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He is a peruviam writer, politician, and journalist. His full name is Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas
Llosa.He’s a Nobel Prize winner in 2010.He lived his childhood between Bolivia and Peru.

He studied Literature and Law at the National University of San Marcos. He worked as a radio
news editor to continue his studies. In 1955, he clandestinely married his political aunt Julia
Urquidi. Then in 1959, he traveled to Europe and started working on French Radio Television.

In 1958, he obtained the title of Doctor of Philosophy and Letters at the University of Madrid.
Also ,he published his first work, Los jefes (1959), at the age of twenty-three. With the novel
La ciudad y los perros (1963), he won a reputation among writers.

Some of his most important literary works are: “ La ciudad de los perros”, “La huida del inca”,
“La tía Julia y el escritor”, “La fiesta del chivo”, among others.

In 1975 he started a series of cinematographic works . After, Mario Vargas Llosa competed in
the 1990 Peruvian elections, in which he was defeated by Alberto Fujimori. Finally ,in 1994 he
won the Miguel de Cervantes Prize and in 2013 the El Mundo Columnists Prize.

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