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Table of Contents

1.1 OBJECTIVES......................................................................................................................3
1.2 TEAM MEMBERS..............................................................................................................3
2 SCOPE..................................................................................................................................3
3 ASSUMPTIONS / RISKS....................................................................................................4
3.1 ASSUMPTIONS..................................................................................................................4
3.2 RISKS...............................................................................................................................4
4 TEST APPROACH..............................................................................................................4
4.1 TEST AUTOMATION..........................................................................................................4
5 TEST ENVIRONMENT......................................................................................................5
6 MILESTONES / DELIVERABLES...................................................................................5
6.1 TEST SCHEDULE...............................................................................................................5
6.2 Deliverables...................................................................................................................5
1 Introduction
The Test Plan includes the objectives, scope, schedule, risks and approach. This document
will clearly identify what the test deliverables will be and what is deemed in and out of

1.1 Objectives
User Rest number in calculate application that uses HTTP requests to addition, subtract,
multiply, divide, square, square root and primer number.
The Employee Rest API application is for inserting and modifying basic data for an
Phase 1 of the project will deliver Test Case calculation with functionality to create and store
manual tests.

2 Scope
The initial phase will include all ‘must have’ requirements. These and any other
requirements that get included must all be tested. At the end of Phase 1, a tester must be
able to:
1. Addition numbers
2. Subtract numbers
3. Multiply numbers
4. Division numbers
5. Square for numbers
6. Square root for numbers
7. If the number is prime or not
Assumptions / Risks
2.1 Assumptions
This section lists assumptions that are made specific to this project.
1. The user Rest number in calculation application
2. Testing content-type will be JSON data.

2.2 Risks
The following risks have been identified and the appropriate action identified to mitigate
their impact on the project. The impact (or severity) of the risk is based on how the project
would be affected if the risk was triggered. The trigger is what milestone or event would
cause the risk to become an issue to be dealt with.

# Risk Impact Trigger Mitigation Plan

1 Network Issue .
2 Response Time out
3 application is not

3 Test Approach
Automated testing using JUnit to validate and cover API calls:
 Addition numbers
 Subtract numbers
 Multiply numbers
 Division numbers
 Square for numbers
 Square root for numbers
 If the number is prime or not

4 Test Tools
Eclipse IDE
Junit Library

5 Test Environment
Rest numbers
6 Test Cases
Project Name Employee REST API
Module Name calculate
Created By yusra shebli
Creation Date 15/3/2020
Reviewed By  
Reviewed Date  

TestCaseID TestCaseTitle Description TestData ExpectedResu

double actual = new
check the addition
calcc().add(5, 10);
1 test addition 1 of 2 positive
double expected = 15;

double actual = new
check the addition
calcc().add(-2, -4);
2 test addition 2 of 2 negative
double expected =- 6;

check the addition double actual = new
of 1 negative calcc().add(-4, 2);
3 test addition 3
number & 1 double expected = -2;
possitive number assertTrue(actual==expected);

double actual = new
check the subtract
calcc().subtract(6, 3);
4 test subtract 1 of 2 positive
double expected = 3;
double actual = new
check the subtract
calcc().subtract(-4, -5);
5 test subtract 2 of 2 negative
double expected =1;

check the subtract double actual = new
of 1 negative calcc().subtract(-5, 9);
6 test subtract 3
number & 1 double expected = -14;
positive number assertTrue(actual==expected);

double actual = new
check the multiply
calcc().multiply(5, 5);
7 test multiply1 of 2 positive
double expected = 25;

{double actual = new

check the multiply calcc().multiply(-9, -1);
8 test multiply2 of 2 negative double expected = 9;

{double actual = new

Check the multiply
calcc().multiply(3, -5);
of 1 positive
9 test multiply 3 double expected =-15;
number & 1
negative number
{double actual = new
check the squar calcc().squar(2);
10 test squar for positive double expected = 4; 4
number assertTrue(actual==expected);

{double actual = new

check the squar calcc().squareRoot(25);
11 test squar root root for positive double expected = 5 ;
number assertTrue(actual==expected);

{double actual = new

check the divide calcc().divide(30, 6);
12 test divide 1 for 2 positive double expected = 5;
number assertTrue(actual==expected);

{double actual = new

check the divide
calcc().divide(60, -10);
for 1 positive
13 test divide 2 double expected = -6;
number & 1
negative number

{double actual = new

check the divide
calcc().divide(-50, -5);
14 test divide 3 for 2 negative
double expected = 10;
check the divide {calcc obj=new calcc();
15 test divide 4 ‫غير معرفة‬
for 1 and 0 double actual=obj.divide(1,

{boolean actual = new

check if the the
16 test is prime positive number is true
boolean expected = true;
a prime number

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