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Sublime Text 3 - Useful Shortcuts (Windows)

Sublime Text 3 - Useful Shortcuts (Windows)


Shortcut Description

Ctrl + Shift + P command prompt

Ctrl + Alt + P switch project

Ctrl + P go to file

Ctrl + G go to line

Ctrl + R go to methods

Ctrl + Shift + R go to methods in project

Ctrl + K B toggle side bar

Ctrl + ` toggle console

Ctrl + Shift + N new window


Shortcut Description

Ctrl + L select line (repeat select next lines)

Ctrl + D select word (repeat select others occurrences in context for multiple editing)

Ctrl + Alt + Up / Ctrl + Alt + Down select column for multiple editing

Ctrl + Shift + M select content into brackets

Ctrl + Shift + Enter insert line before

Ctrl + Enter inter line after

Ctrl + Shift + K delete line

Ctrl + K K delete from cursor to end of line

Ctrl + K Backspace delete from cursor to start of line

Ctrl + Shift + D duplicate line(s)

Ctrl + J join lines

1 de 7 30/5/2020 10:28
Sublime Text 3 - Useful Shortcuts (Windows) · GitHub

Shortcut Description

Ctrl + K U upper case

Ctrl + K L lower case

Ctrl + / comment line

Ctrl + Shift + / block comment

Ctrl + Y redo or repeat

Ctrl + C copy

Ctrl + V paste

Ctrl + Shift + V paste and ident

Ctrl + Space autocomplete (repeat to select next suggestion)

Ctrl + M jump to matching brackets

Ctrl + U soft undo (movement undo)

Ctrl + Shift + U soft redo (movement redo)

Code navigation

Shortcut Description

F12 go to definition

Alt + - jump back

Alt + Shift + - jump forward


Shortcut Description

Ctrl + Shift + A select content into tag

Alt + . close tag

Find / Replace

Shortcut Description

Ctrl + F find

Ctrl + I incremental find

Ctrl + H replace

F3 find next occurrence of searched word

Ctrl + F3 find next occurrence of current word

Alt + F3 select all occurrences of current word for multiple editing

Ctrl + Shift + F find in files


2 de 7 30/5/2020 10:28
Sublime Text 3 - Useful Shortcuts (Windows) · GitHub

Shortcut Description

Ctrl + 0 focus on sidebar

Esc focus back to edit area when focus on sidebar

Splits / Tabs

Shortcut Description

Alt + Shift + 1 single column

Alt + Shift + 2 two columns

Alt + Shift + 5 grid (4 groups)

Ctrl +[1,2,3...] focus group

Ctrl + Shift +[1,2,3...] move file to group

Alt +[1,2,3...] select tab


Shortcut Description

Ctrl + F2 toggle bookmark

F2 next bookmark

Shift + F2 previous bookmark

Ctrl + Shift + F2 clear bookmarks


Shortcut Description

Ctrl + K Space set mark

Ctrl + K W delete from cursor to mark

Ctrl + K A select from cursor to mark

Ctrl + K G clear mark

Go to Preferences → Key Bindings - Default to explore all default shortcuts and read instructions for packages you installed to
find out about their custom key bindings.

arissetiya10 commented on 21 Nov 2017

sublime text very good...

3 de 7 30/5/2020 10:28
Sublime Text 3 - Useful Shortcuts (Windows) · GitHub

ambigus9 commented on 27 Apr 2018

really useful! thanks!

Wilhelm97 commented on 5 May 2018

That helps a lot thanks

Feedmo commented on 6 May 2018

Good job!

frankpengyuan commented on 23 May 2018


umairattari commented on 23 May 2018

why ctrl k b is not work in sublime 3

AVN9 commented on 24 May 2018

very useful.. Thanks

bathirinathkc commented on 8 Jun 2018


atiq275217 commented on 22 Jul 2018

thank's for all done

Halbmond commented on 5 Aug 2018


aniket-agarwal1999 commented on 16 Sep 2018

Thanks :)

4 de 7 30/5/2020 10:28
Sublime Text 3 - Useful Shortcuts (Windows) · GitHub

ouweiya commented on 20 Sep 2018 • edited

I add one: ctrl+k+v to bring up the clipboard.

F9 sort

ctrl+t replace

5 de 7 30/5/2020 10:28
Sublime Text 3 - Useful Shortcuts (Windows) · GitHub

itsarsalan commented on 27 Oct 2018

Thank you

ibrahimjshaban commented on 18 Dec 2018

Thank you
It's very useful

mudivili commented on 19 Feb 2019

How to ctrl+d in reverse, from down to up?

ghost commented on 18 Mar 2019

How to ctrl+d in reverse, from down to up?

When you select one (or a few) line and duplicate that, then you have 2 copies of the line that are next to each other.
You can choose to consider either copy as the "copied" version.

rrajivnair commented on 13 May 2019

Thank you, and @ouweiya c thank you too!

Aurum1611 commented on 20 Jun 2019 • edited

Thanks. Very helpful.

Thank you @ouweiya too.

prolightHub commented on 1 Jul 2019 • edited

I accidentally pressed SHIFT + ALT + 3 and then I needed to figure out how to fix it, so I came here.

alekniko commented on 30 Aug 2019

IS in sublime analog CTRL+ALT+L (like in intellijIDEA to format code )?

mrliptontea commented on 1 Sep 2019

Sublime is just a text editor, not an IDE, like IntelliJ products - so to put simply it doesn't come with code formatting out of the box. But you can
install a package that can do that for a specific language. See formatting packages on Package Control.

amirattribes commented on 12 Oct 2019 • edited

How I indent my php code and html? In net beans editor i was do it.

6 de 7 30/5/2020 10:28
Sublime Text 3 - Useful Shortcuts (Windows) · GitHub

sundarv85 commented on 6 Jan

To delete a word backwards Ctrl + Backspace

BitterJoker commented 28 days ago

I moved back by pressing ctrl + z severally how do I go back to where I was

7 de 7 30/5/2020 10:28

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