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The imp ct of ICT on society

ICT h s ch nged our lives gre tly in recent ye rs. We c n communic te e sily nd shop
online but we need to be w re of potenti l he lth risks with computers.
P rt of ICT Risks nd implic tions of ICT

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Employment nd the environment

Technology c n me n th t cert in roles in comp ny re no longer required. New jobs re
cre ted but it is uncert in whether ICT h s cre ted or reduced opportunities in the long

Adv ncements in technology h ve h d huge imp ct on the entert inment industry. The
growing popul rity of downlo ding nd stre ming content h s ffected the tr dition l
supply ch in , ie the process of getting product m de nd into the h nds of consumer.

Fewer r w m teri ls re required s the dem nd for physic l medi is reduced.

F ctories th t produced nd p ck ged books, m g zines, CDs nd DVDs .

P ck ging comp nies see drop in orders.

Delivery comp nies h ve less to deliver. 1/4
2/28/2020 Employment and the environment - The impact of ICT on society - KS3 ICT Revision - BBC Bitesize

W rehouses ren’t s full s they once were nd stock m n gement is less of concern.
High-street stores struggle to compete with the prices nd the convenience of shopping

All of the bove le ds to fewer employees nd people lose their jobs. But new jobs th t
require different skills h ve t ken their pl ce, for ex mple:

developers nd designers h ve to build the online store or website

the server th t the website runs on needs to be built nd supplied

the content needs dding to the server
ll of the inform tion bout song, lbum or movie must be entered into the website’s
d t b se
the server nd website must be m int ined

All of these jobs require n employee to h ve dv nced IT skills. This is true of m ny jobs
tod y in the Technology industry nd m ny employees undergo extensive retr ining to
en ble them to rem in in work.

The environment

ICT c n benefit the environment, for ex mple it h s given people the option to work from
home, reducing the need to tr vel into work. However, it c n h ve neg tive imp ct.
Disposing of old equipment is p rticul r problem. One of the nswers is recycling nd the
l w st tes th t comp nies must recycle their old equipment.

It’s import nt to wipe ny sensitive or person l inform tion from computer before
disposing of it. There re comp nies th t provide this service. 2/4
2/28/2020 Employment and the environment - The impact of ICT on society - KS3 ICT Revision - BBC Bitesize

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Gloss ry

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The imp ct of ICT on society

How ICT h s ch nged communic tion nd coll bor tion

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