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5A IT troubles

A Read the dialogue between Jack and his mum. Fill the gaps using the verbs from the box in the correct form.

click connect download highlight log on press reboot scroll down search send

Jack Hi, Mum. Have you got computer problems again?

Mum Hi, Jack. Yes, how did you guess?
Jack What’s up this time?
Mum My email account isn’t working. I can’t 1 messages to my inbox.
Jack Have you tried 2 the computer?
Mum Yes, but it didn’t make a difference.
Jack OK, let’s try something. Have you already 3 to your computer?
Mum Yes. And I’ve opened up my email account.
Jack Right then. 4 on the send button at the top of the page.
Mum I get an error saying I’m not 5 to the Internet.
Jack OK, click cancel and then 6
for network settings.
Mum I’ve found them. Should I 7 to the Internet connection?
Jack Yes, then select it. It should be 8 in blue. Then click connect.
Mum Alright, I’ve done that. It’s asking me to confirm. Shall I 9 the enter key?
Jack Yes, and then open your emails again and hit the send button.
Mum Great! It's working again. I can see an email reply I 10 yesterday. Thanks Jack.
Jack No worries, Mum. Bye for now.

B Discuss the questions and do the role-play in pairs.

1 Have you ever helped someone out with a computer problem? If so, give details of the problem and how you
helped solve it.
2 What are some other issues people might have with their computer or phone? Use the words below to help you.
battery browse the Web keyboard password screen swipe upload virus Wi-Fi zoom in/out
3 Choose one of the problems you’ve come up with. In pairs, role-play a dialogue similar to the one in A.

C Read the instructions below and decide which three apps from the box are being described. Write the names of the
apps in the gaps.

Angry Birds  Facebook® Google Maps Skype Twitter YouTube

1 First of all, you have to tap on the icon. Next, you need to choose profile. After that, you select
wall, then photo. Scroll through your pictures, pick one and click attach. All you have to do now is add a message
and finally, you press post.
2 You need to start by tapping on the icon. Then you have to press play. Following that, you
should choose a game to play and tap on the appropriate button. Once the game’s opened, place your finger on the
catapult, draw back the elastic and fire your bird at the pigs. You should continue doing this until all the pigs have
been destroyed.
3 To begin, double-click on the icon. Secondly, scroll down and select someone from your
contact list. Then you have to click on IM. After that, you can type your message and when you’ve finished, you
simply click send.

D Below, write instructions for how to use your favourite app, but don’t write the name! Read your instructions out to a
partner. Can they guess the app?

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press • Photocopiable

5A IT troubles

Aims  To review and practise computer-related vocabulary. To

engage students in a role-play situation. To give students practice
in writing instructions using staging expressions.
Time  15 minutes
Materials  1 handout for each student
• Give each student a handout and tell them to complete task
A. Check answers as a class.
Answer Key
1 download 5 connected 9 press
2 rebooting 6 search 10 sent
3 logged on 7 scroll down
4 Click 8 highlighted
• Divide the class into pairs and give students time to discuss
the first two questions from B. Elicit from the class ideas on
problems someone might have with a computer. Ensure that
the target vocabulary is being used accurately and correct
errors as necessary.
• Tell students to do the role-play task in pairs, then ask for
volunteers to present to the class. Alternatively, put two pairs
together and tell them to act out their role-plays to each other.
• Tell students to do task C, then check answers as a class. Ask
students if they ever use any of the apps and what they think
of them.
Answer Key
1 Facebook
2 Angry Birds
3 Skype
• Tell students to reread the instructions and highlight useful
language for staging. Elicit ideas from the class, e.g. First of
all/Next/After that.
• Students complete the writing task in D. Encourage them
to use a range of phrases for staging their instructions and
to include relevant computer vocabulary from the lesson. In
pairs, students take turns to read out their instructions and
guess the app.

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press

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