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Let child(Feature)

Let parent (Feature)

Let i (Integer)
Let tp (Type)
Let elements(List)
Let specificName(String)

set parent = NULL

Result = FALSE

// Here you should set the specific name, it could also be taken from a KWE
attribute in the Drawing
specificName = "LAYOUT"

// first check we are working on some sub-elements of a PartFeature

if (Input.IsSupporting("BodyFeature") == TRUE or
Input.IsSupporting("GeometricFeature")== TRUE or
Input.IsSupporting("MMOrderedGeometricalSet") == TRUE or
Input.IsSupporting("OpenBodyFeature") == TRUE)

// is it a set with the name

if (Input.Name == specificName)
// Change the layer and color as desired
Result = TRUE

//parent = GetPLMOwner(Input)
//Trace(2,"Found GAPrep in #",parent.Name)

// retrieve the part feature to check what is inside
//set tp = Input.PrimaryType
//Trace(2,"primary type of the input #: #",Input.Name, tp.Name)
if Input.IsASortOf("FunctionalBody") == TRUE
parent = NULL
parent = Input.Owner
//set tp = parent.PrimaryType
//Trace(2,"primary type of the first parent: #",tp.Name)
i = 0
if (parent <> NULL)
for i while parent.IsSupporting("PartFeature") <>TRUE and
parent.IsSupporting("FunctionalBody") <>TRUE and i< 10
set parent = parent.Owner
if (parent <> NULL)
set tp = parent.PrimaryType
//Trace(2,"primary type of the #eme parent: #",i,
if i>=10
Message ("Problem on feature #",Input.Name)
// We have the part feature, let's scan it
if (parent <> NULL )
if (parent.IsSupporting("PartFeature") or
set elements = parent.Children
for child inside elements
// We know there is another set with the specific
if (child.Name == specificName)
Result = TRUE

//parent = GetPLMOwner(Input)
//Trace(2,"do not show body: # as GAPrep is
found in #",Input.Name, parent.Name)


//Message("Name : # , result: # ",Input.Name, Result)

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