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Indian Journal of Biotechnology

Vol 2, July 2003, pp 382-386

Applications of Microorganisms in Food Biotechnology

J S Pai*

Department of Food and Fermentation Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Bombay, Matunga, Mumbai
400019, India

Received 28 November 2002; accepted 20 February 2003

Strain improvement of microorganisms in food products has been slow as isolation and mutation are time-consuming
and labour-intensive. Hybridization also is slow as unwanted traits have to be bred out. Applications with food related
enzymes were the first products of modern biotechnology, followed by organic acids and amino acid production by
microorganisms. Food fermentation applications such as fermented dairy products and alcoholic bev-erages have also
shown good possibility for using GMOs for improved fermentation performance and resistance to bacteriophages
rather than yield improvement. Improvement in product characteristics including better nutritive quality will be the
driving force of future research in food biotechnology.

Keywords: genetically engineered microorganisms, acids, enzymes, dairy fermentation, alcoholic fermentation

ages, cheese, etc, for a long time without even know-

ing their involvement in fermentation. Louis Pasteur
showed the role of microorganisms in spoilage and
subsequent elucidation that fermentation also
Introduction involves microorganisms. Once this fact was
established, the scientists tried to isolate
microorganisms, which were more efficient in
producing better products or im-provement of
Microorganisms have been used for preparing food processes. Some species are useful for development
products like bread, yoghurt or curd, alcoholic bever- of flavour unique to certain wines. Thus traditionally
certain microorganisms were used in such fermented which might prove useful in industrial food
foods. production and proc-essing.

Need for Improved Cultures Organic Acids by Microorganisms

When large-scale commercialisation of such prod- Citric acid is the most important organic acid pro-
ucts occurred, there was a need to increase the duced by fermentation with an estimated annual
pro-duction to meet the increasing demands. pro-duction of about half a million tonnes with the
Microbial techniques (selection, isolation of pure value more than half a billion dollars. It is primarily
culture, muta-tion, protoplast fusion, etc.), well used in foods. Some of the other acids produced in
developed by mid-dle of last century, were used large quantities by fermentation are gluconic acid,
advantageously in the maximum output of the lactic acid and ascorbic acid, each with production
desired product with mini-mum by-product over 50,000 tonnes per annum.
formation. These techniques, how-ever, are slow in
developing a microorganism having the desirable
traits and very few undesirable proper-ties.
Sometimes when protoplast fusion is carried out,

*Tel: 022-24145156; Fax: 022-24245156 E-mail: j spai

some undesirable properties are transferred, which

have to be slowly removed by further mutation. All
this takes a long time and the results are not
precise as much of the development is being
performed empiri-cally.

With the capabilities of modern biotechnology, the

scientists can now transfer desirable
characteristics or genes, without simultaneous
transfer of other undesir-able genes (Hui &
Khachatourians, 1995). Cut and paste techniques,
developed in genetic engineering, can incorporate
only the desirable genes. Thus geneti-cally
modified organism takes only a few months
compared to a few years of laboratory work by
tradi-tional methods. This communication presents
devel-opments related to foods, wherein a review
of geneti-cally modified microorganisms useful in
foods is given. An attempt is also made to point out
some de-sirable traits for commercial cultures,



food applications, whereas the chemical synthesis

produces DL-lactic acid.
Citric acid had been prepared from citrus fruits like
lemon but now it is mostly produced by
fermentation using Aspergillus niger, in large
corrosion resistant fermenters having stirrers. Strains of Lactobacillus delbruckii, L. casei, L.
Some yeasts like Candida have also been used to helveticus and L. acidophilus, employed in commer-
cial fermentation, can ferment a medium containing
a smaller extent. A smaller amount is also made by
12-15% sugar in 2 to 4 days with more than 90%
older technique with surface fermenters. In
yield (Kascak et al, 1996). Most lactobacilli cannot
submerged culture, when environ-mental
use starch. L. amylophilus and L. amylovorus are
conditions are controlled, organisms grow into
able to ferment starch to lactic acid (Zhang & Chery
small pellets. Sugar from cane molasses is an, 1991). The production of lactic acid or products
commonly used in the medium, which needs to be like ethanol, acetic acid, etc. depends on the strains
controlled for trace metals like iron, copper etc. as well as the substrate and environmental conditions
Maintenance of very low pH avoids by-products (Cheng
formation. High aeration rate is needed for higher
yields. Conversion of glucose to product is high
(70-90%) depending on the strain, purity of
carbohydrate raw material, and environmental et al, 1991). Lactobacilli are very fastidious and re-
conditions. By-product formation of oxalic or quire many nutrients including nucleotides, amino
gluconic acid can be reduced by strict con-trol of acids and vitamins provided by yeast extract or
growth conditions (Roehr et al, 1996). pep-tone.

A. niger strains have been developed by Mutants can be generated spontaneously or by

mutagene-sis and screening, for higher productivity mutagenic agents to give higher conversion or
and adapt-ability to industrial fermenters. Some con-centration of lactic acid. For commercial and
studies have been undertaken on parasexual eco-nomical production of lactic acid, the further
recombination, diploidization, and heterokaryon im-provements will expand substrate range,
formation, etc. (Vis-ser, 1991). Although improve product tolerance, use of simpler nitrogen,
recombinant DNA technology has been reported increase disease resistance and control LID
for Aspergillus species, no reports are available on isomer ratio (Demirci & Pometto, 1992).
using this technique for commercial citric acid
production. Genes cloned from A. niger for
pyruvate kinase and phosphofructokinase will tre-
Gluconic acid is prepared by fermentation using
mendously improve the commercial strains
mostly A. niger and less commonly Acetobacter (Glu-
producing citric acid.
conobacter) suboxidans and some Penicillium spe-
cies(Milsom & Meers, 1985). A. niger produces acid
at high levels(97 -99%) with negligible by-products
when the trace elements are controlled and sufficient
Lactic acid is another important acid produced by
manganese is present. Glucose is converted to glu-
fermentation, although an equal amount is also
cono delta-lactone by glucose oxidase enzyme. The
chemically synthesised. The acid is mostly used for
lactone hydrolyses to gluconate. Fermentation condi-
the manufacture of emulsifiers and as additives in tions are designed to maintain high levels of this en-
food industry. It has two enantiomers, L(+)- and zyme. Medium contains glucose with low levels of
D(-)-lactic acid. The L-lactic acid is involved in phosphate and nitrogen to prevent excess growth.
normal human metabolism which can selectively High aeration, temperature about 30°C and mildly
be produced by fermentation and this is used in acidic pH produces gluconate rapidly. The pH is
maintained by adding CaC03 to produce calcium glu-
conate whereas NaOH gives sodium gluconate. A.
niger gene for glucose oxidase has been cloned into
S. cerevisiae, A. niger and A. nidulans to yield
improved organisms and fermentation (Kopetzski et
al, 1989).

Microbial Enzymes in Food Industry

Enzymes have been used in foods such as leaven-

ing of bread, fermentation of fruit juices or malt,
clot-ting of milk for cheese, etc. Purified enzymes
are be-ing used mostly in food industry although
some still use live cells as in leavening of bread
and alcoholic fermentation (Godfrey & West, 1996).
World market for enzymes, mostly microbial
enzymes, is over 1.5 billion dollars. Newer
applications for enzymes are in detergents, textiles,
paper & pulp, chemical industry, etc. However, the
largest application (over 45% of the total enzyme
produced), mostly bulk enzymes, is used in foods
(Ratledge & Kristiansen, 2001). Largest market is
for rennet (25%) followed by glucoamylase (20%),
a-amylase (16%) and glucose isomerase (15%).
Bulk enzymes normally cost less (Rs235-1400/kg)
whereas speciality enzymes may cost Rs 2,35,000
or more per kg.

Amylases and related enzymes are

mostly obtained from Bacillus
Cheese is traditionally prepared species (Svensson et al, 1991).
using calf rennet, a protease. In The a-amylase, that hydrolyse
60s and 70s, due to severe internal 1-4 a-bonds of starch
shortage of calf rennet, several resulting in rapid reduction of
substitutes from microorganisms, viscosity of the sub-strate, is called
liquefying enzyme and produces
mostly maltohexaose or
maltopentaose. This enzyme from
Rhizomucor miehei, Endothia B. licheniformis is exceptionally
parasitica and Rhizo-mucor thermostable and is used in starch
pusillus, were chosen by mutation processing. The enzyme from B.
and selec-tion method. Recently, subtilis is referred to as
saccharifying ~-amylase as it
several genetically modified
predominantly produces maltose
microorganisms(E. coli, K. lactis,
and glucose from starch. It shares
A. niger), which contain calf
limited sequence homology with the
rennet gene, have been
liquefying enzymes and is less
developed. Chy-mosin gene thermostable. The cy-clodextrin
coding for calf rennet was taken glucanotransferases catalyse the
from calf stomach cells and hydrolysis of amylose to cyclic
inserted into a plasmid, which dextrins, a-, ~- and y-cyclodextrins,
was inserted into microbial cells. which have useful properties in
The microorganisms started food industry for stabilisation of
producing calf rennet (Madden, volatile flavours, en-hancers, etc.
1995). These rennets by GMOs These are also produced by a
have been commercially number of Bacillus sp. While
produced since 1980s and, in amylases hydrolyse 1-4 linkages,
India, only the microbial rennet is pullulanase hydrolyse 1-6 a-
being used since the ban on calf linkages in pullulan and
rennet. amylopectin. Whereas
saccharifying amylases yield mostly
maltose, glucoamylase produces
glucose. These are commercially
Bacillus spp., mostly extracellular, produced mostly by fungal cultures
are important source of stable but a few Bacillus species are also
enzymes for use in food industry. used (Cole et al, 1988).
These degrade substrate into
smaller molecules, which are
easily absorbed by the bacteria. The bacilli also produce
Some in-dustrial enzymes proteases useful in food industry.
produced by Bacillus sp. are Proteases are divided into exo-
Pullu-lanase by B. and endo-
acidopullulyticus, a-amylase by
B. amy-loliquefaciens and B.
licheniformis, glucose isomerase
by B. coagulans, ~-glucanase by
B. subtilis, etc. (Coc-concelli et al,
acting types. The industrially cost less than Rs400 per kg. The
important exo-peptidases are two amino acids, not needed in
classified as per their catalytic optically pure forms, are prepared
mecha-nisms: serine, cysteine by chemical synthesis.
(thiol), metallo- and aspartic Methionine can be utilised in dl-or
(carboxyl) proteases. The serine racemic form and glycine does
proteases (PH, 9-11) have no not have d- and 1-forms. Others
metal ion requirement and are are prepared either by
resistant to high temperature and fermentation or by enzymatic
oxidising agents. Such proper- catalysis.
ties are further enhanced by
protein engineering making them
useful in laundry detergents. They
are useful in production of fish- Corynebacterium glutamicum is the
most versatile organism used
meal and protein hydroly-sates
commercially to prepare glutamate,
from fish. Acid proteases, useful
lysine, threonine, phenylalanine,
in cheese in-dustry, are found
etc. Escherichia, Serratia, Bacillus,
less in bacteria than in moulds Hansenula, Candida, and Saccha-
such as Mucor from which romyces are also used in amino
commercial microbial rennet is acid production, some of them are
prepared. Similarly thiol genetically modified. Bacteria
proteases like papain are not normally do not accumulate large
common in bacilli. amounts of amino acids be-cause
of regulatory control over their
synthesis. Mu-tants have to be
prepared by laborious mutagenesis
Fermentative Production of and selecting the mutant producing
Amino Acids highest amount. By using
recombinant DNA technology, new
produc-ers can be developed
rapidly by increasing limiting
Many amino acids are used in enzyme activities, etc. (Eggeling &
food industry (Leuchtenberger, Sahm, 1999).
1996), L-glutamate as flavour en-
hancer, glycine as sweetener,
lysine and methionine as food
and feed additives, aspartate and The genome analysis of producer
strains is now be-coming a useful
phenylala-nine for aspartame, an
tool. Entire sequence of the
low-calorie sweetener, etc. The
total commercial production of all
the amino acids (chemical and
enzymatic) is over 1.6 million
tonnes, of which glutamate is
almost 1 million tonnes, fol-lowed
by lysine and methionine with
each about 350,000 tonnes. The
market is steadily growing at a
rapid rate of 5-10% per year.
Amino acids produced in larger
quantities are cheaper, glutamate
being the cheapest followed by
methionine and lysine. All three
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