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1. Asidofil, gh prolactin
2. Folicular cell, t3 t4
3. Zona glomerulosa, mineralocorticoid
4. Basofil (salah), fsh lh acth gh (salah)
5. Zona fasikulata, glucocortocoid
6. Principal cell, PTH
7. Islet of Langerhans (salah), a glucagon b insulin

8. Grave disease, hyperthyroid, decreased calcium level (salah)

9. Arteriolo, arteriolo
10. Follicular adenoma, well demarcated and encapsulated
11. Papillary carcinoma, bla bla bla
12. Hashimoto thyrpiditis, struma lymphomatosa
13. Fat necrosis, acute pancreatitis
14. Adenocarcinoma, head of pancreas
15. Pituitary adenoma, diabetes insipidus (salah)

16. A. RBG 149, pemeriksaan yg disarankan : OGTT

B. Diperiksa GDP 99, 2HPP 190 > impaired glucose tolerance
17. A. Org DM HbA1c 8.5 > org DM ga kekontrol
B. Subclinical hyperthyroidism
18. A.
B. After fasting : 60-100, normal < 140, pre diabetes 140-200, diabetes > 200

19. A. Fossa hypophysealis sellae tursicae

B. Hypothalamus hypophyseal tract
20. A. Isthmus thyroid (salah)
B. Thyroglossal duct
21. A. Thyroid cartilage
B. Right superior thyroid artery, origin : right carotid externa artery


1. Asidofil, gh prolactin
2. Folicular cell, t3 t4
3. Zona glomerulosa, mineralocorticoid
4. Basofil (salah), fsh lh acth gh (salah)
5. Zona fasikulata, glucocortocoid
6. Principal cell, PTH
7. Islet of Langerhans (salah), a glucagon b insulin

8. Grave disease, hyperthyroid, decreased calcium level (salah)

9. Arteriolo, arteriolo
10. Follicular adenoma, well demarcated and encapsulated
11. Papillary carcinoma, bla bla bla
12. Hashimoto thyrpiditis, struma lymphomatosa
13. Fat necrosis, acute pancreatitis
14. Adenocarcinoma, head of pancreas
15. Pituitary adenoma, diabetes insipidus (salah)

16. A. RBG 149, pemeriksaan yg disarankan : OGTT

B. Diperiksa GDP 99, 2HPP 190 > impaired glucose tolerance
17. A. Org DM HbA1c 8.5 > org DM ga kekontrol
B. Subclinical hyperthyroidism
18. A.
B. After fasting : 60-100, normal < 140, pre diabetes 140-200, diabetes > 200

19. A. Fossa hypophysealis sellae tursicae

B. Hypothalamus hypophyseal tract
20. A. Isthmus thyroid (salah)
B. Thyroglossal duct
21. A. Thyroid cartilage
B. Right superior thyroid artery, origin : right carotid externa artery

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