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Intro: Radio show traditional theme song

Scene one: EXT School yard

Sound: Busy crowd of people talking
Tao: Please guys, just leave me alone, I just want to go
to class
Bully one: Shut up, you strange looking child
Tao: Just let me past please
Bully two: Oi, Tao or what ever your name is, you aren’t
getting past unless you give us your money
Tao: You guys done the same thing yesterday, you know I
don’t have any money; my parent’s can’t afford to give me
things like that
Bully one, Well why didn’t you think to bring money
today, if the same thing happened yesterday?
30 secs
Sound: School bell rings to alert all students to go back
to class
Tao: Guys I really have to go back to class now, please
just move
Bully two: As we said we aren’t moving unless we get some
Tao: Just move!
Bully one: Who do you think you are talking to, do you
know who I am?
Sound: Tao being pushed up against the wall by both
Tao: Get off me, I can’t breathe
Bully two: Give us your money!
Tao: I didn’t want to do this, just get off me
Bully one: Do what? We aren’t moving unless we get some
1 min
Sound: Sound of Tao punching both of the bullies as they
get pushed up against the opposite wall
Bully one: Argh, What the hell did you just do. Your
lucky I didn’t see it coming
Tao: I don’t care about your excuses; I just need to go
to lesson

Sound: Tao runs to class, as he is late, door opens and

Tao: Sorry I’m late Sir
Tao: Wait, where is everyone? I am in the right lesson
aren’t I?
Tao: I’m going to have to look round
Sound: Tao running to another classroom to try and find
his teacher so he’s not late to class
1 minuet 30 seconds
Tao: No, this cant be happening I don’t want to be late
on my first day, I’m going to look so stupid walking in
to the class room, everyone is going to judge me
Tao: Excuse me student, do you have any idea where Sir
Mellows class is
Other student: It’s up them stairs, and to the right, oh
by the way; can you not talk to me again? I don’t want
people thinking I’m your friend
Tao: ermm, okay sure
Sound: Tao running upstairs to find the class that he was
meant to be in

2 min

Sound: door opening

Teacher: Tao why are you late? The lesson is about to end
you may as well go home make sure your not late tomorrow
or ill call your mother and tell her what’s going on
Tao: Sir I am very sorry, I managed to get my self in t
trouble on my way to class. I am honestly sorry
Teacher: just make sure you don’t do it again.

Sound: School bell rings to alert student’s school has

Teacher: Tao the head teacher needs to speak to you go
quickly you have 5 minuets.
Tao: Erm okay Sir, Ill go now
Teacher: Good now hurry!
Tao: Yes sir
Sound: Tao dragging his feet to the head teacher’s
office, as he opens the door it makes a loud squeaking
Tao: Hello sir I have been told to come to your office by
my form teacher
2min 30 secs
Head teacher: Ahhh, yes you must be Tao, do you know why
you are here?
Tao: Ermm, Is it because I was late to lesson today sir?
Head teacher: No Tao is there anything else that happened
today? Something, which is completely not allowed in this
Tao: No sir I can’t think of anything that has happened
Head teacher: Tao do you realise we have CCTV everywhere
around this school meaning we can see everything that is
going on around this school
Tao: I still don’t understand Sir, I don’t understand why
I am here
Head teacher: Tao! We caught you on the CCTV hurting two
of our students earlier this morning which is a form of
bullying, and that Tao is not allowed in our school at
all. I don’t know what your school was like in China but
this school is completely different and fighting is not
allowed at all so do not do it again!
Tao: No Sir I don’t think you fully understand, the two
children where bullying me and I tried to get them to
stop but all they wanted to do was take my money that I
was I was late to sir’s class
3 min 30 secs
Head teacher: No Tao I don’t care about your excesses,
there is never any point to resort to violence, meaning
if this ever happens again you will be thrown out of
school instantly, Ok?
Tao: Yes, Sir I understand
Head teacher: Good now go home, and think about what you
have done today OK?
Tao: Yes, Sir I understand
Head teacher: Good
Sound: Tao opening head teacher’s door which has a squeak
as it closes, Tao walking down the stairs out of school
Tao: Oh, no the bullies are over there with some friends
do you think they will try and hurt me again
Bully one: Oi Tao come here now! Before we hurt you again
Tao: What, why? You know I have no money on me just leave
me alone, you nearly got me kick out of school because
you guys tried to take my money today
Bully one: well I don’t really care what happens to you
but I want you to show me and my friends that stuff you
done to us earlier
Tao: I’m sorry but I’m not allowed, you need years of
training to get to my level of fighting
Bully one: Listen to me, you ether show us how to fight
like you or me and my friends will make sure you cant
walk anymore ok?
Tao: I don’t quite understand you will hurt me if I show
you how to hurt other people? That makes no sense I’m
sorry but I honestly can’t help you, why don’t you try
one of the martial arts classes in out city
Bully one: No, I want to learn that mister myagi shit!
Tao: Mister Myagi taught Karate that’s not even Kung Fu,
I’m not teaching you anything if you want to learn it
move the china, where people will treat you like yo u
treat me OK?

Bully one: Tao, I don’t think you have remembered who

your talking too, now you hurt me it makes me want to get
you back even more and there’s nothing you can do about
it this time because I got all my friends to help me,
that’s right all 6 of them over there!
Tao: Don’t start this again, If I fight one more time I
will get kicked out of school and then I won’t be able to
get an education because there is no other school in this
4 min 30
Bully one: It’s not school time anymore Tao, so you have
two options, you can show us how to fight like you or we
can hurt you until you stop breathing ok?
Tao: And there’s no third option where you
let me go home to help my mom?
Bully one: I’m sorry Tao but that’s no how the world
works, so what are you going to do?
Tao: I’m sorry, just leave me alone I can’t show you how
to fight it takes years of dedication
Bully one: I don’t believe that you are actually willing
to get hurt, you’re going to regret not saying yes to
helping us
Tao: I’m sorry but I have to much honour in my martial
arts and my home land to show you low lives to fight
Bully one: Low lives? Low lives! Hahaha that’s it I was
actually going to let you go, but now your done for mate
Tao: I’m sorry
Bully one: Sorry? What are you sorry for its your fault
this is about to happen
Tao: no I mean I’m sorry that I’m about to hurt each and
everyone of you
Bully: That’s it Tao, Boys! Come let’s see how good this
kid really is.
5 min 10 secs

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