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Complete the sentences with one word from the box Page 58

make a deposit withdrawals on sale foreign

rate leave a deposit charge I’m afraid sign

1. The exchange ________________ at that office is one dollar = 2.900 pesos.

2. Banks normally ______________ commission for all transactions.
3. Let’s go shopping this weekend at the mall. Most products are _______________
4. _______________ I won’t be able to travel tomorrow morning. I’m not feeling well.
5. If you want sales assistants to keep an item, you need to ___________________
6. My mom went to the bank to ________________, but she forgot the account number.
7. When banks give you a loan, you have to _______________ many papers.
8. Some ATM’s don’t permit make ________________ after 10pm.
9. _______________ people normally visit Cartagena or San Andrés islands.

Complete the sentences with the words in the box Page 60

well helpful nightmares parking lot expert staff

introduced way service advice voucher bills

1. The ___________ at the hotel went out of their ___________ to make us feel comfortable.
2. Martha ______________ me to her husband yesterday. He’s a computer _____________.
3. When I have _________ to pay and I have no money, I have ___________. Sometimes I worry so
much that I can’t sleep at all.
4. Woman: Thank you very much. You’ve been very ______________.
Sales assistant: Always at your _____________, ma’am.
5. Take my ____________. Don’t park your car here. Leave it in a _____________________.
6. With this ______________ you get 10% off all CDs and books as ___________ as computer games.

 Complete the sentences with the –ING form or the FULL INFINITIVE form of the verbs

1. What are you doing right now? How about ________________ (go) shopping?
2. ________________ (drive) motorcycle after 11:00 p.m. is prohibited here in Neiva.
3. Lakeside Shopping Mall is a wonderful place _________________ (buy) what you want.
4. Mark wants ___________________ (paint) the bedroom red.
5. Peter loves ___________________ (swim) in the river.
6. Kelly is really excited about ___________________ (go) to the beach.
7. Ted is afraid of ___________________ (fly) on airplanes.

 Put a tick  in the sentences you consider are correct and a cross X for the ones that
are incorrect. Rewrite the sentences in the correct way.

1. I love going shopping to EXITO supermarket. ____

2. What do you want to do after class? ____
3. Getting married is one of the most important decisions in a person’s life. ____
4. I think you should studying for the next exam. ____
5. Karen hates go to the beach in the mornings. ____
6. Hey Peter! How about to go to the movies tonight? ____
7. Helen is thinking about traveling to France next year. ____
8. Eat healthy is very important for your health. ____
9. Mark likes drinking coffee in the mornings. ____
10. I’m really interested in learn to speak English. ____

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