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Social Gerontology 1




Social Gerontology 2

What are the two different kinds of imperatives?

An imperative refers to a command such as top sleeping!. There are two types of imperatives which
include natural law formulation imperative and end-in-itself formulation imperatives. Hypothetical
imperative can be used to command conditionally on relevant desires. For instance if your mother tells
you that if you're angry go and take something implying that if you're not hungry you can ignore the
command. Categorical commands unconditional such as do not cheat on in exams implying that even if
you want to cheat and doing so could save you interest, you may not cheat. Categorical imperative may
be connected to morality in that morality must be based on the categorical imperative.

The working of end-in-itself formulation imperative convert in three different formulations which are
claimed by kant. they include first formulation Which dictates that 1 needs to act on the same maxim
now and again in order to become a universal law. A maxim is the rule which you act. The basic idea is
the command states in which nobody is allowed to make exceptions for themselves. One must be willing
in doing certain things in a given way in order to acquire what they could want.

Therefore, the two formulations of Kant’s moral theory mainly focus on natural formulation and end-in-
itself theory. The natural law formulation indicates that action is only required on maxims which serve
as universal laws in nature. There are different illustrations which have been used in illustrating the
working of natural law formulation.

The end-in-itself formulation dictates that one has to always treat an individual as being themselves and
not a means to get somewhere. The same illustrations have been used in demonstrating the working of
the end-in-itself formulation. There can be an encounter with maxim under different perspectives and
the formal maxim can be experienced as an imperative.
Social Gerontology 3

Reigeluth, C. M. (1992). The imperative for systemic change. Educational Technology, 32(11), 9-13.

Murray, S. E. (2016, May). Two imperatives in Cheyenne: Some preliminary distinctions. In Papers of the
forty-fourth Algonquian conference (2012) (pp. 242-256).

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