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Q.8. Which one of the following statements is not related is the Natural Law School?

(a) Evaluation of any part of the law must be done in terms of its effects

(b) There is a connection between means and ends

(c) Justice originates in pure practical reason

(d) Law consists of means of achieving ends

Ans. (a)

Q.9. Ratio decidendi of a case is which one of the following?

(a) The order of the court in the case

(b) The final decree passed by the Court

(c) The underlying principle or legal reasons on which the result of the case depends

(d) The part of the judgment which has persuasive effect

Ans. (c)

Q.10. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists:

List-I                                                       List-II

A. Savigny                                   1.Evolutionary concept of history

B. Hegel                                       2.Evolution . with laissez-fair

C. Herbert Spenser                       3.Status to contract

D. Henry Maine                           4.Reflection of spirit of people in legal system



(a) 3 2 1 4

(b) 4 1 2 3

(c) 3 1 2 4

(d) 4 2 1 3

Ans. (d)

Q.11. Consider the following statements:

1. Law is not made, but is already available in the soul of human beings

2. The nature of legal system is a reflection of spirit of the people

3. Law grows with the growth and strength with the strength of the people

4. Customary law dies when law is codified

Which of the statements given above are related to the “Volksgeist” theory propagated by Savigny?

(a) l, 2 and 3

(b) 2, 3 and 4

(c) l, 3 and 4

(d) l and 4

Ans. (b)

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