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Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3

Chapter 1 – What Is A Content Writer?...................................................................... 5

Chapter 2 – 10 Rules To Keep In Mind When Writing An Article................................. 11

Chapter 3 – Quality.................................................................................................... 16

Chapter 4 – Credibility .............................................................................................. 21

Chapter 5 – Qualities You Need To Write Fast And Well............................................ 26

Chapter 6 – Secrets Of A Successful Title................................................................... 30

Chapter 7 – How To Make Money From Content Writing .......................................... 34

Chapter 8 – Tips & Tricks .......................................................................................... 40

Do you have writing skills and do you want to make money? This is great
because you can make a career in content writing. This field has changed
dramatically lately and the digital consumption of info has created many
writing opportunities. Of course, there are some rules that you must keep in
mind and some essential elements that will help you. This e-book is the guide
that will initiate you in progress.

“How to make a career in content writing” will help you get started as a content
writer and will teach you how to excel in the field. Are you afraid of
competition? No longer the case if you take into account the advice that you
will meet in this e-book.

Many people become content writers by accident. The passion for writing turns
into a part-time job, and when the money starts to gather, the individual
discovers that he can have a career that will bring both personal satisfaction and
financial gain. This is the beginning that seems promising. The next step is the
desire to have a stable service, to be hired in this field. This step is a little more
difficult, but of course, feasible. The secret is to continue writing because the
more you write, the more appreciated your work will become. And, besides
that, if you want to be hired full-time, you need experience and a portfolio that
you can present to your employer. How to do all this and improve your
technique? In the following you will learn the most important aspects of content
writing. Ok. I know this is easier said than done, but a stable career as a content
writer is not impossible.
So, if you are interested in how to make a career in content writing, take a sit
and read this e-book. I’ll reveal to you the secret rules of this field and the key
elements of success.

Chapter 1 - What is a content writer?

It’s great you want a career in content writing and if you’re passionate
enough, you will succeed. The first step you need to take is learning a bit
about this career and what it is. So, let’s speak about content writing and what
means a content writer. If you want to have your dream job, then you must be
informed about it.

Thanks to the Internet, an increasing number of people are writing and

publishing textual content meant to be published online. Content writing is that
type of writing that wants to imprint a strong informative character to the
written and presented text.
The content writer job is neither old nor new. This job was born and grew up
with the domain it's attached to: the internet. But to be a good content writer
you need more than a good knowledge of the language. Due to the increasing
demand for search engines, a new set of criteria has been born to push up the
sites. Fresh, frequently updated and quality content - that is, exactly the job
description for a content writer.

A content writer needs to have a coherent expression, to translate foreign

materials correctly and to inspire themselves without plagiarism. News, articles,
reviews, or editorials all go into the sphere of activity of a content writer.
Moreover, some content writers become true news editors, engaging in parallel
in developing their own knowledge. Content writer is an evolving profession in
which you learn from mistakes and from your own experiences. No one will

teach you how to be a content writer, but by constantly evaluating your work
you will find that you can progress more than you would have imagined.

As it translates, a content writer is the person who writes content that is further
published on a website. That content is generally just an article. An article of
this kind varies according to the "employer" instructions, depending on the size
(for example, 300 words), the theme of the article (about games, weight loss,
mobile phones, etc.) and quality. So one thing is to write an article about a
natural remedy and another one is to write about an online game. If the niche
you write about is more difficult and requires special documentation, you’ll win

Behind a text is usually a process involving several types of tasks and each of
one is done by different people specializing in performing that task. Involving
more people in the process improves the quality of text and a better molding on
the target audience.

What is the difference between content writer and copywriter?

Content writing and copywriting are two distinct activities of creating textual
content. Let’s insist a bit on differences to better understand what it means.

Content writer

A content writer aims to generate textual content according to the

interests and needs of a public concerned with a particular subject. The content
writing process requires the most precise and detailed expression that is easy to
understand for the interested audience. Therefore, he is objective, having the
role of presenting and transmitting information, in order to educate or inform
the audience.
A content writer can generate content for both online and offline media. If
written content is intended to appear online, then it will also be necessary to
consider how the public interested in the written subject can find that
information online, in other words, how search engines will process the written

Besides the role of presenting information, the content writer may also have the
role of facilitating the written interaction with the readers and strengthening
the relationships with them. Examples of content written by a content writer
are blog news articles, online or printed publications, user manuals or product
documentation, company statuses, etc.


The copywriter aims to generate textual content that promotes a product

or a service, an event, a slogan, etc., and involves a call to action for the purpose
of the promotion. Copywriting activity focuses on using persuasive language,
sometimes with emotional implications for the public, and summarizing
concrete information rather than detailing it.

Examples of content written by a copywriter are advertisements (from web

pages, from radio or TV), promotion of a product by creating reviews,
advertisements, etc.

Differences between content writer and copywriter

The main difference between the content writer and the copywriter is, as
can be seen from the above-mentioned details, the former uses an objective
and detailed approach, while the second is based on summary and persuasive
expression (seeking to get an immediate reaction from auditor).

A content writer must be able to write a large volume of content as complete

and accurate as possible and a copywriter must be able to express it as
convincingly as possible. A content writer writes to inform, and a copywriter
writes to sell.

Advantages of Content Writing

The approach to this writing style brings with it some advantages:

Content Writing is becoming one of the most effective ways to promote.

Articles with a well-defined target represent a much stronger database and

much easier to index, so the position in the search engines will obviously be

Relevance means Google's stubbornness, and articles will be much easier to


Originality and uniqueness sell much easier and ensure a long-term promotion.

Lately, as many websites start promoting through this way, writing relevant
texts posted on the site, and content writing becomes an increasingly popular
method of promotion. Thus, the influence of the other style – copywriting -
begins - the style of writing that relies heavily on the process of persuading the
reader for a certain purpose.

Now that you know what the content writer is, it's time to find out how to make
money from this job. Having a career as a content writer is difficult at first but
not impossible. There are some rules that a content writer will have to observe
and use as a landmark when composing an article or presentation text for a
site. There are also key elements that ensure the success of a content writer. So,
if you're determined to make a content writing career, the following will help

Chapter 2 - 10 rules to keep in mind when writing an article

There are many successful content writers with an enviable life and a
dream job. Certainly you want to be like them and be an expert in writing. But
for this happen you need first to be noticed. How to do this? Write and do your

As I said in the introduction, there are some RULES that a content writer will
have to respect with the aim of evolving and being employed. A career is the
goal, but to succeed in a world where competition is tough, you need to keep in
mind 10 basic rules.

1. Research is the starting point in any situation!

Before you start writing the text, you need to gather information about
the domain, about the product or service you need to present, about the
competition, about the market trends and the socio-cultural effects of the niche
that you will focus on and last but not least about the public. Once you've found
the idea you're about to focus on, it's time to look at how to approach the text.
Do a market study, see if the subject has already been written and if so, come
up with news. Struct the text in paragraphs and sub-paragraphs, order your
ideas and give them a meaning. Work systematically and the success of your
article will be assured!

2. Take into account the limitations of the niche of your article, but write the
text in your own STYLE!

Don’t copy anyone but you can inspire yourself! Find the content of the
writers you adore and read their work, find common things and things that suit
you, select their representative works and read them, then try to see what you
change within them. Finally, you will engage in rewriting that material in your
own style. This way you will be able to create your own style!

3. Do not deviate from the central subject!

The article can be structured into several ideas, points and sub-points, but
the central subject will always be highlighted by any means. Focus on it!

4. Relevance, size and details should be a whole!

Do not write thousands of words without saying anything and do not try to
encompass in 100 words a very detailed technical process. Understand how the
final work should look and try to harmonize the relevance of the information
with its size and details.

5. Spend as long as necessary to write the title. You will see how much it

Your article has a lot of words, and you still have not said everything you
need. How could you include everything in just 5 to 10 words in the title? This is
very important.

6. The first sentence and the LEAD (introductory paragraph) keep or remove
the reader from your site!

Make sure that in these phrases you say everything you have to say, in a
way as attractive and as convincing. Be relevant! Never forget that!

7. No Lies! No false phrases! Just the truth!

We talk about content writing and I think you have understood so far that
this is the most sincere and relevant way of presenting you to the general
public, so you will have to keep it that way!

8. The end is as important as the beginning!

Be careful to remind the reader why he is on the page and why he has
read so many words. Everything has a sense and a purpose. It would be a good
time to remember him. The end of a speech is the true memorable element of
an article!

9. Edit, edit, and when tired, edit again!

Specialists say that the first idea is the one that everyone has. Give it up!
Find another one and turn the text into something unique, then edit it and
make it perfect. Once it's perfect edit it once again and make sure it's what you
wanted to do!

10. New Media is the trend!

Content writing has never been about plain text! The images and the
video, the multimedia material are all agreed by specialists. Use them in your
article to create a perfect image of the item you're writing about!

Inspiration, talent and perspective. These are the basic elements of texts when
it comes to creative writing, content generation, or pure information. Being a
content writer is like surfing through the storm. The only mode to open the way
to success is to discover the latest trends and then learn how to apply them.

The ability of the content writer to put together every idea conceived by his
own creative thinking is considered a true art. Because only a skilly content
writer will know what to choose, how to compile and synthesize the information
he has at his disposal.

Not all the articles written are wow but for the effort not to be in vain, try to
answer honestly the following questions:

1. Are your texts truly unique?

2. Readers have what to learn from your post?

3. Does your audience look for things you're writing about?

If the answer to the above questions is yes, then you can advance in your
content writer's career. Nothing can stop you as long as you are good in what
you do and believe in your forces. Indeed, the competition is a colossal one, but
as long as you persevere and evolve according to new trends, you have a
guaranteed success. How do you do that? By reading, watching other content
writers, studying, practicing. No one said that it is easy, but if you are passionate
about this job, then all the effort will be a pleasure, and the gains will be on the
table. Many content writers have started from below, from mediocre platforms.
The secret was that they did not give up even though they only earned a few
pocket bundles. A difficult start means a steady progress and strong
motivation.What about you? Do you have a strong enough motivation to cope
with the challenge of a content writer career? If so, you can continue reading to
find out which are the key elements that will help you develop your writing and
be employed.

Chapter 3 - Quality

You may have already realized that the only thing that can differentiate
you from online competition is quality content. In order to turn a text
presenting into an article containing relevant information for your audience,
you need documentation, speed and communication skills.

What means quality content?

The term "quality" has almost eroded its meaning because of its hyper-
use, but ultimately it has a positive characteristic.

In the case of content writing services, the expression "quality" can somehow
oppose "quantity". Because this is the paradox of today's written content: what
is the right balance between quality and quantity?

Starting from the hypothesis that you can not have both of them
simultaneously, we get a difficult situation to decipher: what do we have to

If we give up quality, favoring quantity, written content loses its intrinsic value
by collaborating only technically to increase the keywords needed for a SEO

If we give up quantity, favoring quality, we can get excellent communication

with the target audience, but with no healthy spread, elements such as link-
building and keyword growth are lost.

As always, the solution is somewhere in between and a content writer needs to

find the perfect balance between quality and quantity.
Content writing is a process that, when not properly executed, can lead us to
believe that "we are not made for it," which is totally wrong. Because we know
that many of you have asked at least once " can I write an article so well?", The
answer is that you can. However, there are some steps to make this process
work well with the expected results.

How to get quality?

Writing an article does not start with opening Word and typing words, but
with a long process of research. The best content writers know they can not
omit this process, but on the contrary, they need to deepen and integrate
research into building the article. 14 open tabs, 4 books on the table and 2
hours later, they start writing the article.

What is it necessary to do research:

To check the information.

To study the existing content on the topic you are looking for.

For inspiration, examples and patterns that can be adapted to the text.

To clarify the needs of readers and solve them with the help of the article.

Moreover, content writers adapt their article to the current context and are
constantly interested in the online topics that people talk about. For example, a
specialist's research includes Google Trends or Buzzsumo, two applications that
give the pulse of online.

So, even if writing an article seems to be an art, it is as well a science that, with
little skill and practice, can be learned and used by anyone and with great

Apart from research, there are some essential aspects that you need to keep in
mind if you want to write quality content. Do not forget that quality is the most
important element in your content writing career!

When it comes to quality content, unfortunately, the vast majority of sites rely
on shocking titles, more or less relevant images and uninteresting articles ... Not
even the correct use of grammar is not a must ... But there are also sites with
good and interesting content.

Research and documentation are the first methods you need to keep in mind
before you start writing. But there are a few more tricks that will help you get

Write something interesting

After all, that's what it’s all about! A quality and original content is what
we all want: you, your customers, Google, and the rest of the world who are
looking for you on the Internet. As long as you have something interesting to
say, you will write quality content!

Write for people

Very important to remember, when you want to write something, think of

talking to some people who are interested in what you offer. Don’t force the
note with keywords, percentages, tags and headlines over headlines. Focus on
writing for readers, for people, not for Google or Bing!

Focus on a clear goal

Focus on one single idea over time. Make sure you are very clear about
what you want to write. At one point, identify an idea and focus on it. Try to get
a detailed picture of what you want to express. The wording should be as clear
as possible without ambiguity. It is necessary for the text to inspire safety and
suggest that you write from the expert position.

Focus on the look of the text

The appearance of the text is very important. Its division and readability
ensure success. Put your ideas in small paragraphs. Use points, numbers, or
other simple ways to get the reader's attention. Lists or start points provide
information quickly, clearly and with impact. Let space between paragraphs.
Use subtitles so readers can get an idea of your posts at a glance.

Regardless of the marketing strategies you use, people will only read you if you
offer quality content that will provide solutions to their problems. Therefore,
articles should not be written at random, but must follow certain principles
without which your evolution will be much more difficult.

Chapter 4 – Credibility

In 1995, a 35-year-old man, with a degree in computer science and

philosophy, founded one of the first online marketing agencies. Three years
later, he sold it to Yahoo !, where he became vice president of Permission

In 2003, our little man was talking about how to spread your ideas to TED, one
of the most prestigious conferences around the world. You have already
guessed that I'm talking about Seth Godin, a successful author and
entrepreneur, known worldwide.

Godin has written 12 well-sold books and holds one of the most popular
personal blogs on the internet. How did he succeed? By credibility.

We often associate credibility with a prestigious title, such as a doctor,

professor, academician. This is normal, but for a content writer, it is not enough.
If you want to become a credible writer, you can choose another way .

1. You don’t write just for money. Show that!

In The Dark Knight, the Joker character has an interesting replica:

"If you're good at something, never do it for free." - It is true only if you are
already known for what you can do. In our situation, neither me nor probably
you can ask for much money for what we write; otherwise we risk not being
employed. When writing content, we must show that we do it because we want
to help people. Personal interest should never be money, otherwise we will lie
through everything we do. And if we lie, we lose credibility.

2. Write from experience

Imagine a wealthy Swiss writer who never came out of his own country,
but who writes about how the poor people of India live.

Imagine a reporter who traveled a lot, who lived in poverty for years, and now
he writes a book about his experience.

I think we both know who's more credible. Why? Because the second one
experienced what he wrote. Try to write about the most familiar things to you.
If you want to be credible, don’t write about marketing if you work as an

3. Don’t ask for anything in return

Who heard of Cory Doctorow? He is a fictional writer, blogger and

Canadian journalist, a furious activist of copyright liberation. Almost all his
books and stories are available for free on the internet, but at the same time
they are sold in bookstores, in the physical form.

Paradox? People buy his books from bookstores, even if they already have them
online. Why? Because those books are damn well written. The moral? Cory
Doctorow did not ask for anything in return for his books. He didn’t want sales
of millions. He just made them available to people to have as much access to
them as possible. Money was not a goal for him, but a means of sustaining his

Don’t ask for anything in return for what you are writing, and you will get more
back than if you had asked.

4. Make your reputation easy to understand

Your reputation as a writer should be simple and leave no room for
interpretation. You need to be associated with one single quality - one that
defines you best. Seth Godin is recognized for his ability to share his ideas.

What is your most valuable quality? Get this quality highlighted by everything
you do.

5. Don’t try to be the best

Or never admit that you would be the best. Leave the experience to talk
for you. Tom Peters, gave a pertinent example in his book, The Circle of

Boris Yeltsin had to be urgently undergoing an open heart surgery. As an

important person, he was sent to the best surgeons in Russia. They were placed
in the best institutes, being the most expensive. Obviously, only very important
people used their services. In other words, they had a little part activity.

A job like surgery is content writing - it must be practiced constantly so you

don’t get out of hand. If you are the best writer, you are always present at
events, press conferences, book launches, TV shows, meetings with various
people. You don’t have so much time to write. Probably, you don’t have free
time for yourself. Besides, being the best, your books will be more expensive.
Not many people have access to expensive books. So don’t try to be the best.
Try to be the most active. Write often and be accessible. Only that way you will
be credible.

6. Write every time as if it were the last time

…and write every time as if it is the first time. That way, you will put
everything in what you write. And if people see that everything you write is
unique, original and quality, you will become recognized, appreciated and

Everything you write is unique, because no one writes like you. Every man is
different. But if two people write about the same subject, one of them will
always be more credible than the other; either because of his image or because
of the words he uses.

It is true that anyone can write, but not everyone can be credible by what he
writes. In order to be credible, you need experience and training, but also a
deeper understanding of writing.

The more credible you are, it’s more sure you will be hired. It is true that your
employer can write the text as well, but he will not write it as well as you do. In
addition, time counts and he will hire you.

And because time is money, my advice is to start right now: write and never let
the writing leave you. Seth Godin did not allow that. Neither Cory Doctorow.

Chapter 5 - Qualities you need to write fast and well

Time is the biggest enemy.The eternal problem we all struggle with is

time and we definitely want to have time for everything. If you plan to have a
career as a content writer, then you need to know that meeting deadlines is a
must. Seriousness is a very important quality that the employer will take into
account. At the same time he will ask you quality content and most likely
quantity. And here comes the problem. How to write fast and well at the same
time? Don’t be scared! This is possible if you know what to focus on and
practice how often you can. First of all, there are some qualities that you
acquire through exercise:

To be a good friend with the keyboard - to write without looking at the keys.
That should not be a problem if you are part of the generation of those who
grew up with the computer. And if you are not part of that generation, you have
certainly had to do with your keyboard and have chatted with someone. Try to
write without looking at the keys, but on the words that appear on the screen.

To be accustomed to writing - writing must be for you a habit to practice daily:

whether it's about writing an email, a guide for someone, a list of tips, or any
other type of writing that involves a number more than 300 words.

To know how to find information - time is short and a lot of people are jumping
over the research stage. Do not neglect this step, but learn how to find the
information you need in a way that does not waste your time.

To be a quick reader - learn to scan texts by searching for only the information
you are interested in. Even if you've found some sources to document, read the
subtitles and the main points, do not read all the text to see if it's a good source
or not.

Apart from the above, a content writer must have ideas permanently. You don’t
have to waste time searching for words. The formulation of phrases must come
naturally without effort. In this sense, it is recommended that you practice some
creative writing exercises that will improve your writing skills and will provide
fluency of ideas. Here are some examples:

Write from the perspective of an 8-year-old

It's useful because it's a psychological perspective, but also a creative exercise.
It is worth trying. It greatly stimulates thinking. The themes are multiple. For
example, write a text from the perspective of a child who has not received his
desired birthday present.

Write text with certain words

As a rule, it is a short text, up to half a page, covering a number of words in

different areas. Another way to do this is to give 3 phrases: an introduction, a
phrase from the content and a conclusion. Write a text with these phrases so
placed. Phrases can be from very different domains.

Parody a famous poetry

It's a fun exercise and creative, and it's not easy because you have to keep the
original form of poetry, rhyme, number of syllables and tone.

It's useful for content writers who need to write advertisements after a series of
rules and restrictions, or by completing a client's template or theme.

Write a man's thoughts before he falls asleep

When you're in bed with your eyes closed and waiting to fall asleep, all you have
to do is let your mind get out of it, or think about what you did today, and what
you will do tomorrow .

This exercise becomes difficult as more restrictions are imposed: if a profile of

that man is given, and a series of activities - what he did on that day, and what
he should do the next day.

Complete a series of metaphors

Metaphors are nothing but incomplete comparisons.

The sun, a ....

Her hair like ...

The TV as a ....

The phone, ...

The book, a ...

Write a dialogue between you and a person who challenges you as a writer

This exercise makes you think very much about your style of writing, what you
have written so far, the purpose for which you write, your motivation, and how
you can react to negative opinions.

Rewrite the end of a novel

You can choose the novel yourself or you can ask someone else to choose one
for you in order to avoid subjectivity. This exercise will take you some time, but
it will improve your creativity.

Invent a story with Santa

Santa is the easiest character to use and the most loved one. Try to create a
story of a page in which to have it as a character.

You can also follow a content writing course or participate in creative writing
workshops to train your mind and improve your technique. These courses also
give you diplomas that will be useful for you if you want to be hired. Do not
forget that the key element of creative writing is ... imagination. Use your
imagination as much as you can and train it, you will see that you will use it
more quickly.

Chapter 6 - Secrets of a successful title

Every day we expose ourselves to hundreds of messages. News,

advertisements, street signs - are just a small part of the content we “consume”
every day. The human brain has the amazing ability to "reload our database".
New information comes, is stored, and the old one is leaving, being forgotten.
We, content writers, have been struggling for years to keep the information as
far as possible in the mind of our readers.

How to do this? The first step is the title.

This is the first and sometimes the only element that a reader knows. The
percentage of those who read beyond an uninteresting title is extremely small.
It is said that in general, only 20% of people who see a headline read further.
Therefore, in vain you correct the commas in the article, if the title does not

How do you make it functional? Let's learn from the specialists.

David Ogilvy bet on the main advantage of the product. It was formulated
in the title to draw people's attention. This principle is perfectly valid today too.

Another influential voice in the field of advertising, Claude Hopkins, analyzed 10

successful titles, identifying four fundamental qualities of a successful title.
According to Hopkins, a good title must:

Satisfy the reader's interest (provide the sought answer).

Present a novelty.

Spark curiosity.

Suggest a quick and easy way to achieve a certain goal.

However, credibility is an important element in all these cases. If a title does not
sound credible, it's likely that nobody will read your article. We all know the
famous titles such as "How To Get Down 20 Kg in 3 Days" which are just

Rules for a successful title

Rule 1: Respect the reader's experience

Any click is already an achievement. Therefore, do not disappoint the reader

with a stupid play or a dull advertisement. Present the information he expected:
short, clear and relevant.

It's enough to disappoint the reader once in order not to regain his trust.

Rule 2: Attention to key words

Let's face it: clicks count. And a good title can significantly increase your Click-
Through Rate (CTR).

Rule 3: Tell them who, not why

According to Hubspot data, in 2016-2017, titles containing the word "who"

generated the 25% increase in CTR. On the other hand, headlines, with "why"
led to a 36% decrease in CTR.

Rule 4: Show images to readers

Titles that refer to the images in the article attract readers. We all know the
story about pictures worthing 1000 words. Use the photos for your benefit.
Rule 5: Be more explicit

Titles specifying the type of material presented in the article (for example,
images, video, infographics, etc.) proved to be 38% more effective than those
with no explanations. This indicates the reader's desire to know more in
advance .

The title is a promise, and without a convincing promise that can turn an
internet user into the reader of your content, the rest of the words really
doesn’t matter. So, writing a good title is a critical skill in content writing. It’s
good to remember, when composing a piece of content, that each element of
your text has one purpose: to make the reader read the following sentence. It is
obvious, therefore, that the first words must be strong enough for the reader to
start reading.

The better the title, the greater the chances that your written content will be
read by a large number of people.

Start with the beginning: why you should write the title from the beginning

Of course, before you write the title of an article, blog post, report or
newsletter, you should have at least a general idea of your content. Once you've
set up the general idea, start thinking of a good title before you start the piece
of content.

Why is it important to start with the title?

As I said above, the title is the promise you make to your readers. The great
purpose of the title is to clearly communicate the benefit of the reader in

exchange for the time he offers. In order to keep a promise, you must first
formulate it. The title will help you compose a strong content, as promised.

Inspire yourself

Once you understand what works, you can afford to rely on an original
approach, and even then, it will be quite difficult to come up with a 100%
unique idea. So inspire yourself, make your own research. It is extremely
important, when you study headlines that worked, to understand why they
worked. If you fail to understand the mechanism behind the success of a
formula, you will not get too far.

Impact titles will bring readers, and employers will want a man like you.

Chapter 7 - How to Make Money From Content Writing

Ok. Now you know what involves this career so, it’s time to speak about
paid content – your purpose is to be hired and make some money from
content writing.

A very interesting way to win money from content writing is to write articles for
other webmasters. If you're really good and serious, you can live decent of it,
but you have to work until you get to that stage.

To be a good content writing, you need to keep in mind the following:

1. You have to be very serious

When a customer gives you an order, let's say 10 articles, you need to
analyze the order, see what it's all about, see if you can write the required
articles and fix the date when you can give him the texts. If you have problems
with the articles and think you will exceed the deadline, notify the customer.

2. Inspiration

You must have plenty of inspiration. The ideas for articles are not always given
to you, most of the time, the webmaster does not care about the theme of the
article, he just wants quality content for his websites. Then you have to analyze
the market and write articles that have a public outlet. You have to play with
the best words and make an article to be proud of.

3. A developed vocabulary

Not everyone is able to write an article of over 250 words, I say this
because I know what customers want from a content writer. Take into account
the grammatical correctness, use synonyms, write intelligently. Nobody wants
articles in which an idea is repeated.

If you like to write, today you have enough opportunities to put your passion
into practice and make money from it. Here are other ways:

Blogger by profession
Blogging can be a hobby but also a source of income. If you write well and
constantly, if you manage to attract a great audience, if you get friends with
agencies and brands, you can make money from the blog. Of course, all of these
take time and effort. You have to make sure that the blog brings something
extra on the market and have patience.

The classic journalist

Journalism resists in magazines, televisions, news sites, and other media

experiments. It's not the most fun job, but it's one with a direct and quick
impact on the public. You have to be curious, to want a fast rithm of work and
obviously to like to write. Don’t mind when the boss yells at you don’t expect to
write just what you like.

Agency copywriter

A beautiful job and a bit tiring. Copywriters think and write advertising
campaigns, online and offline. You need curiosity, creativity and flexibility. You
learn a lot, you have fun and work with good people. If you are attracted by the
field, try.

Self-published author

Any writer would prefer to be published and promoted by a publisher, but

the process is tortuous and lasts - if the manuscript is accepted . You have the
alternative to make an ebook and promote it yourself. It's not a piece of cake,
but you have a better chance of presenting your creation to the public.

There are many freelancing sites where you can find writing jobs of all
kinds: web content, articles, copywriting, academic papers, press releases, etc.
As a freelancer, you generally do a little bit of everything because you have
clients with diverse needs. It can be overwhelming in the beginning, but you
learn fast, and if you are serious, you can have decent earnings.


Like a ghostwriter you will take the money but not the fame. The credit for
your work will be taken by the employer. The good part is that you get nice
money and this is a common practice. If you are really good, you can work for a
great amount of money. For this job the experience is your recommendation.

There are other communication jobs that have a writing component. You can
work in PR, deal with internal communication in large companies, make social
media or email marketing and other variations on the same subject. What all of
these have in common is passion and dedication for writing.

How do you get to write for money?

You can search for agencies to write advertorials or you can be the one
contacted if you have a blog with great traffic and quality content. If you want
to write for others, then you need to have a CV and a portfolio and look for a
job in the online environment or contact printed publications (magazines,
newspapers). The better you write, the better your chances of hiring. Careful!
The portfolio needs to include your best articles and cover the domains you can
write about. Obviously, there are also personal recommendations - people /
clients who are looking for you to write articles for them and recommend you
further. If you want to write well, you have to do this much and often. Daily. You
have to read, learn from others, criticize yourself and be severely with yourself.
A grammatical mistake can ruin an article. A bad title can bury a text. An
erroneous news can damage the reputation of the site. A weak slogan can
waste the customer's money. Everyone is making mistakes, but it's important
not to repeat them and ask more from you all the time

10 sites that pay you to write

Writing independently (or freelance) is one of the best known ways to

make money online. Many successful authors get to earn between 50 cents and
one dollar per word. Some even more. But the beginning is quite difficult. The
first thing to do is write your CV and build a portfolio. If you're interested in
writing, you probably already know that... It takes a lot of dedication and long
time, but if that's what you like to do, find out that it can become quite
profitable at some point. Assuming you really like to write, here's how you can
make money from it. There are websites that pay you to write online.

TopTenz - TopTenz pays $ 50 for each post. The article should be a list and have
at least 1500 words. Website postings are quite common, so you have a good
chance to be accepted.

International Living - International Living pays $ 75 for an accepted item. They

are basically interested in the tourist experiences you had in the countries you

Uxbooth - Uxbooth pays $ 100 for an accepted item. Accepting and publishing
an article takes quite a lot, between 4 and 8 weeks, because they are only
interested in high-quality materials.

Text Broker - Textbroker can pay up to 7 cents per word if you are a 5-star
author. To be evaluated, at first you will send them a small article, after which
you will probably get 3 stars. Then you can increase, depending on the quality of
the articles you write

The Penny Hoarder - The Penny Hoarder is a personal finance information site
that pays you according to the number of views of your article. Payment of an
item is not guaranteed because it starts at $ 100 for 50,000 views, but it can
become even more consistent if this number increases.

IZEA - IZEA works in conjunction with a blog or on its own. You are paid to write
on the blog, to send tweets, to take pictures or videos.

Photoshop Tutorials - Photoshop Tutorials searches for Photoshop articles. You

are payed $ 50 for a short article, and $ 300 for a full tutorial.

MetroParent - MetroParent parenting magazine will pay between $ 35 and $ 50

for a short article and around $ 350 for a long article.

SitePoint -SitePoint is a webdevelopment site that requires advanced and
technical knowledge in order to accept your articles. The articles will have at
least 1500 words and will be paid at a fixed amount of $ 100 per item.

IWriter - iWriter pays up to $ 15 for each post (usually less). At first glance it
may seem a bit, but the good part is that they are not as strict as others and let
you to choose the theme. You can also choose what articles you are willing to
write every day.

Chapter 8 - Tips & Tricks

Most content writers start with a blog and later turns it into business and
so they start a profitable career. An old saying says that "repetition is the
mother of learning." Repeating is perfect. The more you work or practice, the
more likely you will be to improve your performance ... By exercising the art of
writing, you can discover new qualities. Promoting is another reason to make a
blog. The blog is the means of communication with which you can freely
promote your qualities. If you want to get into this world, you will have all the
tools you need to do the things you want. You only need motivation,
determination and ambition.

"The blog is a money-making tool." But it's not enough to create a blog, write
some posts, and then hang up your friends with links. Blogging means more
than that, and specialists give you some tips to have a successful blog and make

1. Choose a topic that you master very well. That's how you'll search and you'll
always post new information for readers.

2. As much as possible, choose a theme that was not "chopped" by everyone. If

you go on a trivial road, try at least to find another angle of approach.

For example, there are so many sites about cars, but few of them are specialized
on a single brand and even fewer on a particular car model. The key is to have a
niche topic, but potentially, in other words, interesting.

3. Choose free platforms, at least until you have a "name" on the market, then
you can think of more serious investments.

4. Do not be afraid to illustrate your posts, that give your blog a professional air
or simply attract users.

5. Don’t forget to list on your blog at least six, seven sites with authority in the
chosen field. These links will also help you in search engines.

6. Use simple language, divide the text into paragraphs and use bullets. These
are essential things when you write in online because your posts are easier to
read and understand.

7. Search the market. Check out the hottest topics, the most commonly
searched words, how users came to your blog. So you'll know what to write in
the future.

8. Write as often as you can. It is good to post once a day, but not less than two,
three times a week, in order to always be "visible".

9. Once you have achieved a relevant traffic, you can also think about
advertising and other forms of winning money.

10. Try to attract an active community, really interested in what you are writing.

Once you develop your blog and build a reputation, you can start using it to
make money. The methods are multiple. You can choose to advertise, to do
affiliate marketing, to offer content writing services or sell various products. The
choice is yours. Don’t forget that the road from dream to reality first passes
through the traffic test. It is important to earn that traffic on merit, otherwise
no advertiser will want to associate his name your blog.
A content writing career is definitely tangible, but to do this, you have to make a
considerable effort. A content writer has multiple rewards and is constantly
informed – it sounds attractive. But at the same time, a content writer
permanently improves his skills and techniques through study, research,
exercise. Being a writer means also: to observe, to analyze and to criticize, and
to be a good writer means to constantly take the pulse of reality. Appreciation,
admiration, contempt and criticism always come from the most unexpected
places, so throw any expectation or preconception. Cast an eye to the future
and start right now if you want a career in content writing.

Conclusion: being a writer means to be accustomed to think and to make

others to wonder.


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