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Mar 18th 2020

Chemicals, how do they work?!

This version is huge, but there are 3 main things you need to know. Firstly, you
can now create skill builds across multiple skill trees! Secondly, as a zombie you
can now resurrect by finding a special loot called the "Genetic Heart". And
finally, chemicals are now awesome!

Chemicals now have passive abilities which apply when you carry them. Want to move
faster? Buy a Warp Field to get +2 max shifts. Want more health? Buy a Health
Stimulant for +20 max hp. Want no recoil? Buy a Laser Tripwire (yes, new chemicals
too!). You can also now *SEE* enemy chemicals, making it possible to actually find
and destroy them. Read to see all the other goodies. Enjoy!


- All chemicals now have passive abilities when you hold them! EG:

- Synthetic Shop (previously called Base Chemicals) gives you +20% ammo.

- Alchemic Acid gives you +20% cash for kills and loot.

- Warp Fields give you +2 max shifts.

- Sonar Cells increases your vision range.

- Goo Trap slows enemies with your bullets.

- Health and Mana stimulants now increase max hp/mana by +20.

- Damage Stimulant increases your guns DMG by +5% per kill.

- Fission Mine (new chem) gives you a free grenade each throw.

- Laser Tripwire (new chem) removes all weapon recoil.

- Chemicals are now visible to enemies by default. Huge change!

- Chemicals can now be made invisible by standing in them and buying a "Concealer"
for $1000.

- Chemicals now cost $1000 instead of $3000.

- You can neutralize your own chemicals to refund them.

- Damage/Mana/Health Stimulants are now separate chemicals detached from Base

costing $2000.

- Added a new chemical called Fission Mine. It explodes when enemies step in it.

- Added a new chemical called Laser Tripwire. It zaps enemies who step into it.

- Warp Fields can now warp to ALL buy zones.

- There is a new piece of loot called the "Genetic Heart" which will resurrect
zombies who find it.

- You can now unlock skills from multiple skill trees.

- Skill points now cost $1000 instead of $2000.

- Generally, weapons across the board do less damage, but are more accurate.

- Killing enemies now causes them to drop excess chemicals, health and mana kits.

- Increased the shifting length from 6m to 8m.

- Non-BR game modes now have designated buy zones, similar to BR.

- Removed the capturing cooldown timer in Conquest mode.

- In Conquest, each team starts with 2 points captured already to save time.

- Zombies in BR now have 100 mana and can use passive skills.

- Zombies can no longer see or loot for health or mana, making survival key.

- You can now go all the way up to a max of 200 hp/mana from kits.

- Adrenaline Rush has been changed to make you run faster while you're reloading.

- Generally there is less cash in the map and you only get $100 cash per kill.

- Superweapons now cost $8000 instead of $5000.

- You get to keep the ammo in your gun between rounds.

- Everyone runs a little bit faster.

- Vehicles have less health, but much faster out of combat regen.

- You no longer need to eject from a car that's on fire. It will heal itself

- Bazooka, Grenades and Stinger Missiles all do exactly 300hp vs cars (enough to
kill buggies).

- Reorganised some items in the hex unlock grid, and also split it into tiers.

- In order to access the next tier in a hex grid, you need to unlock a certain
amount of items first.

- Added damage numbers that show up whenever you shoot someone.

- Daily Challenges now give more kill coins (30/40/50 vs 10/20/30).

- Ammo piles now give you +2% DMG to your currently held weapon.

- Fixed countless bugs and AI issues.

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