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Research Proposal: Introverts living under the Extrovert Ideals

Subject: Proposal to conduct a research on exploring the experiences of Introverts living in an
Extrovert-Ideal Society.

Introverts are individuals who are often characterized as being reserved, reflective, and
introspective, whereas extroverts are characterized as outgoing, sociable, and action-oriented.
However, contemporary society often values and prioritizes extroverted qualities, which may
lead to challenges for introverts who feel that they do not fit the ideal personality type. 

In a world, where being loud is mistaken for being confident and happy, it’s not so easy to be an
introvert. People assume introverts to be shy, or antisocial. But these are all misconceptions.
Introverts like anyone, can find socializing fun. But while parties leave extroverts energized,
after some time, introverts need to recharge away from everyone.

Introverts living under the extrovert ideals are like woman’s living in a man’s world, discounted
because of a traits goes to the core of who they are.

This research proposal aims to explore the experiences of introverts living in an extrovert-ideal
society to better understand the impact of societal norms and expectations on introverted

Research Questions:

1. What are the common experiences and challenges faced by introverts living in an extrovert-
ideal society?
2. How does someone’s personality type affect their experience in any work settings?

3. How do introverts cope with the pressure to conform to extroverted expectations in various
social situations?

4. To what extent do introverts experience discrimination or marginalization in social, academic

or workplace due to extroverted societal expectations?

5. How do introverts perceive and value their own personality traits in relation to societal

6. How do introverted individuals in different cultural contexts navigate societal expectations

and norms related to introversion and extroversion?

7. What strategies or practices do introverts use to maintain their well-being and sense of self in
an extroverted society?
HYPOTHESIS: Introverts living in an extrovert-ideal society experience various challenges
related to societal expectations and pressure to conform to extroverted norms. These challenges
may include feelings of social anxiety, difficulty in asserting oneself in group settings, and
potential stress or burnout from trying to maintain a socially active lifestyle that may not align
with their personality traits. However, introverts may also develop unique coping mechanisms
and strategies to navigate these challenges and maintain a sense of well-being and identity.


My paper will be divided into several sections, the most important of which are the
Introduction, Background, Data Presentation and Analysis, and Summary of Findings. Within
the sections, my organization will be based on my research questions.

TIMETABLE: I hope to complete my primary research by the end of /early_______________

and my
secondary research by the end of/early_______________. I shall complete writing the final draft

of my Research Paper by ____________________, and submit it by the specified deadline (the

last day of classes) towards the end of the semester.


I hereby request your approval for my research proposal. If you wish me to modify or
improve my proposal, I will submit it after incorporating the necessary changes. I would also be
grateful for your advice and help in conducting my research and completing the project.

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