cases.

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